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● 遗传密码——三联子 ● tRNA的结构、功能与种类 ● 核糖体的结构与功能 ● 蛋白质合成的过程 ● 蛋白质的运转机制
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● 基本概念 ● 转录起始: RNA聚合酶、启动子 ● 转录的基本过程 ● 转录后加工 ● 原核生物与真核生物mRNA的特征比较 ● RNA合成与DNA合成异同点
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四、真核生物转录水平上的基因表达调控 五、真核基因转录后水平上的调控
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DNA是遗传物质 DNA为双螺旋 DNA的复制是半保留的 通过碱基配对进行核酸杂交 突变改变了DNA的序列 突变集中于热点 顺反子是单个DNA片断 多重等位基因的种类
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第一节 基因表达调控的基本概念 第二节 转录水平的调控-操纵子 第三节 转录后加工的调控 第四节 翻译水平的调控
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一、转录组测序简介 二、基因注释和注释库简介 三、转录组测序技术方法及数据分析 表达序列标签(EST) 基因表达系列分析(SAGE) 新一代高通量测序技术(RNA-seq)
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一、真核生物的基因组 二、真核生物基因表达调控的特点和种类 三、真核生物DNA水平上的基因表达调控
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Cloning vectors: 克隆载体 to clone a gene in a vector Expression vectors: 表达载体 to express a gene from a vector Integration vectors: 整合载体 to integrate a gene in a genome through a vector Cloning vectors 1 Plasmid vecters 2 Bacteriophage vectors 3 Cosmids & BACs 4 Eukaryotic vectors Cloning vectors: allowing the exogenous DNA to be inserted, stored, and manipulated mainly at DNA level. expression vectors: allowing the exogenous DNA to be inserted, stored, and expressed
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28.1 Introduction 28.2 Transforming viruses carry oncogenes 28.3 Early genes of DNA transforming viruses have multifunction oncogenes 28.4 Retroviruses activate or incorporate cellular genes 28.5 Retroviral oncogenes have cellular counterparts 28.6 Ras oncogenes can be detected in a transfection assay 28.7 Ras proto-oncogenes can be activated by mutation at specific positions 28.8 Nondefective retroviruses activate proto-oncogenes 28.9 Proto-oncogenes can be activated by translocation 28.10 The Philadelphia translocation generates a new oncogene 28.11 Oncogenes code for components of signal transduction cascades 28.12 Growth factor receptor kinases can be mutated to oncogenes 28.13 Src is the prototype for the proto-oncogenic cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases 28.14 Oncoproteins may regulate gene expression 28.15 RB is a tumor suppressor that controls the cell cycle 28.16 Tumor suppressor p53 suppresses growth or triggers apoptosis
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1、遗传物质的本质 2、DNA的一级结构 3、DNA的二级结构 4、DNA物理结构的不均一性 5、DNA的变性、复性和杂交 6、DNA二级结构的多样性 7、DNA超螺旋和拓扑异构现象
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