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第一节 动物生理学的研究对象和任务 第二节 机体与内环境 第三节 动物机体功能的调节 第四节 机体的控制系统
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1)掌握雄激素的生物学作用 (2)掌握月经周期,雌激素与孕激素的生理作用; (3)了解睾丸的功能及其调节 (4)了解卵巢功能,了解下丘脑-腺垂体-卵巢轴与妇科内分泌疾病的关系
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1人体生理学的任务是阐明人体 A细胞的生命现象B器官的功能活动C与环境的相互关系E正常的生命活动及其规律 2人体生命活动最基本的特征是 A物质代谢B新陈代谢C适应性D应激性E自控调节
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Section 1 Characteristics of Renal Structure and Function Section 2 Function of Glomerular Filtration Section 3 Reabsorption and Secretion Concept of Reabsorption and Secretion Section 4. Urine Concentration and Dilution
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第一部分 运动生物化学基础 运动与能量消耗 第二部分 运动生理学基础 运动量之生理负荷强度 第三部分 运动营养学 不同性质运动项目营养指导 不同人群运动选择与营养指导 运动处方(运动处方与营养处方结合)
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➢According to the structure: Striated Muscle, Smooth Muscle ➢According to the nerve innervation: Voluntary Muscle, Involuntary Muscle ➢According to the Function: Skeletal Muscle, Cardiac Contraction, Smooth Muscle
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I Signal Transmission Through the Neuromuscular Junction II Microstructure of Skeletal Muscle Begin cycle with myosin already bound to actin IV Factors that Affect the Efficiency of Muscle Contraction
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I Review Structure of the Cell Membrane II Transport Through the Cell Membrane Tetrodotoxin (TTX) selectively block the voltage-gated Na+ channel
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1. 掌握脑死亡的概念及意义 2. 了解病理生理学的研究对象及意义 3. 了解疾病研究的一般方法
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I. Membrane Resting Potential II Action Potential III Initiation of Action Potential Electrophysiological Method to Record Membrane Potential I Voltage Clamp IV Local Response V Excitation and Excitability of the Tissue
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