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试验三 实验题目:在采用链式存储结构存储的二叉树上,以root指向根接点,p指向任一给定的接点,编程实现求出从根接点到给定接点之间的路径 试验要求: 1、采用二叉链表作存储结构。 2、创建二叉树,并实例化有若干结点的二叉树。 3、实现二叉树非递归后序遍历算法,并输出所需路径,算法要有较好的性能
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一、基本统计处理 1、查取最大值 MAX函数的命令格式有: [Y,]=max(x):将max(X)返回矩阵X的各列中的最大元 素值及其该元素的位置赋予行向量Y与;当X为向量时,则Y与I为 单变量
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第一章绪论 1.1什么是数据结构 1.2基本概念和术语 1.3抽象数据类型的表示与实现 1.4算法和算法分 1.4.1算法 1.4.2算法设计的要求 1.4.3算法效率的度量 1.4.4算法的存储空间的需求
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试验一 实验题目:用有序单链表表示集合,实现集合的交、并和差运算试验要求: 1、对集合中的元素,用带头结点单链表进行存储。 2、实现交、并、差运算时,不另外申请存储空间。 3、充分利用单链表的有序性,算法有较好的性能
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Definition A tree is a collection of nodes. The collection can be empty: otherwise, a tree consists of (1) a distinguished node r, called the root; (2)and zero or more nonempty(sub)trees T1,., Tk, each of whose roots are connected by a directed edge from r Note:
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第一节树的类型定义 A为“根” T1、T2和T3都是一棵树,称为A的子树。 称根和子树根之间的连线为“分支” 结点分支的个数定义为“结点的度”,如结点B 的度为2,D的度为3
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第一节栈 3.1.1栈的类型定义 栈(Stack)是限定只能在表的一端进行插入和删除操作的线性表。 在表中,允许插入和删除的一端称作“栈顶(top)”,不允许插入和删除的另一端称作\栈底(bottom)\
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Unit 2 More about Computer Text 1 Guess What It is Let's begin this unit with a riddle. Try to guess what it is? It is like a tv. but it is not It is a calculator but it is more than a calculator It is not so mysterious, but it is powerful and intelligent When you want to send or receive e-mail
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Unit 7 The Fundamentals of computer Software Text 1 Data Structure A data structure is a data type. Its values are composed of component elements that are related by some structure Since a data structure is a data type, it has a set of operations on its values. In addition, there
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Unit 9 Computer virus Text 1 Virus Introduction Viruses will cause much confusion. Even some virus\experts\will misinform the cause of the virus. Let's define what we mean by virus a virus is a program that reproduces its own code by attaching itself to other executable files
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