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一、定义(Diffination 二、病因及发病机理、( Etiology &Pathogenesis) (一)药物和食物因素 (二)应激状态
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一、痫性发作(Epileptic Seizures)或 二、惊厥发作(Convulsive Seizures): 三、皮层神经元异常发电导致的皮层功能
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一、病因学 二、病理与发病机理 三、临床表现 四、诊断与鉴别诊断 五、并发症及后遗症 六、治疗
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一、了解胎儿循环及出生后的变化 二、熟悉先天性心脏病的病因和分类,诊断方法 三、掌握常见先心病的血液动力学、临床表现常见并发症、诊断和治疗原则
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Definition PEM is manifested primarily by inadequate dietary intakes of protein and energy. PEM is almost always accompanied by deficiencies of other nutrient. PEM can be divided as primary PEM and secondary PEM
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Diseases of the Blood in Children Anemias Nutritional anemias (Iron deficiency iron) Hereditary spherocytosis Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) deficiency Thalassemia Bleeding disorders(Hemorrhagic diseases) ITP Hemophilia
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Hematologic Disorders of Children 一、小儿血液系统疾病 Diseases of erythrocytic system: 二、红细胞系统疾病: Hematopoietic substances deficiency; 三、造血原料缺乏; Nutritional iron deficiency anemia 四、营养性缺铁性贫血 nutritional megaloblastic anemia
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1. Causes Hypoxia Perinatal asphyxia, apnea, respiratory failure, right to left shunt Ischemia Heart arrest, Heart failure, Shock
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Vitamin D roles Facilitate intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus Promote renal reabsorption of phosphorus Direct effect on bone deposition and reabsorption of calcium and phosphorus Maintain calcium and phosphorus homeostasis
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Definition PEM is a kind of malnutrition caused by inadequate dietary intake or some diseases, occurs commonly in children under 3 years of age. Kwashiorkor Marasmus
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