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延安大学:《翻译理论与实践》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿,英译汉)Translation:Theory and Practice 第二章 The Process of Translation

• Ⅰ. Nida’s analysis of the process of translation • (1) analysis of the source text • (2) transfer from the source to the target language • (3) restructuring in the target language • (4) testing of the translated text with persons who represent the intended(future) audience.

2 Chapter 2 The Process of Translation I. Nida's analysis of the process of translation (1 analysis of the source text (2 transfer from the source to the target language (3 restructuring in the target language (testing of the translated text with persons who represent the intended(future audience

Chapter 2 The Process of Translation • Ⅰ. Nida’s analysis of the process of translation • (1) analysis of the source text • (2) transfer from the source to the target language • (3) restructuring in the target language • (4) testing of the translated text with persons who represent the intended(future) audience

I. George Steiner's analysis of the process of translation (1)Trust (2) Aggression (iNcorporation (4)Restitution

• Ⅱ. George Steiner’s analysis of the process of translation • (1)Trust • (2) Aggression • (3) Incorporation • (4) Restitution

As the initiating stage of hermeneutics translation motion theory to trust is to believe there is“ something there”tobe translated. According te Steiner understanding and the demonstrative statement of understanding which is translation start with an act of trust (Ibid, 312). Translator will choose the source text and believe it is of significance on which he has chosen due to his preference or certain purpose. In other words, trust means choice that a translator makes for a text

• As the initiating stage of hermeneutics translation motion theory, to trust is to believe there is “something there” to be translated. According to Steiner, all understanding and the demonstrative statement of understanding which is translation, start with an act of trust (Ibid, 312). Translator will choose the source text and believe it is of significance on which he has chosen due to his preference or certain purpose. In other words, trust means choice that a translator makes for a text

Aggression, coming after trust, is the second move of hermeneutic translation motion theory. in the translation activities, understanding, recognition, interpretation are a compacted, unavoidable mode of attack due to the different cultural background, aesthetic value and cognition between the author and translator

• Aggression, coming after trust, is the second move of hermeneutic translation motion theory. In the translation activities, understanding, recognition, interpretation are a compacted, unavoidable mode of attack due to the different cultural background, aesthetic value and cognition between the author and translator. •

The third motion is incorporation in this step, translator transfers the meaning and form of the original text into the target language which brings vitality into the target language. Therefore, translator will adopt various degrees of assimilation(同化) and domestication so as to accurately and objectively transfer the connotation of the original work

• The third motion is incorporation. In this step, translator transfers the meaning and form of the original text into the target language which brings vitality into the target language. Therefore, translator will adopt various degrees of assimilation(同化) and domestication so as to accurately and objectively transfer the connotation of the original work

谋事在人,成事在天 Man proposes, Heaven disposes. Man proposes, God disposes

• 谋事在人,成事在天 • Man proposes, Heaven disposes. • Man proposes, God disposes

Compensation is the last step in Steiner's hermeneutic motion which is essential to the translation process. The hermeneutic motion is dangerously incomplete. In the first step translator inclines to the confronting text which is off balance

• Compensation is the last step in Steiner’s hermeneutic motion which is essential to the translation process. The hermeneutic motion is dangerously incomplete. In the first step, translator inclines to the confronting text which is off balance

Then he invades the text to comprehend the implied meaning of the text, and in the process of incorporation, translator brings new vitality and elements again off balance between the original work and translated one. Therefore, it is necessary to compensate so as to make up for the loss and imbalance caused by the former motions and achieve a satisfying translation

• Then he invades the text to comprehend the implied meaning of the text, and in the process of incorporation, translator brings new vitality and elements again off balance between the original work and translated one. Therefore, it is necessary to compensate so as to make up for the loss and imbalance caused by the former motions and achieve a satisfying translation

Hl. The process of translation (Domestic scholars' analysis) 1. comprehension Comprehension is the first step in the whole process of translation, and it is the basis of translation to deal with the problems of comprehension, one translator should analyze the features of the source language or text

• Ⅲ. The process of translation (Domestic scholars’ analysis) • 1.comprehension • Comprehension is the first step in the whole process of translation, and it is the basis of translation. To deal with the problems of comprehension, one translator should analyze the features of the source language or text

Generally speaking four aspects namely, grammatical analysis language analysis, contextual analysis and logical analysis must be taken into consideration in a thorough text analysis

• Generally speaking, four aspects, namely, • grammatical analysis, • language analysis, • contextual analysis and • logical analysis, • must be taken into consideration in a thorough text analysis: •



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