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一、博弈论(Game Theory) 博弈论研究决策主体的行为相互发生直接作用时的决策,以及这种决 策的均衡问题。也就是说,一个主体(一个人或一个企业)的选择受到其 他主体选择的影响,并且其选择反过来会影响到其他主体的选择,这类的 的决策问题和均衡问题就是博弈论研究的对象。在这个意义上说,博弈论 也称为“对策论
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Where are We in the Course? We are working on the 1st of the 3 components of microeconomics: Consumer behavior, production theory, and market. There are three elements of consumer behavior: budget constraint, preference, and choices
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Lecture 15: Stealth' particles Last time Nano- and micro-particle carriers Today Delivery of drugs to tissue from circulation stealth particles theory and function Reading S. Stolnik et al. 'Long circulating microparticulate drug carriers, Adv. Drug. Deliv. Rev 16,195(1995) Delivery of drugs to tissues via systemic circulation
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Lecture 9: Polyelectrolyte Hydrogels Last Day: Physical hydrogels Structure and chemistry Toda polyelectrolyte hydrogels, complexes, and coacervates rolyte multilayer theory of swelling in ionic hydrogels Reading S.K. De et aL., 'Equilibrium swelling and kinetics of pH-responsive hydrogels: Models experiments, and simulations
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Lecture 5: Controlled Release Devices Last time: Using enzyme substrate and cytokine peptides to engineer biological recognition of synthetic polymers Today: principles of controlled release devices based on degradable polymers Synthesis of controlled release devices Theory of polymer-based controlled release
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Lecture 2: Molecular Design and Synthesis of Biomaterials I: Biodegradable Solid Polymeric Materials(continued) hemistry and physical chemistry of degrading polymeric solids for biomaterials Today Theory of polymer erosion Enzymatic degradation of synthetic biomaterials Designing degradable materials Reading
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Content Lotteries and expected utility Risk aversion Metric Subjective probability theory
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Summary textbook Varian, Hal R, 1992, Microeconomics Analysis, 3rd ed Mas-Colella m Whinston and j, green 1995, microeconomics Theory assignments
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Content Pure exchange system The existence of Walrasian equilibrium The first theorem of welfare economics The second theorem of welfare economics Exchange with production
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Chapter 1 Introduction to the cell Learning Objectives 1. About Cell Biology 2. Look briefly at the history of cell theory; 3. Consider the basic properties of cells; 4. Compare some characteristics of two different classes of cells: prokaryotes and eukaryotes; 5.comprehend a special life: viruses
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