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There are many structural configurations where we do not have to deal with the full 3-D case. First let's consider the models Let's then see under what conditions we can apply them A. Plane Stress
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We do not characterize materials by their E mnpq The Emnpa are useful in doing transformations, manipulations, etc. We characterize materials by their \ENGINEERING CONSTANTS\ (or, Elastic Constants)
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Let's first review a bit... from Unified, saw that there are basic considerations in elasticity: 1. Equilibrium 2. Strain-Displacement 3. Stress- Strain Relations (Constitutive Relations)
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Introduction to Manufacturing a Manufacturing is the physica/ realization of the previously designed parts Metrics to assess the\ performance\of mfg Quality does it meet specifications?
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Alternative views on gradient sensing Postma and van hastert. 'a diffusion-translocation model for gradient sensing by chemotactic cells Biophys.J.81,1314(2001) Levchenko and Iglesias. Models of eukaryotic gradient sensing: applications to chemotaxis of amoeba and neutrophils
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Review Turing-Gierer-Meinhardt models Local excitation, global inhibition 22r+hq
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L14: 14 Lectures past and 1 1 to go Part 'The cell as a well-stirred bioreactor topICs Lambda phage lysis-lysogeny switch Synthetic genetic switch Switches as memory storage Chemotaxis: perfect adaptation or not? Synthetic genetic oscillators
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Mathematical basis of stability analysis =f(x,y) system of two coupled differential equations y=g(x,y) step 1 find nullclines and fixed point(s)
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ntroducing… ecture Recitations TR1:00-2:30PM W4:00-5:00PM Alexander van Oudenaarden juan pedraza
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麻省理工大学:《生物工程》教学讲义(英文版)lec 25 notes
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