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20.1 () Carboxylic aci id anhydrides bear two acyl groups on oxygen, as in RCOCR. They are named as derivatives of carboxylic acids. Q CH:CH2CHCOH CH,CH,CHCOCCHCH_CH3 C6H C. C. 2-Phenylbutanoic acid 2-Phenylbutanoic anhydride (c) Butyl 2-phenylbutanoate is the butyl ester of 2-phenylbutanoic acid. CH,CH,CHCOCH,CH,CH2CH
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SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS 24.(b) A benzyl group(C., CH2) is ortho to the phenolic hydroxyl group in o-benzylphenol. OH CH2C.Hs (c)Naphthalene is numbered as shown. 3-Nitro-I-naphth has a hydroxyl group at C-1 and a nitro group
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The triacylglycerol shown in text Figure 26.2a, with an oleyl group at C-2 of the glycerol unit and two ste earyl groups at C-I and C-3, yields stearic and oleic acids in a 2 I molar ratio on hydrolysis. A constitutionally isomeric structure in which the oleyl group is attached to C-1 of glycerol would yield the same hydrolysis products
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PREFACE t is our hope that in writing this Study Guide and Solutions Manual we will make the study of or- ganic chemistry more meaningful and worthwhile. To be effective, a study guide should be more than just an answer book. What we present here was designed with that larger goal in mind
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蛋白质是一类含氮的高分子化合物,是一类生物高分子。是 生命的基础,是构成细胞的主要物质。 蛋白质是功能分子,既充当生物体的构架材料,又为生命 执行各种特殊使命
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第十章醇、酚、醚 10-1醇 一、醇的结构、分类与命名 二、醇的性质 三、醇的制备 10-2消除反应 一、β—消除反应 二、a—消除反应 10-3酚 一、命名 二、酚的性质
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CH - OOCR R为饱和烃——脂。C17:硬脂酸;C15:软脂酸 油脂cH- OOCR R为不饱和烃时—油 CH2-OOCR 鲸虫蜂 蜡 R-C-OR'(高级脂肪酸,高级醇
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CHAPTER 1 Structure and Properties of Organic Compounds 1 CHAPTER 2 Bonding and Molecular Structure 13 CHAPTER 3 Chemical Reactivity and Organic Reactions 31 CHAPTER 4 Alkanes 50 CHAPTER 5 Stereochemistry 69 CHAPTER 6 Alkenes 87 CHAPTER 7 Alkyl Halides 118 CHAPTER 8 Alkynes and Dienes 140 CHAPTER 9 Cyclic Hydrocarbons 162 CHAPTER 10 Benzene and Polynuclear Aromatic Compounds 189 CHAPTER 11 Aromatic Substitution;Arenes 205 CHAPTER 12 Spectroscopy and Structure 230 CHAPTER 13 Alcohols and Thiols 256 CHAPTER 14 Ethers, Epoxides, Glycols, and Thioethers 278 CHAPTER 15 Carbonyl Compounds:Aldehydes and Ketones 302 CHAPTER 16 Carboxylic Acids and their Derivatives 331 CHAPTER 17 Carbanion-Enolates and Enols 373 CHAPTER 18 Amines 400 CHAPTER 19 Phenolic Compounds 430 CHAPTER 20 Aromatic Heterocyclic Compounds 448
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1 Atomic Orbital Theory 1 2 Bonds Between Adjacent Atoms: Localized Bonding, Molecular Orbital Theory 25 3 Delocalized (Multicenter) Bonding 54 4 Symmetry Operations, Symmetry Elements, and Applications 83 5 Classes of Hydrocarbons 110 6 Functional Groups: Classes of Organic Compounds 139 7 Molecular Structure Isomers, Stereochemistry, and Conformational Analysis 221 8 Synthetic Polymers 291 9 Organometallic Chemistry 343 10 Separation Techniques and Physical Properties 387 11 Fossil Fuels and Their Chemical Utilization 419 12 Thermodynamics, Acids and Bases, and Kinetics 450 13 Reactive Intermediates (Ions, Radicals, Radical Ions, Electron-Deficient Species, Arynes) 505 14 Types of Organic Reaction Mechanisms 535 15 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 591 16 Vibrational and Rotational Spectroscopy: Infrared, Microwave, and Raman Spectra 657 17 Mass Spectrometry 703 18 Electronic Spectroscopy and Photochemistry 725
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环状化合物,环上除碳,还有杂原子(N、O、S等) 环具有芳香结构和一定的稳定性(闭合共轭体系) 根据以上定义,酸酐、环氧、内酯、内酰胺不属杂环化合物 核酸碱基:
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