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We will now approach the function A(a) from an entirely different point of view, i.e.,we will interpret the S-fabric in terms of strain1. (1.) We assume that the initial fabric is defined by a random orientation of surface, i.e.,that the ODF of the surface is uniform;
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STRIKE - The direction of the line formed by the intersection of a horizontal plane with a bedding or fault plane. DIP - The angle formed by the intersection of a bedding or fault plane and the horizontal plane. The angle is measured in a vertical plane perpendicular to the strike
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This type of problem will be on the test! 1. Calculate the force at the base of a continental block that has a uniform thickness of 25km, length of1000km, width of500km, and density of2.70. What is the stress on the bottom of the block?
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Recognition of fault bend fold, detachment and decapitation has been possible despite the poor quality of the seismic. That was successful because of: A full integration of all disciplines including reservoir engineering petrophysics and geochemistry Vizualization in 3-D that made all members of the team speak the same language
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一、基本概念 1.均匀应变与非均匀应变;2.蠕变与松驰;3.压溶作用;4.晶质塑性;5.叠加褶皱;6.断层擦痕的倾伏与侧伏;7.深成侵入岩体形成的底辟作用与气球膨胀作用;8.岩石再造作用
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Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles The unifying theme in this section is the remarkable weakness of major faults. I will consider the diverse new evidence for weakness, and the evidence for high pore pressure localized in faults as a fundamental cause. With this background one can better understand why faults remain active even after large rotations with
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一、基本概念 1.均匀应变与非均匀应变;2.蠕变与松驰;3.压溶作用;4.晶质塑性;5.叠加褶皱;6.断 层擦痕的倾伏与侧伏;7.深成侵入岩体形成的底辟作用与气球膨胀作用;8.岩石再造作用
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一、解释下列名词概念(每小题6分,共30分) 1、正应力与应变椭球体; 2、脆性断裂与韧性剪切带; 3、递进变形与羽列; 4、逆断层与逆掩断层; 5、纵弯褶皱与横弯褶皱
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大地构造学是地质学的分支学科,研究地壳的大型和全球构 造的发生、发展的规律及地壳运动问题。前者如地遭和地台 板块构造,后著如地壳运动的力的来源、方式、空间分布、时 间
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实习区所处的大地构造位置,位于华北地台燕辽沉降带东段、古山海关隆起南缘的柳 江向斜盆地内。其出露的地层中生界以前属华北地台型,而中生界侏罗系属环太平洋火山 活动带。由于构造运动影响,使区内普遍缺失了中奥陶统至下石炭统、三叠系、白垩系及 第三系。其它时代地层发育较好,出露较全,化石较丰富,各地层单位划分标志清楚,地 层特征具有一定代表性
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