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复旦大学:《微生物学与微生物学实验》课程教学大纲_2016-2017年微生物学实验教学大纲 Experiments in Microbiology
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绪论 一、植物界概述(图片及视频) 二、我国植物资源及其在四化建设中的作用 三、植物学发展简史及分科概述 四、学习植物形态解剖学的目的、方法
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第一节 平均数 第二节 标准差 第三节 变异系数
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遗传质量控制 微生物质量控制 营养质量控制 环境质量控制
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实验动物质量控制 ❖遗传质量控制 ❖微生物质量控制 ❖营养质量控制 ❖环境质量控制
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Chapter 10 Microbial Ecology 10.1 Microorganisms in nature ecosystem 10.2 Microbial population interactions 10.3 Biogeochemical cycles 10.4 Plant-microbe interactions 10.5 Bioremediation
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Effect of environmental factors on growth Water availability, pH, temperature, oxygen concentration, pressure, radiation, and a number of other environmental factors influence microbial growth. Yet many microorganisms, and particularly bacteria, have managed to adapt and flourish under environmental extremes that would destroy most organisms
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Overall Strategies Defense against complement Subversion of phagocytosis Subversion of immune responses
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Types of chemotaxins – C5a attracts neutrophils and monocytes – Made by bacteria Peptide clipped off N-terminus (beginning with N￾formylmethionine) during peptide maturation after protein synthesis
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Constitutive Defenses Barriers to entry – See Schaechter text, Table 6.1 Mucous membranes—covered by protective layer of mucus – Mechanical and chemical barrier that allows proper functioning
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