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Chaper 3 The Prokaryotes Section Bacteria Section 2 Actinomycetes Section 3 Cyanobacteria Section 4 Archaeobacteria Section 5 Other prokaryotes
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Chapter outline 5.1 General Properties of Viruses 5.2 General Features of Virus Reproduction 5.3 Overview of Bacterial Viruses 5.4 Temperate Bacteriophages: Lysogeny and Lambda 5.5 Overview of Animal Viruses 5.6 Pox Viruses 5.7 Adcnoviruses 5.8 Retroviruses 5.9 Viroids and Prions
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once oncu n a paiuicuia positon on DNA, a nucleosome remained fixed in place because of the tight association 30-nm 98A5 sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins nucleosome
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第一节 果树的形态学特征 第二节 果树的生长结果特性
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Fungi are heterotrophic eukaryotic microorganisms They are nonphotosynthetic and typically form reproductive spores Algae are phototrophic eukaryotes that contain photosynthetic pigments within a structure called the chloroplast
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2.1 Overview of the structure of microbial cells 2.2 Procaryotic cell wall 2.3 Cytoplasmic membrane 2.4 Cellular genetic information 2.5 Cytoplasmic matrix- Ribosome and Inclusions 2.6 Components external to the cell wall 2.7 Bacterial endospores
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第一节生态学研究的基本内容 一、生态学的含义及其发展 1、含义 生态学是一门研究生物与其生活环境相互关系的科学,是生物学的主要分支之一。如果把生物看成是一个生命系统,环境看成是一个环境系统,又可以说,生态学就是研究生命系统和环境系统之间相互作用的规律和机理的一门学科
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The Purple Bacteria, also called Proteobacteria is the largest and most physiological diverse of all bacteria Beta purple bacteria Chemolithotrophs Chemoorganotrophs Chemoorganotrophs Gamma purple Alpha purple bacteria
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Questions list for Bacteria I 1. Draw the phylogenetic tree of the major lineages of Bacteria based on 16S ribosomal RNA Sequence comparisons. 2. How many groups of purple bacteria you have learned?
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Questions list for Bacteria II 1 List three sulfate-and sulfur-reducing bacteria you have learned, respectively. Describe two homoacetogenic bacteria you have learned and what are their physiological properties?
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