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将液体从固体中分开来的最简易方法是什么?过滤在此影片中 将学习如何有效的用重力过露及真空过滤来进行。 The easiest way to separate a liquid from a solid? Filtration! Learn how to effectively carry out gravity and vacuum filtrations in this video
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发现一些薄层分析法更复杂的技巧---剪玻璃TLC板,用火 焰造TLC染色剂点棍,使用TLC染色剂以使点显像。 Discover a few of the more complicatec skills related to thin layer chromatography cutting glass TLC plates, flame-pulling spotters, and using TLC stains to visualize spots
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1、 掌握高分子化合物的基本概念; 2、了解高分子的结构和性能的关系; 3、掌握合成高分子化合物的基本反应; 4、了解高分子化合物的应用。 第一节 基本概念 第二节 高分子的结构和性能的关系 第三节 高分子的合成 第四节 高分子的应用 第五节 塑料 第七节 橡胶
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1、了解 Woodward-Hoffmann-的分子轨道对称守恒原理的提出和基本内容。 2、了解前线轨道理论解释三类主要周环反应(电环化、环加成、σ-迁移)。 3、能判断电环化反应和环加成反应中的“允许”和“禁阻”及产物的构象。 周环反应简介 电环化反应 环加成反应 σ 移位反应 周环反应的理论
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Flash column chromatography is a quick and (usually) easy way to separate complex mixtures of compounds. We will be performing relatively large scale separations in 5.301,around 1.0 g of compound. Columns are often smaller in scale than this and some of you will experience these once you move into the research lab. Column chromatography uses the same principles
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Overview: As you may discover, growing single crystals takes patience as well as an artful hand Crystallizations can be very sensitive to temperature and minor disturbances. Therefore, you will be encouraged to try several different temperatures using otherwise identical conditions, and to always find a quiet undisturbed location to promote crystal growth. Here are some tried and true tips to get
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Working on a vacuum manifold: See LLP chapter 9.2 for an excellent discussion on working with air-sensitive reagents, including how to use a two-way manifold. De-gassing solvents: The best way to remove water and oxygen from a solvent is to distill it over an appropriate drying agent (such as sodium). This can sometimes be a lengthy (and dangerous)task. Since we
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1高分子化合物与低分子化合物有何区别? 答案: 高分子化合物与你分子化合物的最根本的区别在于两者的相对而言分子质量 的大小不同,通常低分子化合物的相对分子质量在1000以下,而高分子的相对 分子质量在5000以上,高分子化合物具有相对密度小,强度大,高弹性和可塑 性特殊性质
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Thin Layer Chromatography (TlC) is an extremely useful technique for monitorin reactions. It is also used to determine the proper solvent system for performing separations using column chromatography. tLC uses a stationary phase, usually alumina or silica, that is highly polar(standard) or non-polar(reverse phase). The mobile phase is a solvent whose polarity you will choose. In 5.301, and in most lab
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