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The Open Economy in the SR The Mundell-Fleming Model Model under floating ex-rate Model under fixed ex-rate Interest-rate- differentials Debate over floating v.s. fixed ex-rate Mundell-Fleming model with changing price level Model in large open economy
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Investment Business fixed investment Equipment and structures that businesses buy to use in production Residential investment New housing that people buy to live in and that landlords buy to rent out Inventory investment Goods that business put aside in storage, including materials and supplies, work in process, and finished goods
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Economics Studies human behavior Uncertainty ** It depends...*** on what?--- factors Why?--- intuitions How?--- logic Conclusions?
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The Data of macroeconomics * Measure of economic activity Gross Domestic Product(GDP) Total expenditure on domestically-produced final goods and services Total income earned by domestically located factors of production
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Topics 4 questions from before HW#1 Unemployment Natural rate of unemployment reasons for unemployment Frictional unemployment Wait unemployment Patterns of unemployment
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Goal Develop the Solow Growth Model How much of the economy's output should be consumed today and how much should be saved for the future? Static analysis(Ch. 3)> Dynamic
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The money market LM curve The theory of liquidity preference
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关于增长模型中人口增长的作用 在何老师的课上,她只是稍微提了一下人口在长期经济增长中的作用。课下,有同学问起了 这个问题,下面将基于曼昆的教材来分析一下这个问题。 假设经济中人口的增长率为n=2出
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第一节督促程序概说 第二节支付令的申请和受理 第三节人民法院对支付令申请的审查和处理 第四节债务人异议和督促程序的终结
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泉水中的某些特殊矿物盐类,微量元素或某些气体含量达到某一标准或具一定温度 时,使泉水具有特殊的用途时,称其为矿泉水。按矿泉水的用途:可分为三大类,即工业 矿水,医疗矿水和饮用矿泉水。近年,我国在许多地方发现了许多矿泉水,特别是饮用矿 泉水,在国、内外均有很好的销售市场。为了确保人民的身体健康和利益,为了使矿泉水 的勘探和开发有所遵循,必须研究和制定国家统一的评价标准
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