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MATLAB是一种以数值计算和数据图示为主的计算机软件,并包含适应多 个学科的专业软件包,以及完善程序开发功能。本课程要求学生掌握 MATLAB的数据类型、矩阵输入和操作方法、语法结构、函数的使用以及二 维、三维绘图功能,并能够熟练地将 MATLAB应用于学习中,解决相关课程 中的复杂的数学计算问题。上机操作是本课程重要的教学环节,学生只有通过 上机实习,才能领会 MATLAB中众多功能,才能达到熟练应用的程度
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本书为交通土建高职高专统编教材,以原高职教材为基础,按《公路桥涵设计通用规范》(J1GD60一2004)等规范进行了修订。主要介绍了钢筋混凝土、预应力混凝土、圬工结构的设 计原理,包括如何合理选择构件截面尺寸及配筋,力学计算图式的拟定,构件承载力、稳定度、刚度和裂缝计算等。 本书可作为高职路桥、监理、检测、养护等专业教材,亦可供中职有关师生使用
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Text Virus Introduction Exercises 1. Multiple choices. (1) virus is(a). A. program B. computer. bad man D. beast
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Text 1 Data Structure Exercises 1. Multiple choices (1)The attributes of the stack are(A B C. queue D. built into their circuitry
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Text 1 Fundamentals of office Automation Exercises 1. Multiple choices.(多选题) (1)Office automation is( ABD A. the application of computer B. communications technology D. used to improve the productivity of people
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Unit 3 Text 1 1. Match each of the words or phrases with their Chinese meaning
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Unit 10 Program Design Text 1 Computer Languages Eⅹ excises 1. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences hat was represented by long strings zeroes A. machine language B. high-level language C. low-level language D. assembly language
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Unit 9 Computer virus Text 1 Virus Introduction Viruses will cause much confusion. Even some virus\experts\will misinform the cause of the virus. Let's define what we mean by virus a virus is a program that reproduces its own code by attaching itself to other executable files
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Unit 7 The Fundamentals of computer Software Text 1 Data Structure A data structure is a data type. Its values are composed of component elements that are related by some structure Since a data structure is a data type, it has a set of operations on its values. In addition, there
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Unit 5 Office Automation Text 1 Fundamentals of office Automation Office automation is the application of computer and communications technology to improve the productivity of office workers. In the mid-1970s, the term was used to describe the interactive
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