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2.2 Estimating Overall Forces -Vertical dead loads(5~10kN/m²) -Vertical live loads = equivalent dead loads(2~5kN/m²) - Horizontal wind load - Horizontal earthquake load 2.3 Aspect Ratios and Overturn Resistance Aspect ratio (h/d) is one of the main considerations in schematic level. It is very important for overall stability of a building against overturning. 2.4 Strength and Stiffness of Buildings Carrying capacity –enough strength (against loads) Rigidity of building – enough stiffness (against deformation) 2.5 Symmetry and Asymmetry in Building Forms Asymmetry building is caused by: - asymmetry of building elevation - asymmetry of supporting system - asymmetry of dead loads or live loads
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• Introduction • The newsboy model • Lot Size-Reorder Point System; • Service Level in (Q, R) System;
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•Types of Inventories •Motivation for Holding Inventories; •Characteristics of Inventory System; •Relevant Costs; •The EOQ Model; •EOQ Model with Finite Production Rate •Quantity Discount Models •Resource-constrained multiple product system •EOQ models for production planning •Power-of-two policies
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Contents Development of hematopoietic system Hematopoietic organs Hematopoietic blood cells Characteristic of cell counts and hemoglobin RBC and Hb level Hemoglobin -wc/Platelet/Blood volume Anemia
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上海交通大学:《生产计划与控制 Production Planning and Control》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)chap01 Production System and Operations Strategy 3. Organization of Production System 4. Operations Management &Operations Strategy
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上海交通大学:《生产计划与控制 Production Planning and Control》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)chap01 Production System and Operations Strategy 1. Basic Conception of Production & Operations Management 2. Production System and its Classification
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《国际政治经济学》文献资料(Political Economy of Money and Finance:Monetary System and Exchange Rate)Prolegomena to the Choice of an International Monetary System
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Textures in different layers of superconductors based on YBGO system are analyzed using the methods of pole figure and conventional Φ scans. It is shown that the Φ scanning technology has only 1-dimensional description and could omit some information of 3-dimensional orientation distribution, which will in-fluence the superconductor quality. The pole figure method, in contrast, demonstrates the orientation distribution 2-dimensionally and gives a comprehensive view of thin film texture, which is a much better method for texture analysis in superconducting films,in which there is commonly an unique high sharpness texture com-ponent
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A mathematical model of kinetics of carbide layer formed on the surface of steel in fused system was set up with the theory of non-stable diffusion mass transfer and regular solution sub-lattice. This model was analyzed and testified by the experiments in which the VC layers were formed on four kinds of steels as steel 45, 4Cr5Mo-SiV1, T10, and Crl2MoV immersed in the V2O5-Na2O-B2O5 fused system with the reducing agent of silicon. The results showed that there was a good agreement between the model and the experimental results; the growth speed of carbide layer depended on the factors of carbon activity in substrate, treatment temperature, kinds of carbides and its structure
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Being aimed to developing intermetallic base structural materials to be worked at above 1000℃, a systematic investigation has been performed of the fundamental crystallographic structure, phase constitution map, density-composition dependence, oxidation resistance and general mechanical behaviour for the ternary intermetallic alloys in the Nb-Ti-Al system. Promissing results have been obtained at the initial stage in the current program. The 1100℃ high temperature strength at the strain rate of 10-2/s and 10-5/s for the ternary compound NbTiAl3 (γ1) base alloys are generally much higher than that of the binary compound TiAl (γ), especially in the γ1 + α2 phase region, it is as high as twice as that of TiAl. The densities are 4.1-4.79g/cm3, depending on relative amount of the intermetallics involved and the density difference between the intermetallics. The oxidation resistance at th
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