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曲面及其方程 一、曲面方程的概念 曲面的实例:水桶的表面、台灯的罩子面等. 曲面在空间解析几何中被看成是点的几何轨迹. 曲面方程的定义: 如果曲面S与三元方程F(x,y,)=0有下述关系: (1)曲面S上任一点的坐标都满足方程; (2)不在曲面S上的点的坐标都不满足方程;那么,方程F(x,y,)=0就叫做曲面S的方程,而曲面S就叫做方程的图形
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1 At a frequency of 796 Hz, compute Zo,u and for a line having the following parameters: F2230 u H/km,=0.0055 u F, r-6./km, g negligible. 2 At certain frequency, transmission line has Zo=5560°andy=0.005+j0.03np/km The line is 60 km long. A sinusoidal voltage of 100V at the specified frequency is applied to one end. Find:
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fe-合金基本相:铁素体(F)(固溶体)、奥氏体(A)(固溶体)、渗碳体(e3C)(金属化合物) 一、铁素体(F): 碳溶于a-Fe中的间隙固溶体,溶碳能力极差。 727℃可达0.0218%b:250~350MPa6:30~50%:7080% 2:100~170MPaa:160~200J/cm2bs:80~120
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l、角度闭合差的分配与调整 方法一: (1)计算方位角闭合差:f=a终计算一a丝已知 (2)满足精度要求,若观测角为左角,则将fa反符号平均分配到各观测角上;若观测角为右角,则将f。同符号平均分配到各观测角上
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定义1含有n个变量的二次齐次函数 2a2xx2+2a33+…+ 2a-12(1) 称为二次型。当a为复数时,f称为复二次型。 当a为实数时,f称为实二次型,本章仅讨论实 二次型
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在方程(2-6-1)里p,up,xy都是有量纲的参数,比如 [pl=kg/m2 让我们一如以下的无量纲量 p'=p/p u=wuo v=v/v t'=t/t o p=p/p f =f /fyoA' X=X y=y/C 其中pa,u∞2p∞,μaf以及都是参照值,比如可以 取自由流
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Any periodic waveform f(t)f(t) can be expressed by a Fourier series provided that (1) If it is discontinuous, there are only a finite number of discontinuous in the period T (2)It has a finite average value over the period T (3)It has a finite number of positive and negative maximums in the period T
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We have seen that the work done by a force F on a particle is given by dw =. dr. If the work done by F, when the particle moves from any position TI to any position T2, can be expressed as, W12=fdr=-(V(r2)-V(1)=V-v2, (1) then we say that the force is conservative. In the above expression, the scalar
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蒙特卡洛求积分的方差为 o2=}n 其中}为被积函数f的方差。 公式反映出增加随机点数n时蒙特卡洛计算的精度可以得 到改善,但是精度提高非常缓慢。因此用增加蒙特卡洛计算的随 机投点数来提高精度总是耗费大量的机时。 另一个减少计算结果误差的途径是减少f的方差v} 重要的减少方差v}的技巧
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