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1.1 安全趋势 1.2 OSI安全框架 1.3 安全攻击 1.4 安全服务 1.5 安全机制 1.6 网络安全模型
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水利水电工程施工技术是一门理论与实践紧密结合的专业课。它是在总结国内外水利水电工程建设 经验的基础上,从施工技术、施工机械等方面,研究水利水电建设基本规律的一门学科
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With a population of 12.5 billion and relatively low economic, scientific and technical Industries did not adhere to a standard of environmental performance and environmental agencies lacked sufficient funds and authority to enforce environmental regulations Cities are the engines of economic growth. Unfortunately, cities in China are facing serious
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一、推进文化改革发展,提高中国文化软实力的重要性和紧迫性 二、坚守社会主义核心价值体系和核心价值观是我国文化建设的根本 三、深化文化体制改革,大力发展文化事业和文化产业
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 8.1 素数  8.2 单向函数  8.3 费马定理和欧拉定理  8.4 素性测试  8.5 计算乘法逆元素  8.6 求解ax mod n =b的问题  8.7 中国余数定理  8.8 离散对数问题  8.9 二次剩余问题  8.10 不经意传输
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一、加快推进以改善民生为重点的社会建设的重要性 二、统筹协调社会利益关系是社会建设的关键 三、推进社会管理创新是社会建设的重要任务
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• Ⅰ. Nida’s analysis of the process of translation • (1) analysis of the source text • (2) transfer from the source to the target language • (3) restructuring in the target language • (4) testing of the translated text with persons who represent the intended(future) audience
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 1.1 OSI安全框架  1.2 安全攻击  1.3 安全服务  1.4 安全机制  1.5 网络安全模型
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History of Agricultural Development Food Gathering Domestication of Crops Organic Farming Transgenic Farming since Green Revolution) High inputs of energy subsidies including fertilizers, pesticides, fossil fuels, mechanization, irrigation advanced technology High outputs at the expense of environmental integrity Contamination of ground water surface water by agrochemicals sediments Hazards to human and animal health(e.g. residual effect of methamidophos in vegetables, Agent orange in Vietnam, cross-Atlantic DDT contamination Loss of genetic diversity in plants and animals
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 4.1群, 环和域  4.2 模算术  4.3 欧几里得算法  4.4 有限域GF(p)  4.5 多项式运算  4.6 有限域GF(2n)
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