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本章着重介绍通过帐簿系统所分类记录的数据资料,经调整、结转以后,是如何再次确认变成会计信息,并通过财务报告这一载体提供给会计信息用户的。 第一节会计工作底稿 第二节会计报表的意义和种类 第三节损益表 第四节资产负债表
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:722KB 文档页数:23
Bond Characteristics reading the financial pages Bond Prices and Yields Bond prices and interest rates YTM vs. current yield Rate of Return Interest Rate Risk The Yield Curve Nominal and Real Rates of Interest Default Risk
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How Dividends are Paid How Do Companies Decide on Dividend Payments Why Dividend Policy Should Not Matter Why Dividends May Increase Firm Value Why Dividends May Reduce Firm Value
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一、證券分析之類型 1 技術分析 2 線型分析 二、基本分析 1 總體經濟情勢分析 2 產業分析 3 公司競爭策略與財務分析
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When there are no taxes and capital markets function well. it makes no difference whether the firm borrows or individual shareholders borrow. Therefore. the market value of a company does not depend on its capital structure
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Common Stock Preferred Stock Corporate Debt Convertible Securities Patterns of Corporate Financing
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Geothermal's Cost of Capital Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACc) Capital Structure Required Rates of Return Big Oil's WACC SInterpreting WACC Flotation Costs
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Investment Decision vs. Financing Decision Market Efficiency Weak form efficiency Semi- -strong form efficiency Strong form efficiency Lessons of Market Efficiency
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Topics Covered Net Present value ther Investment Criteria Project Interactions Capital Rationing IrwinMcGraw-Hill The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2001
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