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目录 第一章CDMA系统概论 第二章CDMA直放站工程技术参数 第三章CDMA直放站工程验收标准 第四章CDMA直放站常见故障分析
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:951KB 文档页数:97
第6章模拟光纤通信系统 6.1调制方式 6.2模拟基带直接光强调制光纤传输系统 6.3副载波复用光纤传输系统
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4.1基本概念 4.2 长度尺寸的测量 4.3 形位误差的测量 4.4 纳米测量技术
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8.1 政务电子公文流转安全协议 8.2 安全电子交易协议SET 8.3 安全套接层协议SSL 8.4 IP Sec 8.5 VPN技术
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74.1Introduction 74.2 Satellite Applications 74.3 Satellite Functions 74.4 Satellite Orbits and Pointing Angles 74.5 Communications Link 74.6 System Noise Temperature and G/T 74.7 Digital Links 74.8Interference 74.9 Some Particular Orbits 74.10 Access and Modulation Daniel F. DiFonzo
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Transmission Video Formats and Applications. Intensity Modulation.Noise Limitations. Linearity Requirements.Laser Linearity. Clipping. External Modulation.Miscellaneous Impairments Summary 71.2 Long Distance Fiber Optic Communications T.E. Darcie ATeT Bell Laboratories Coupler.Isolator. Connectors and Splices.Optical
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68.1Introduction 68.2 Early Analysis Programs Load Flow (Power Flow). Fault Analysis. Transient Stability. Fast Transients. Reliability. Economic Dispatch and Unit Commitment 68.3 The Second Generation of Programs Graphics Protection Other Uses for Load Flow Analysis
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:1.13MB 文档页数:19
吉林大学:《预防医学》课程电子教案(PPT课件)第十章 数值变量资料的统计分析(电子计算器统计功能的使用方法)
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:281.01KB 文档页数:10
67.1 Introduction 67.2 Power System Data Acquisition and Control 67.3 Automatic Generation Control Load Frequency Control. Economic Dispatch.Reserve K. Neil Stanton Monitoring. Interchange Transaction Scheduling Stanton Associates
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