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一、商法与效率价值 (一)法律价值的位阶性 (二)效率 传统经济学:成本与收益比例
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水环境容量:反映流域的自然属性(水文特性),又反映人类对环境 的需求(水质目标)
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上海交通大学:《食品安全风险评估》课程教学资源(PPT课件)食品安全的经济学 ECONQMICS OF FOOD SAFETY
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《卫生经济学》课程参考文献(WHO年度报告):World Health Report 2005_Make every mother and child count_Chapter7 reconciling maternal, newborn and child health with health system development
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《卫生经济学》课程参考文献(WHO年度报告):World Health Report 2005_Make every mother and child count_Chapter6 redesigning child care:survival, growth and development
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《卫生经济学》课程参考文献(WHO年度报告):World Health Report 2005_Make every mother and child count_Chapter5 newborns:no longer going unnoticed
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:465.87KB 文档页数:18
《卫生经济学》课程参考文献(WHO年度报告):World Health Report 2005_Make every mother and child count_Chapter4 attending to 136 million births, every year
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