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《费曼物理学讲义》从普通物理水平出发,重物理分析深入浅出,避免运用高深烦琐 的数学方程,因此具有高中以上物理水平和初等微积分知识的读者阅读起来不会感到十分 困难至于大学物理系的师生和物理工作者更能从此书中获得教益
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1、建筑物要计算哪些量(10课时) 2、小工程手工计算(20课时) 3、小工程软件计算(10课时) 4、实战工程演练(自学20课时)
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1947年G.b Dantzig提出的单纯 形法提供了方便、有效的通用算法求 解线性规划
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一、General Considerations 定义 常见病原菌 流感杆菌
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泌尿系统 urinary system 泌尿系统包括肾脏( kidney) 输尿管( ureter)、膀胱( bladder) 及尿道( urethra)。肾脏不但是重 要的排泄器官,也是维持机体内环 科境稳定的重要调节器官和内分泌器
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introduction classification incidence mortality
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Neonatal Respiratory Distress Clinical Menifestation Neonatal pulmonary function The main causes Main types of the disease Case discussion and presentation Summary and conclusion
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Incidence Thyroid hormone deficiency may:or acquired Congenital: most cases are hypoplasia or aplasia of the thyroid gland
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小儿造血特点 Development of the hematopoietic system ·出生前造血(Hematopoiesis) -中胚叶(mesoblastic) 一肝造血(hepatic) 骨髓(bone marrow)
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Short stature Below the 3rd percentile or -2SD than that of his or her peers Short stature has many causes, the pathologic short stature should be suspected in children who have an abnormal growth velocity or who are significantly short for their family
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