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首次解释环稳定性的差异是由 Baeyer1根据所有的环必須 是面的假定而提出的.他提出在不同大小的碳环中,正常四面 体的C一C鍵角(109°28)的变更,将引起不同程度的张力,这种 张力可用价鍵的偏倚度d来表示,4的定义如下:
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从结构上分析,糖类化合物是多羟基醛或多羟基酮及其 脱水缩合产物。 不能水解的多羟基醛或多羟基酮。 完全水解后产生10个以上单糖分子的糖类
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烷烃是指碳原子和碳原子之间以单键相连,其他共价键均与氢原子相连的化合物。 1.能用普通命名法和系统命名法命名烷烃 2.能写出戊烷和己烷的构造异构体的结构简式
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ou have already had considerable experience with carbanionic compounds and rgani their applications in synthetic organic chemistry. The first was acetylide ion in Chapter 9, followed in Chapter 14 by organometallic compounds-Grignard reagents, for example-that act as sources of negatively polarized carbon. In Chapter 18 you learned that enolate ions-reactive
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1. 定出下列每个烷烃的结构式: (1)新戊烷 (2)异丁烷 (3)异戊烷 (4)3,4,5-三甲基-4-丙基庚烷 (5)6-(3-甲基丁基)十一烷 (6)4-叔丁基庚烷 (7)2-甲基十七烷
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1. 解释下列各名词,举例说明: (1)旋光活性物质 (2)右旋体 (3)手性原子 (4)手性分子和非手性分子 (5)对映异构体 (6)非对映异构体
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the preceding chapter you learned that nucleophilic addition to the carbonyl group is one of the fundamental reaction types of organic chemistry. In addition to its own reactivity, a carbonyl group can affect the chemical properties of aldehydes and ketones in other ways. Aldehydes and ketones are in equilibrium with their enol isomers
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rganometallic compounds are compounds that have a carbon-metal bond; they lie at the place where organic and inorganic chemistry meet. You are already familiar with at least one organometallic compound, sodium acetylide (NaC=CH), which has an ionic bond between carbon and sodium. But just because a compound contains both a metal and carbon isn't enough to classify it as organometal-
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第一节醇的定义和分类 第二节醇的命名 第三节醇的结构特点 第四节醇的物理性质和光谱特征 第五节醇的反应 第六节醇的制备
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