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recognition by most T cells from recognition by B iction. In most cases, both th maturati vation of ma the involver diversity o CD4\ and CD class I MHC Activat Engagement of TcR by Peptide: MHC Initiates interaction of th n antigenic Signal Transduction tide displayed though the sp
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response involves lymphoid cells, inflammatory cells, and hematopoietic cells. The complex inter- lls are mediated by a group of pro- les to denote their role in secreted by body in activity of cyto- Class I Cytokine Receptors receptors,signal ptors, the role of cytokine Properties of Cytokines
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ne system assume different roles in pro- the host. The effectors of the humoral molecules f cells Big CTL Attacks Little Tumor Cell Effector Responses General Properties of Effector Cells Cytotoxic T Cells Natural Killer Cells Antibody-Dependent- Cell-Mediated- Cytotoxicity Experimental Assessment of Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity
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effector molecules that act to remove antigen b ren various mechanisms described in previous chap es antigen without A Second Exposure to Poison Oak May Result in Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity Gell and Coombs Classification IgE-Mediated (Type I) Hypersensitivity Antibody-Mediated Cytotoxic(Type) Hypersensitivity aImmune Complex-Mediated (Type Ill) Hypersensitivity
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the early vaccination trials of Edward Jenner and oneering efforts, vac nce of diseases such ng cougl Vaccination with DN A Active and Passive Immunization Designing Vaccines for Active Immunization mWhole-Organism Vaccines Purified Macromolecules as Vaccines Recombinant-Vector Vaccines DNA Vaccines Multivalent Subunit Vaccines mmon usage. Experience has shown that not every vaccine
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realized that the immune system could go awry and, instead of reacting against foreign antigens, could focus its attack on self-antigens. He termed this con- dition\horror autotoxicus \We now understand that while mechanisms of self-tolerance normally protect an individual from potentially self-reactive lymphocytes, there are failures They result in an inappropriate response of the immune system against self-components termed autoimmunity In the 1960s, it was believed that all self-reactive lymphocytes
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has declined become the se led only by heart di person in three in the that one in five will die spective, cancer cells ca ch ing particular a Cancerous melanoma cells. nized by the ir d cers Cancer: Origin and Terminology The final section des
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一、气体 1理想气体状态方程 2混合气体分压定律 二、液体 1气体的液化 2液体的气化:蒸发、沸腾 3蒸气压计算
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附录1词汇表 al gori thm(算法):为完成一个特定任务而进行的一系列动作(例如,一些计算步骤) browser(浏览器):用来访问万维网的程序,超文本标识语言(HTM)使得浏览器可以在 不同的计算机平台上以相同的方式来显示一个网页。 characters and character states(特性及状态):在系统发生学中,特性指不同物种之 间的同源的特征。这些特征在某个个体上的具体表现称为状态。例如,对于“发色”,可以 有“金色”,“红色”,“黄色”等几种状态。在分子生物学中,状态可以是4种核苷酸 (A,T,C,G)之一,或20种氨基酸之一。也有一些作者将” character”定义为状态。 client(客户端):与远端计算机(服务器)交互的一台计算机或计算机上运行的软件
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一、免疫器官 1、中枢免疫器官(一级免疫器官): 提供免疫活性细胞
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