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成都理工大学:《大学物理》课程教学资源(PPT课件)第十四章 机械振动(14.5)简谐运动的能量(1/2)
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13-3自感和互感 一、自感电动势自感 穿过闭合电流回路的磁通量
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1 Physics as Natural Philosophy Physics is one of the liberal arts, combining elements of reason, philosophy, mathematics, language, and rhetoric. The term natural philosophy reflects the creative and dynamic interplay that exists in physics among experiment, theory, logic, insight, inspiration, symmetry, beauty, and language
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机械波的形成 机械波:机械振动在弹性介质中的传播 产生条件: 1 波源; 2 弹性介质
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成都理工大学:《大学物理》课程教学资源(PPT课件)第十二章 磁场中的磁介质(12.3)铁磁质
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成都理工大学:《大学物理》课程教学资源(PPT课件)第十二章 磁场中的磁介质(12.1)磁介质、磁化强度
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10-4全电路欧姆定律 从点A出发,顺时针绕行一周各部分电势降落总和为零,即
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10—2欧姆定律的微分形式 一、电阻率
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I. Choose the Correct Answer . real engine has an efficiency of33%. The engine has work output of2 4J4 per cycle.how much heat energy is extracted from the high-temperature reservoir per cycle? (D) (A)8J
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