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7.1 I/O接口扩展概述 7.2 MCS-51与可编程并行I/O芯片8255A的接口 7.3 显示器键盘接口 7.2.2 工作方式选择控制字及C口置位/复位控制字 7.2.3 8255A的三种工作方式 7.2.4 MCS-51单片机和8255A的接口 7.3 用74LSTTL电路扩展并行I/O口 11.1 MCS-51与DAC的接口 11.2 MCS-51与ADC的接口 11.3.MCS-51与ADC0809的接口
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《自动化仪表与过程控制》课程学习资料(工业控制系统设计标准)爆炸环境用防爆用电气设备通用要求 GB 3836.1—83
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《自动化仪表与过程控制》课程学习资料(工业控制系统设计标准)自控设计常用名词术语 Common Terms and Definition for Measurement and Control System Design HG/T 20699-2000
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:344.5KB 文档页数:15
《自动化仪表与过程控制》课程学习资料(工业控制系统设计标准)电站阀门电动执行机构 DL/T 641—2005 代替 DL/T 641—1997
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浙江大学:预测控制(内模控制 Internal Model Control)
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上海交通大学:《自动化仪表与过程控制》课程学习资料——过程控制的基本概念 Process Control
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上海交通大学:《自动化仪表与过程控制》课程学习资料:高级过程控制 Advanced Topics Li Shaoyuan
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1. Automatic Control System 1.1 Introduction 1.2 An example 1.3 Types of control system 2. Mathematical Foundation 2.1 The transfer function concept 2.2 The block diagram. 2.3 Signal flow graphs 2.4 Construction of signal flow graphs 2.5 General input-output gain transfer 3. Time-Domain Analysis Of Control System 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Typical test signals for time response of control systems 3.3 First –Order Systems 3.4 Performance of a Second-Order System 3.5 Concept of Stability 4. The Root Locus Techniques 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Root Locus Concept 4.3 The Root Locus Construction Procedure for General System 4.4 The zero-angle (negative) root locus 5. Frequency-Domain Analysis of Control System 5.1 Frequency Response 5.2 Bode Diagrams 5.3 Bode Stability Criteria 5.4 The Nyquist Stability Criterion 6. Control system design 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Cascade Lead Compensation 6.3 Properties of the Cascade Lead Compensator 6.4 Parameter Design by the Root Locus Method
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本标准规定了传感器的产品名称和性能特性术语,作为传感器专业统一技术用语的依据。 本标准适用于传感器的生产、科学研究、教学以及其他有关技术领域
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