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Instructor( professor ): Li Yan Introductory Remarks about the course I. Themain objectives ofthecourse This course is to teach students basic theories, specific principles andconcrete techniques and skills, and to train students mainly to the ability of putting Chinese into Englishthrough practice. Emphasis will be on practice. So students should learn basic theories, specific principles andconcrete techniques and skills. Il. Required tey Cheng Hongwei, Li Yadan A New Course book on Chinese-English Translation. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 201 . Zhuhui, A Course book in Chinese-EnglishTranslation Chongqin: Chongqin University Press, 2004 3. Cheng Zhaowei etal. A Concise Course book On Translation. NationalDefense Industry Press, 2006 4.LuRuichang, etal. Textbook for Translating Chinese into English. Xi'an: Shaan xi People's press, 200 Ill. Requirements Students are expected to attend all classsessions .lf you are absent, a note(a writtenexplanation)must be presented to explain the reason for the absence. When youmiss classes, remember it is your responsibility to find out what you missed. .lf you are absent three times, please come tosee me immediately .Assignments are due on the day announced inclass. All assignments must be submitted ON TIME. Late assignmentswill notbe accepted. So prepare your assignments in advance. All class assignments will be written on the paperarranged by our department. IV Grading You will be evaluated on your attendance, participation in class, class assignments, and translation ability endance, participation, class assignments, translation.30% Mid-term exam 20% Final Exam . 50% The passing grade for this course is 70. That means those whoscore below 70 fail. Grades are not negotiable under any circumstances Good English ability is an advantage in this course, but fulfillingthe requirements is the only way to achieve a high final grade. you have problems with amy aspect of this course, please do nothesitate to see me as soon as possible V. Tentativesvllabus Chapter 1 Anintroduction to Chinese-English Translation Chapter 2Culture, Language and Translation (I)A Contrastive Study of Differences in Thought Patterns Between English andChinese 2)A Contrastive Study between English and Chinese Chapter 4 AContrastive Study between English and Chinese Chapter lExical Translation Chapter 6 Chinglish(or False Friend)in Chinese-English Translation Chapter pAragraph Translation Chapter liTerary Translation 延安大学外国语学院教师教案(首页 主讲教师 教授 课程性质 汉译英课程是英语教育专业学生的一门专业技能必修课,开设在 第四学期,为学位课程

Instructor ( professor): Li Yan Introductory Remarks about the Course Ⅰ. Themain objectives ofthecourse This course is to teach students basic theories, specific principles andconcrete techniques and skills,and to train students mainly to the ability of putting Chinese into Englishthrough practice. Emphasis will be on practice. So students should learn basic theories, specific principles andconcrete techniques and skills. Ⅱ.Required textbooks and reference books: 1. Cheng Hongwei, Li Yadan A New Coursebook on Chinese - English Translation. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2011 2.Zhuhui, A Course book in Chinese - EnglishTranslation. Chongqin: Chongqin University Press, 2004 3.Cheng Zhaowei etal. A Concise Course book On Translation. NationalDefense Industry Press,2006 4.LuRuichang, etal. Textbook for Translating Chinese into English. Xi’an :Shaan’xi People’s press, 2001. Ш.Requirements ·Students are expected to attend all classsessions. ·If you are absent, a note (a writtenexplanation) must be presented to explain the reason for the absence. When youmiss classes, remember it is your responsibility to find out what you missed. ·If you are absent three times, please come tosee me immediately. ·Assignments are due on the day announced inclass. All assignments must be submitted ON TIME. Late assignmentswill notbe accepted. So prepare your assignments in advance. ·All class assignments will be written on the paperarranged by our department. IV. Grading You will be evaluated on your attendance, participation in class,class assignments, and translation ability. Attendance,participation, class assignments, translation …30% Mid-term exam 20% Final Exam…50% The passing grade for this course is 70. That means those whoscore below 70 fail. Grades are not negotiable under any circumstances! Good English ability is an advantage in this course, but fulfillingthe requirements is the only way to achieve a high final grade. If you have problems with any aspect of this course, please do nothesitate to see me as soon as possible. V.Tentativesyllabus: Chapter 1 AnIntroduction to Chinese-English Translation Chapter 2Culture, Language and Translation Chapter 3 (1) A Contrastive Study of Differences in Thought Patterns Between English andChinese (2) A Contrastive Study between English and Chinese Chapter 4 AContrastive Study between English and Chinese Chapter 5Lexical Translation Chapter 6 Chinglish(or False Friend) in Chinese-English Translation Chapter 7 Waysto Translate Idioms Chapter 8Sentence Translation Chapter 9Paragraph Translation Chapter 10Non-Literary Translation Chapter 11Literary Translation 延安大学外国语学院教师教案(首页) 主讲教师 李艳 职称 教授 课程性质 汉译英课程是英语教育专业学生的一门专业技能必修课,开设在 第四学期,为学位课程

使学生掌握翻译在中国、翻译的性质和类型、翻译的单位、汉英 教学目的翻译的标准、以及汉英翻译对译者素养的要求 授课内容 第一章绪论 教学重点 翻译在中国、翻译的性质和类型、汉英翻译的标准 教学难点 汉英翻译的标准 课时分配 四学时 教学方法 讲练结合,师生互动 教学手段 常规教学 思考题目 课本P19练习 作业与辅导(内 容、时间) 课本P19练习 ①《汉英翻译教程》陈宏嶶等,上海外语教育出版社,201. ②《简明翻译教程》陈昭伟,国防工业出版社,2006 ③《汉英翻译教程》朱徽,重庆大学出版社,2004 参考文献 ④《汉英翻译教程》吕瑞昌等,陕西人民出版社,2001 Chapter 1 An Introduction to Chinese-English Translation Translation in China Threepeaks of translation in history 1. The Translation of Buddhist[ nudist】佛教的 Classics: TheFirst Peak Buddhism b originated in India and began to penetrate to China toward themiddle of the first century, leaving a permanent influence on China's religion, philosophy and social life Several important figures are worth mentioninghere 1.1.1 Zhi Qian(支谦)( Zhi Qian made great contribution to translation theory)(佛经翻译的第一阶段、草创时期) It is generally acknowledged that Zhi Qian in the Three Kingdomsperiods wrote the first essay on translation norm thirty years(222-254)he translated about thirty volumes Buddhist scriptures圣经 in a literal manner. In the essay" ' Preface to Fa Ju Ji嘿”(《法句经》序), he put forward his norms thatthe translator of Buddhist classics should“ "follow the original intention ofthe author without any embroidery(粉飾)”(因循本旨,不加文饰). And it might be in his period of time that there appeared adiscussion on literal translation and 1.1.2 Dao an(道安)(佛经翻译的第二阶段、发展时期 In the fifth century(the Easter Jin Dynasty), the earliest statetranslation school yichang(if)was founded and the translation of Buddhist classics was carriedout on a large scale.Dao An(314-385)was appointed its director E s, who advocatedstrict literal translation and made translation a profession. He suggested thata translator should"translate according to the original without any additionand deduction”(案本而传,不令有损言游字). Around374, Dao An compiled A Comprehensive Catalogue of the Sutras[su: tra]经典(《综理众经目 k)). bibliography of all translations done before, the first of its kind in thehistory of Chinese Buddhism 113 Kumarajiva(鸠摩罗什) dia by birth, the famous monk Kumarajiva(350-409) was invited to Chang' an in 401, a center bustling( t f x t with Buddhist activities. His task was toretranslate the most influential scriptures and produce definitive editionswith authoritative interpretations. It is he who firstly suggested thattranslators should sign their names in translated works. Kumarajiva's translations, generally speaking, were more faithful to the original due to his years ofassiduous [a'sidjuasI勤勉的刻苦的 effort and study Zang(玄奘)(佛经翻译的第三阶段、全盛时期) Journey to the We《西游记》; A Dream of the Red Mansions《红楼梦》; Three kingdoms《三国演义》; Outlaws of the Marsh《水浒》; Outlay犯法后躲臧起来的人,Mars沼 泽、湿地) In the Tang Dynasty, Xuan Zang(600-664), the most eminent figure ofthe first peak in translation history, arrived in India after countless trialsand brought back to the capital Chang an 657 collections of sutras[surtr b3%.&5in the original Inthe 19 years preceding his death, he translated 75 collections( 1, 335volumes)of them, which is more than half the total translations of Buddihist scripturesdone in the dynasty. Xuan Zang tried mamy translation methods and developed hisepoch-makingl'ipak'meikinlalB Reacriteria that translation"must be faithful and intelligible易理解的 to the populace ['popjulas平民,大眾”(既须求真,又须喻俗 1.2 Thetranslation of books on science and technology: The second peak(科技翻译:中国的士大夫和传教士联手将欧洲的宗教、晢学、科技和文学等“西学”介绍到中国 The second peak, lasting for a span of 200 years, began in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties around the 1]th century. With thearrival of Jesuit ['dzezjuit I ries from Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium and Poland, China came into contact [kontakt] with the Western world gradually. Many missionaries had their worksor

教学目的 使学生掌握翻译在中国、翻译的性质和类型、翻译的单位、汉英 翻译的标准、以及汉英翻译对译者素养的要求。 授课内容 第一章绪论 教学重点 翻译在中国、翻译的性质和类型、汉英翻译的标准 教学难点 汉英翻译的标准 课时分配 四学时 教学方法 讲练结合,师生互动。 教学手段 常规教学。 思考题目 课本P.19 练习一 作业与辅导(内 容、时间) 课本P.19 练习一 参考文献 ①《汉英翻译教程》陈宏薇等,上海外语教育出版社,2011. ②《简明翻译教程》陈昭伟,国防工业出版社,2006 ③《汉英翻译教程》朱徽,重庆大学出版社,2004. ④《汉英翻译教程》吕瑞昌等, 陕西人民出版社,2001. Chapter 1 An Introduction toChinese-English Translation Ⅰ. Translation in China 1. Threepeaks of translation in history 1.1 TheTranslation of Buddhist ['budist ]佛教的Classics: TheFirst Peak Buddhism 佛教originated in India and began to penetrate to China toward themiddle of the first century, leaving a permanent influence on China’s religion,philosophy and social life. Several important figures are worth mentioninghere: 1.1.1 Zhi Qian (支谦) (Zhi Qian made great contribution to translation theory)(佛经翻译的第一阶段、草创时期) It is generally acknowledged that Zhi Qian in the Three Kingdomsperiods wrote the first essay on translation norms. In over thirty years(222-254) he translated about thirty volumes of Buddhist scriptures 圣经in a literal manner.In the essay “Preface to Fa Ju Jing” (《法句经》序),he put forward his norms thatthe translator of Buddhist classics should “follow the original intention ofthe author without any embroidery(粉飾)”(因循本旨,不加文饰). And it might be in his period of time that there appeared adiscussion on literal translation and free translation, a core issue in thedevelopment of translation theory. 1.1.2 Dao An (道安)(佛经翻译的第二阶段、发展时期) In the fifth century (the Easter Jin Dynasty), the earliest statetranslation school yichang (译场) was founded and the translation of Buddhist classics was carriedout on a large scale. Dao An (314-385) was appointed its director主管, who advocatedstrict literal translation and made translation a profession. He suggested thata translator should “translate according to the original without any additionand deduction” (案本而传,不令有损言游字). Around 374, Dao An compiled A Comprehensive Catalogue of theSutras['su:trə]经典(《综理众经目 录》 ), abibliography of all translations done before, the first of its kind in thehistory of Chinese Buddhism. 1.1.3Kumarajiva (鸠摩罗什) India by birth, the famous monk Kumarajiva (350-409) was invited toChang’an in 401, a center bustling(热闹繁忙)with Buddhist activities. His task was toretranslate the most influential scriptures and produce definitive editionswith authoritative interpretations. It is he who firstly suggested thattranslators should sign their names in translated works. Kumarajiva’s translations,generally speaking, were more faithful to the original due to his years ofassiduous [ə'sidjuəs]勤勉的,刻苦的effort and study. 1.1.4 XuanZang (玄奘)(佛经翻译的第三阶段、全盛时期) (Journey to the West《西游记》; A Dream of the Red Mansions《红楼梦》;Three Kingdoms《三国演义》;Outlaws of the Marsh《水浒》; Outlaw犯法后躲藏起来的人,Marsh沼 泽、湿地) In the Tang Dynasty, Xuan Zang (600-664), the most eminent figure ofthe first peak in translation history, arrived in India after countless trialsand brought back to the capital Chang’an 657 collections of sutras['su:trə]佛经,经典in the original. Inthe 19 years preceding his death, he translated 75 collections (1,335volumes)of them, which is more than half the total translations of Buddihist scripturesdone in the dynasty. Xuan Zang tried many translation methods and developed hisepoch-making['i:pɔk'meikiŋ]划时代的criteria that translation “must be faithful and intelligible易理解的to the populace [ 'pɔpjuləs ]平民,大眾 ” (既须求真,又须喻俗). 1.2 Thetranslation of books on science and technology: The second peak(科技翻译:中国的士大夫和传教士联手将欧洲的宗教、哲学、科技和文学等“西学”介绍到中国 来。) The second peak, lasting for a span of 200 years, began in the lateMing and early Qing Dynasties around the 17th century. With thearrival of Jesuit [ 'dʒezjuit ] missionaries from Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Switzerland,Germany, Belgium and Poland, China came into contact ['kɔntækt] with the Western world gradually. Many missionaries had their worksor

translations published in China, and many concerned science and technologyranging from astronomy[a'stronamilx4, mathematics, physics and metallurgy me'taelad3i ]4to anatomy[ e'naetami]剖析,解剖學骨骸, biology生物学 and cartography ka: grafil地图制作制图法制图 Two important figures are worth mentioning here 12.1 XuGuangqi徐光启 xu guang qi Xu Guangqi( 1562-1633), a distinguished scientist and a seniorofficial of the late Ming Dynasty, played a remarkable role in introducing Westernscience into China when it was labeled as an unorthodox term by mosttraditional scholars. During his charge of the Hanlin Academy Ma #K P)in Beijing, the topacademie institution in China, Xu cooperated with the Italian Jesuit ['dzezjuit耶稣会信徒 Matteo ricci(利玛窦) in translating the I3 volumes of Euclid' s ju: kid Elements of Geometryldsi'omitri(《几何原本》), though only6 volumes( the partof plane geometry)were actually translated. Many of the terms in thetranslation are still in use today, such as point, line, straight line, curve H*, parallel lines, angle, right angle, acute anglet 角, obtuse ab'tjur angle钝角, triangle, quadrilateral[ kwodrr'laetar四边形,ct 122 ZhIzao(李之藻zdo) Living in thesame period as Xu Guangqi, Li Zhizao( 1569-1630)was also an eminent scientists well as famous translator. Under the guidance of Matteo Ricci, Li acquiredplenty of Western knowledge and later became a Catholic[katolik天主教徒In613 Li Zhizao and Matteo Riccitranslated Tong Wen Suan Zhi((《同文算指》), whichillustrated how to perform written arithmetic operations书面算术运算, for example, addition, subtraction., multiplication, division, extraction of a root,ctk 13 The Translation of western classics: The third peak(鸦片战争后至“五四”前的西方政治思想和文学翻译) The Opium[aupjam) War(1840-1842) and the singing of the first unequal Treaty ofNanjing ushered A 1314, RE in the third peak oftranslation activity in China's history, lasting from the mid 19 century to the eve Ht y of the may 4th Movement, with emphasis on Western worksof social sciences, military sciences and literature. Some representativefigures include (林则徐) Respectfully regarded as a national hero against British opium tradeand"the first Chinese who opened his eyes to look at the outside world", LinZexu(1785-1850) a government official, was also an eminent organizer oftranslation activity during this period. He established a translation centre in Guangzhou to render some foreign works on history and geography into Chinese aswell as gather information from the Western press. 13.2 LiShanlan(李善兰 133 Lin Shu(林纡shu)(陈宏薇P8 Lin Shu(1852-1924), a traditional Chinese scholor, has been regarded as the pioneer of literary translation in China due to hislarge quantity of translations of Western novels. Interestingly, Lin Shu neverdid hid job independently, instead, he translated with the assistance ofinterpreters because he himself did not know amy foreign languages. He penned elegantclassical Chinese versions of a wide range of foreign works such as Uncle Tom s Cabin(《黑奴吁录》《汤姆叔叔的小屋》); David Copperfield(《块肉余生述》《大卫.科波菲尔》) Oliver Twist (《贼史》《雾都孤儿》) 13.4 Yan Fu(严复) iving in the late Qing society constantly threatened by colonialexpansion and profoundly shocked by the humiliating Treaty of Shimonoseki ((x*8))of April 1895 withJapan, Yan Fu(1853-1921), became an active reformist and devoted to weavingviaI'vaia, 'vi: s dhis translation Western studies in the broad space of the Chinese language. The 1898 translation of Thomas Henry Huxley' s Evolution and Ethics(《天演论》)est his reputationthroughout the country, in which he rendered"natur and survival ofthe fittest"into物竟 天择,适者生存, a widely quoted saying coming down to this day. n the preface tothe translated Evolution and Ethics. Yan Fu set down the triple三个一组 translationcriteria, namely faithfulness( fB), expressiveness(i&)and elegance(i)", withwhich he opened a new chapter in the translation history of China. Yan Fu: Evolution and Ethics and other essays by T.H. Huxley(《天演论》) An Inquiry Into the Nature and Cause ofthe Wealth of Nations by A. Smithi(《原富》) 2.tRanslation in Contemporary China Translation activity has taken on a new look ever since the May 4thMovement, the starting point of the new democratic revolution in China. For thesake of a concise discussion, we may divide the contemporary era into twoperiods 2.2.tRanslation in China between 1919-1949 Literary Translation was equally noteworthy during this period, which made a significant contribution to the introduction of foreign literatureand the development of Chinese literature. Classical Chinese in translation wasgradually replaced by a more simplified and easily- understood vernacular [va'naekjul]本地话,方言 Chinese baihua(白话), Hence a linguist progress In terms of the quality and quantity of literary translation, both improvedgreatly due to the unremitting efforts of many eminent translators including LuXun, Qu Qiubai, Maodun and Lin Yutang, who not only devoted to translationpractice but also advanced their own theory about such heated topics astranslation criteria, literal or free translation, ete. 2.2.2Translation in Present-day China Translation in China has stepped into a new era since the foundingof the People's Republic of China in 1949. National and regional organizationsfor translators were established and a large quantity of scientific andtechnical works was translated into Chinese to meet the demands of nationalsocial and economic construction. Meanwhile, the quality and quantity oftranslations from Chinese into foreign languages acquired encouragingachievements With the conclusion of the so-called"Great Cultural Revolution"and China's adoption of the policy of reform and opening-up, there were renewed ewf efforts in the fieldof translation studies and practice. Never before has so much been translatedby and for so many, be it of a literary, cultural, scientific, economic ortechnological nature. In the last few decades, a number of scholars in China introducedvarious translation principles in view of new discoveries in such branches assemiotics, social-linguistics, intercultural communication, etc. Accordingly, translation theories have witnessed dramatic changes in may areas like notionsof equivalence, faithfulness ts, cultural interaction and conflicts Looking back on the history of translation in China, we find that, on one hand, the long history of translation is worth taking pride in; on theother hand, it is hard to find a systematic translation theory to guidetranslation practice although there do exist some prescriptive explanations onhow to translate. By comparing the situation with Western studies in thisfield, we have to admit that China still has a long way to go in itsdevelopment of translation theory and practice. With its booming /HfE B, KR B economy and theexpansion of its political influence in the intemational community, China nowis facing a new challenge in translation studies. Il. Thenature and classification of translation(see students'book) translation(see students'book IV. Thestandard of translation(see students'book 1. One is set upby Yan Fu(1)on the basis of"faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance"(faithfulness to be faithful to the contentof the original expressiveness: to be as expressive as the original; elegance to be elegant if a translator uses words or sentence patterns before Han Dynasty x, i Z).(fE

translations published in China, and many concerned science and technologyranging from astronomy[ə'strɔnəmi]天文学, mathematics, physics and metallurgy [ me'tælədʒi ]冶金學to anatomy [ ə'nætəmi ]剖析,解剖學,骨骸, biology生物学and cartography[kɑ:'tɔgrəfi]地图制作,制图法,制图. Two important figures are worth mentioning here: 1.2.1 XuGuangqi(徐光启xú guāng qǐ) Xu Guangqi(1562-1633), a distinguished scientist and a seniorofficial of the late Ming Dynasty, played a remarkable role in introducing Westernscience into China when it was labeled as an unorthodox term by mosttraditional scholars. During his charge of the Hanlin Academy(翰林院) in Beijing, the topacademic institution in China, Xu cooperated with the Italian Jesuit ['dʒezjuit]耶稣会信徒Matteo Ricci(利玛窦) in translating the 13 volumes of Euclid’s ['ju:klid]Elements of Geometry[dʒi'ɔmitri] (《几何原本》),though only 6 volumes(the partof plane geometry) were actually translated. Many of the terms in thetranslation are still in use today, such as point, line, straight line, curve曲线, parallel lines,angle, right angle, acute angle锐 角, obtuse [əb'tju:s]angle钝角, triangle, quadrilateral[.kwɔdri'lætərəl]四边形, etc. 1.2.2 LiZhizao(李之藻zǎo) Living in thesame period as Xu Guangqi, Li Zhizao(1569-1630) was also an eminent scientistas well as famous translator. Under the guidance of Matteo Ricci, Li acquiredplenty of Western knowledge and later became a Catholic['kæθəlik]天主教徒. In 1613 Li Zhizao and Matteo Riccitranslated Tong Wen Suan Zhi (《同文算指》),whichillustrated how to perform written arithmetic operations书面算术运算, for example, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,extraction of a root, etc. 1.3TheTranslation of Western Classics: The Third Peak(鸦片战争后至“五四”前的西方政治思想和文学翻译) The Opium ['əupjəm] War (1840-1842) and the singing of the first unequal Treaty ofNanjing ushered['ʌʃə]引导,展示 in the third peak oftranslation activity in China’s history, lasting from the mid 19thcentury to the eve前夕of the may 4th Movement, with emphasis on Western worksof social sciences, military sciences and literature. Some representativefigures include: 1.3.1 LinZexu (林则徐) Respectfully regarded as a national hero against British opium tradeand “the first Chinese who opened his eyes to look at the outside world”, LinZexu (1785-1850), a government official, was also an eminent organizer oftranslation activity during this period. He established a translation centre inGuangzhou to render some foreign works on history and geography into Chinese aswell as gather information from the Western press. 1.3.2 LiShanlan(李善兰) 1.3.3 Lin Shu(林纾shū)(陈宏薇P.8) Lin Shu (1852-1924), a traditional Chinese scholor,has been regarded as the pioneer of literary translation in China due to hislarge quantity of translations of Western novels. Interestingly, Lin Shu neverdid hid job independently, instead, he translated with the assistance ofinterpreters because he himself did not know any foreign languages. He penned elegantclassical Chinese versions of a wide range of foreign works such as UncleTom’s Cabin (《黑奴吁录》《汤姆叔叔的小屋》);DavidCopperfield (《块肉余生述》《大卫.科波菲尔》);OliverTwist (《贼史》《雾都孤儿》) 1.3.4 Yan Fu(严复) Living in the late Qing society constantly threatened by colonialexpansion and profoundly shocked by the humiliating Treaty of Shimonoseki (《马关条约》) of April 1895 withJapan, Yan Fu (1853-1921), became an active reformist and devoted to weavingvia ['vaiə, 'vi:ə]经由his translation Western studies in the broad space of the Chinese language.The 1898 translation of Thomas Henry Huxley’s Evolution and Ethics (《天演论》) established his reputationthroughout the country, in which he rendered “natural selection and survival ofthe fittest” into 物竟 天择,适者生存,a widely quoted saying coming down to this day. In the preface tothe translated Evolution and Ethics, Yan Fu set down the triple三个一组translationcriteria, namely, “faithfulness(信), expressiveness(达) and elegance(雅)”,withwhich he opened a new chapter in the translation history of China. Yan Fu:Evolution and Ethics and other essays byT.H. Huxley(《天演论》);An Inquiry Into the Nature and Cause ofthe Wealth of Nations by A. Smith(《原富》). 2.2Translation in Contemporary China Translation activity has taken on a new look ever since the May 4 thMovement, the starting point of the new democratic revolution in China. For thesake of a concise discussion, we may divide the contemporary era into twoperiods. 2.2.1Translation in China between 1919-1949 Literary Translation was equally noteworthy during this period,which made a significant contribution to the introduction of foreign literatureand the development of Chinese literature. Classical Chinese in translation wasgradually replaced by a more simplified and easily-understood vernacular [və'nækjulə]本地话,方言Chinese baihua,(白话), Hence a linguistic progress.In terms of the quality and quantity of literary translation, both improvedgreatly due to the unremitting efforts of many eminent translators including LuXun, Qu Qiubai, Maodun and Lin Yutang, who not only devoted to translationpractice but also advanced their own theory about such heated topics astranslation criteria, literal or free translation, etc. 2.2.2Translation in Present-day China Translation in China has stepped into a new era since the foundingof the People’s Republic of China in 1949. National and regional organizationsfor translators were established and a large quantity of scientific andtechnical works was translated into Chinese to meet the demands of nationalsocial and economic construction. Meanwhile, the quality and quantity oftranslations from Chinese into foreign languages acquired encouragingachievements. With the conclusion of the so-called “Great Cultural Revolution” andChina’s adoption of the policy of reform and opening-up, there were renewed更新 efforts in the fieldof translation studies and practice. Never before has so much been translatedby and for so many, be it of a literary, cultural, scientific, economic ortechnological nature. In the last few decades, a number of scholars in China introducedvarious translation principles in view of new discoveries in such branches assemiotics, social-linguistics, intercultural communication, etc. Accordingly,translation theories have witnessed dramatic changes in many areas like notionsof equivalence, faithfulness, contexts, cultural interaction and conflicts. Looking back on the history of translation in China, we find that,on one hand, the long history of translation is worth taking pride in; on theother hand, it is hard to find a systematic translation theory to guidetranslation practice although there do exist some prescriptive explanations onhow to translate. By comparing the situation with Western studies in thisfield, we have to admit that China still has a long way to go in itsdevelopment of translation theory and practice. With its booming兴旺的,繁荣的economy and theexpansion of its political influence in the international community, China nowis facing a new challenge in translation studies. II. Thenature and classification of translation (see students’ book) III. Theunits of translation (see students’ book) IV. Thestandard of translation (see students’ book) 1. One is set upby Yan Fu (严复) on the basis of “faithfulness ,expressiveness and elegance” (faithfulness: to be faithful to the contentof the original; expressiveness: to be as expressive as the original; elegance:to be elegant if a translator uses words or sentence patterns before HanDynasty .)(信、达、雅). (信:

意义不倍(背)本文,忠实于原文:达:尽译文语言所能事以求原义明显,不拘泥于原文形式,信、达二者统一:雅:脱离原文而片面追求译文本身的古 雅。他认为只有译文本身采用“汉以前字法句法”——实际上即所谓上等的文言文,才算登大雅之堂。)(加上课本p.8中间的内容评论) 2. The other is put forward by lu Xun(鲁迅) on the basis of" Rather being faithful in thoughtthan smooth in language"(宁信而不顺 3. The new China witnesses two importantscholars on translation. One is Fu Lei and the other is Qian Zhongshu. Theformer suggests achieve the'spiritof the original orexpression resemblance”(神似).(译文同原文如果能在形式上和精神上同时一致起来,或称能达到“形似”和“神似”,这是翻译的高 标准。 Mr Qian Zhongshu puts forward the ideasof" "transfiguration or conversion” which aimed at“ perfection(化境).(所谓“化境”‘就是原作向译文 的“投胎转世”,文字形式虽然换了,而原文投胎的思想、感情、风格、神韵都原原本本的化到了译文的境界里了,丝毫不留下翻译的痕迹,让读者读 译作就完全像在读原作一样。化境是比传神更高的翻译标准。) They two follow the principle offaithfulness 4. In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, thereappeared another translator, the monk Dao An(ig). He suggested"preaching according to the original without deduction oraddition(案本而传,不令有损言游字:按照原文的本意) In the history of western translationtheories, there appeared a lot of translation theorists. Here we only mentions criteria. Alexander Fraster Tytlerproposed the famous three principles in his essay on the principles oftranslation, in which he thought that the translation should give acomplete transcript of the ideas of the original work; the style and the mannerof writing should be of the same character with that of the original; thetranslation should have all the ease of original composition”(一、译作应完全复写出原文的思想:二、译作的风格和手法应和原作属于同一性质:三、译作应具备原 作品的通顺, Exactly the three principles are allbased on faithfulness What's the common point of thesetranslation criteria? Despite the variety of opinions, twocriteria (pl )are almost unanimously accepted, namely, the criterion offaithfulness/accuracy (B3E/ME )and that of smoothness(DTE/EN We may also take these criteria as theprinciples of translation in general. By faithfulness/ accuracy, we mean to befaithful not only to the original contents, to the original meaning and views, but also to the original form and style. Examples in the text book P1o-13 arearranged to illustrate and explain that. By smoothness, we mean not only easyand readable rendering, but also idiomatic (ftin g) expressionin the target language, free from stiff formula and mechanical copy ing fromdictionaries. Examples in the text book P10-13 are arranged to illustrate andexplain that. V. Thequalifications of a good translator(see students'book Exercises: 1.Text book P 19 2中国翻译史可大致分为那几个阶段? 你印象最深的翻译家是谁?他对翻译事业最突出的贡献是什么? Translate the following passage into English:“友好与和平”,陈宏薇,《新实用汉英翻译教程》,上海外语教育出版社,2001.5 友好与和平 中国之所以坚持独立自主的和平外交立场,是因为在历史上她饱受帝国主义侵略战争带来的的苦难,更珍惜今天来之不易的和平生 与支持各国人民共同努力维护 说这种愿望与世界各国人民的和平愿望是一致的。人们都知道 临和平与发展两大课题,各 国人民都需要一个安宁平静的和平环境,以发展经济,改善生活。只有如此才能和平保障发展,发展促进和平 eaceful, independent foreign policy, because she suffered agreat deal from imperialist invasion for almost a century, and thus shecherishes her hard-earned peaceful fe all the more and would give moresympathy and support to the concerted efforts of all the people to maintainworld pe ossibleto speed up its socialist cons and raise the peopl dsby means of reform and the open evelopment, China needs not only national stability but also apeaceful international environment, especially peaceful surroundings. This isalso the hope of all the people in the world Peace and development are the twomajor tasks facing the world today. all the world peoples hope for a peacefulinternational situation so that they can develop their economies and improveliving conditions Peace is the guarantee for development and development inturn promotes peace 延安大学外国语学院教师教案(首页 主讲教师 职称 教授 课程性质|技能必修课,开设在第六学周,为学位课程 使学生了解文化、语言与翻译的关系,并培养学生翻译中的跨文 教学目的化意识 授课内容 第二章文化、语言与翻译 教学重点文化的定义与分类,文化、语言与翻译的关系 教学难点 文化、语言与翻译的关系 课时分配 二学时 教学方法 讲练结合,师生互动

意义不倍(背)本文,忠实于原文;达:尽译文语言所能事以求原义明显,不拘泥于原文形式,信、达二者统一;雅:脱离原文而片面追求译文本身的古 雅。他认为只有译文本身采用“汉以前字法句法”——实际上即所谓上等的文言文,才算登大雅之堂。) (加上课本p.8中间的内容评论) 2. The other is put forward by Lu Xun (鲁迅) on the basis of “rather being faithful in thoughtthan smooth in language”(宁信而不顺). 3. The new China witnesses two importantscholars on translation. One is Fu Lei and the other is Qian Zhongshu. Theformer suggests “achieve the ‘spirit’ of the original orexpression resemblance”(神似). (译文同原文如果能在形式上和精神上同时一致起来,或称能达到“形似”和“神似”,这是翻译的高 标准。)Mr. Qian Zhongshu puts forward the ideasof “transfiguration or conversion” which aimed at “perfection”(化境).(所谓“化境”‘就是原作向译文 的“投胎转世”,文字形式虽然换了,而原文投胎的思想、感情、风格、神韵都原原本本的化到了译文的境界里了,丝毫不留下翻译的痕迹,让读者读 译作就完全像在读原作一样。化境是比传神更高的翻译标准。) They two follow the principle offaithfulness. 4. In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, thereappeared another translator, the monk Dao An (释道安).He suggested “preaching according to the original without any deduction oraddition” (案本而传,不令有损言游字: 按照原文的本意). In the history of western translationtheories, there appeared a lot of translation theorists. Here we only mentionsome representative opinions on translation criteria. Alexander Fraster Tytlerproposed the famous three principles in his essay on the principles oftranslation, in which he thought that “the translation should give acomplete transcript of the ideas of the original work; the style and the mannerof writing should be of the same character with that of the original; thetranslation should have all the ease of original composition” (一、译作应完全复写出原文的思想;二、译作的风格和手法应和原作属于同一性质;三、译作应具备原创 作品的通顺).Exactly the three principles are allbased on faithfulness. What’s the common point of thesetranslation criteria? Despite the variety of opinions, twocriteria (pl.) are almost unanimously accepted, namely, the criterion offaithfulness/accuracy (忠实/准确) and that of smoothness (流畅/通顺). We may also take these criteria as theprinciples of translation in general. By faithfulness/ accuracy, we mean to befaithful not only to the original contents, to the original meaning and views,but also to the original form and style. Examples in the text book P10-13 arearranged to illustrate and explain that. By smoothness, we mean not only easyand readable rendering, but also idiomatic(地道的) expressionin the target language, free from stiff formula and mechanical copying fromdictionaries. Examples in the text book P10-13 are arranged to illustrate andexplain that. V. Thequalifications of a good translator (see students’ book) Exercises: 1.Text book P.19 2.中国翻译史可大致分为那几个阶段? 3.你印象最深的翻译家是谁?他对翻译事业最突出的贡献是什么? 4.Translate the following passage into English: “友好与和平”,陈宏薇,《新实用汉英翻译教程》,上海外语教育出版社,2001.5 友好与和平 中国之所以坚持独立自主的和平外交立场,是因为在历史上她饱受帝国主义侵略战争带来的的苦难,更珍惜今天来之不易的和平生活,更同情与支持各国人民共同努力维护 世界和平。中国是个发展中国家,正致力于通过改革开放,加快社会主义现代化建设,努力提高人民生活水平。为了实现既定的经济社会规划与目标,中国不仅需要国内的 安定,也需要有一个和平的国际环境,特别是和平的周边环境。可以说这种愿望与世界各国人民的和平愿望是一致的。人们都知道,当今世界面临和平与发展两大课题,各 国人民都需要一个安宁平静的和平环境,以发展经济,改善生活。只有如此才能和平保障发展,发展促进和平。 Peaceand Friendship China insists on a peaceful, independent foreign policy, because she suffered agreat deal from imperialist invasion for almost a century, and thus shecherishes her hard – earned peaceful life all the more and would give moresympathy and support to the concerted efforts of all the people to maintainworld peace.Being a developing country, China is trying in every way possibleto speed up its socialist construction and raise the people’s living standardsby means of reform and the open policy.To achieve the goal set for her economicand social development, China needs not only national stability but also apeaceful international environment, especially peaceful surroundings. This isalso the hope of all the people in the world.Peace and development are the twomajor tasks facing the world today. All the world peoples hope for a peacefulinternational situation so that they can develop their economies and improveliving conditions. Peace is the guarantee for development and development inturn promotes peace. 延安大学外国语学院教师教案(首页) 主讲教师 李艳 职称 教授 课程性质 翻译理论与实践(汉译英)课程是英语教育专业学生的一门专业 技能必修课,开设在第六学期,为学位课程。 教学目的 使学生了解文化、语言与翻译的关系,并培养学生翻译中的跨文 化意识。 授课内容 第二章文化、语言与翻译 教学重点 文化的定义与分类,文化、语言与翻译的关系 教学难点 文化、语言与翻译的关系 课时分配 二学时 教学方法 讲练结合,师生互动

教学手段 常规教学 思考题目 课本P32练习二 作业与辅导(内 容、时间) 课本P32练习 ①《汉英翻译教程》陈宏薇,上海外语教育出版社,2004 ②《简明翻译教程》陈昭伟,国防工业出版社,2006 参考文献 ③《汉英翻译教程》朱徽,重庆大学出版社,2004 ④《汉英翻译教程》吕瑞昌等,陕西人民出版社,1983 Chapter2 Culture, Language and Translation(有参考资料) There exists an intimate relationship between culture, language andtranslation. How to treat their relationship properly is of great importance totranslator L. Thelmplication (aX)of Culture (see students book P 20-24) book P20-24 Ill. TheRelationship between Culture, Language and In fact, language plays a vital role in culture, Without language, culture would not be possible. Nida has pointed out, Culture is certainly a significant part of our lives. Language isnot only a distinctive feature of culture, it also distinguishes humans fromanimals and it is an absolutely indispensable means of transmitting culturefrom one generation to the ne On the other hand, as a peculiar tool for human communication, everylanguage is a part of culture.( See students'book P. 22 The relationship between language and culture is dialectical FI iE]. The role of language withinculture and the influence of the culture on the meanings of words and idiomsare so pervasivelpo: 'veisiv) a EH]that scarcely any text can be adequately understood without careful study of its culture background, Juri Lotman, the former Sovietsemiotician, declares firmly no language can exist unless it is steeped in the context ofculture, and no culture can exist which does not have at its center, thestructure of natural languages. In this sense, learning a language is learning the culture of thecountry where the language is spoken The intimate relationship between languageand culture leads naturally to that between culture and translation Translation is representation in one language of what is written or said inanother language. It's a bilingual art because two different languages are involvedin this activity. As is stressed above, language and culture are closelyconnected and understanding one requires understanding the other, translaningas to be regarded as an intercultural activity as well. After all, thetranslator must analyze the SL within certain cultural contexts carefully so asto use appropriate words in appropriate order to represent in the targetculture the object or process the original writer deseribes. Indeed, translation is a very importantmedium for culture exchange between people using different languages Translation, a bilingual art, seemingly a mere interlingual transformation, isin nature an intercultural Assignment: Write a passage on the topic "TheRelationship among Language, Culture and Translation"on about 300 words 延安大学外国语学院教师教案(首页) 主讲教师 课程性质 译理论与实践(汉译英)课程 业学生的一门专业 技能必修课,开设在第六学期 通过对比研究不同民族思维方式 教学目的|文化交际障 生能够减少和消除 授课内容 第三章中英思维方式对比 教学重点中国人重整体、偏重综合思维,英美人重个体、偏重分析思维 教学难点 中国人重直觉,英美人重实证 课时分配 学时 教学方法 讲练结合,师生互动 教学手段 常规教学 思考题目 课本P32练习

教学手段 常规教学 思考题目 课本P.32 练习二 作业与辅导(内 容、时间) 课本P.32 练习二 参考文献 ①《汉英翻译教程》陈宏薇,上海外语教育出版社,2004 ②《简明翻译教程》陈昭伟,国防工业出版社,2006 ③《汉英翻译教程》朱徽,重庆大学出版社,2004 ④《汉英翻译教程》吕瑞昌等, 陕西人民出版社,1983 Chapter 2Culture, Language and Translation(有参考资料) There exists an intimate relationship between culture, language andtranslation. How to treat their relationship properly is of great importance totranslators. I. TheImplication(含义) of Culture(see student’s book P.20-24) II. TheClassification of Culture(see student’s book P.20-24) III. TheRelationship between Culture, Language and Translation In fact, language plays a vital role in culture. Without language,culture would not be possible. Nida has pointed out, … Culture is certainly a significant part of our lives. Language isnot only a distinctive feature of culture, it also distinguishes humans fromanimals and it is an absolutely indispensable means of transmitting culturefrom one generation to the next. On the other hand, as a peculiar tool for human communication, everylanguage is a part of culture. (See students’ book P.22) The relationship between language and culture is dialectical辩证的. The role of language withinculture and the influence of the culture on the meanings of words and idiomsare so pervasive[pə:'veisiv]普遍的that scarcely any text can be adequately understood without acareful study of its culture background. Juri Lotman, the former Sovietsemiotician, declares firmly that … no language can exist unless it is steeped in the context ofculture; and no culture can exist which does not have at its center, thestructure of natural languages. In this sense, learning a language is learning the culture of thecountry where the language is spoken. The intimate relationship between languageand culture leads naturally to that between culture and translation.Translation is representation in one language of what is written or said inanother language. It’s a bilingual art because two different languages are involvedin this activity. As is stressed above, language and culture are closelyconnected and understanding one requires understanding the other, translatingas to be regarded as an intercultural activity as well. After all, thetranslator must analyze the SL within certain cultural contexts carefully so asto use appropriate words in appropriate order to represent in the targetculture the object or process the original writer describes. Indeed, translation is a very importantmedium for culture exchange between people using different languages.Translation, a bilingual art, seemingly a mere interlingual transformation, isin nature an intercultural activity in its works of comparing, introducing andabsorbing. Assignment: Write a passage on the topic “TheRelationship among Language, Culture and Translation” on about 300 words. 延安大学外国语学院教师教案(首页) 主讲教师 李艳 职称 教授 课程性质 翻译理论与实践(汉译英)课程是英语教育专业学生的一门专业 技能必修课,开设在第六学期,为学位课程。 教学目的 通过对比研究不同民族思维方式的异同,使学生能够减少和消除 跨文化交际障碍。 授课内容 第三章中英思维方式对比 教学重点 中国人重整体、偏重综合思维,英美人重个体、偏重分析思维。 教学难点 中国人重直觉,英美人重实证。 课时分配 三学时 教学方法 讲练结合,师生互动 教学手段 常规教学 思考题目 课本P.32 练习二

作业与辅导(内 容、时间) 课本P32练习二 ①《汉英翻译教程》陈宏薇,上海外语教育出版社,2004 ②《简明翻译教程》陈昭伟,国防工业出版社,2006 ③《汉英翻译教程》朱徽,重庆大学出版社,2004 参考文献 ④《汉英翻译教程》吕瑞昌等,陕西人民出版社,1983 Chapter 3 A Contrastive Study of Differences in Thought Patterns Between English andChinese From the angle of translatology[ translo'tolodzi翻译学,ta evel. But thought level is the basis and precondition upon which the otherlevels are built. So in this chapter we shall trace back cultural backgroundscontributing to differences in thought patterns between English and Chinese. L. Syntheticthought VS. Analytic[.aena'litik] Thought lines to(傾向于) combine separate parts of anobject or idea into a unity,, and integrate" tigrett]整合,使,成整体 its qualities, relations and the like.Whie nes to disintegrate a unity into small parts or separate its qualities, relations and the like. Both synthetic thought and analytic thought are basic forms of humanthought. They are associated with each other. There is no nation in the worldthat only has synthetic thought or analytic one. It is due to the influence oftraditional culture that Chinese people are well developed in synthesis and English-speaking people are well developed in analysis. (See student's I. Intuition VS. Evidence 1. Intuition Chineserecognize the world from the point of view of entirety instead of practicalanalysis. They tend to perceive it from intuition [ intju(: yifan JEJE. Among traditional ancient Chinese religions. Confucianism, Taoismand Chinese buddhism, regardless of their dissimilation(异化), all suggests understandingthe objects by insightful有深刻见解的,富 有洞察力的 intuition. Chinese signify(表示) an emphasis on direct experiences, and tend to stick to empiricism( em pirisizam經驗主義 in theory. Therefore they achieve intuitive comprehension andinsight, which is very difficult to explain in words, only to be sensed by themind and does not allow people to understand an object very clearly. Forexample in Chinese traditional religions, concepts like“天”“道”“气”“理” are quite ambiguous andunclear 2. Evidence(See students book P. 29) Ill. Image Thought and Abstract Thought (Figurative Thinking VS Logical Thinking) Image thought is a psychological processin which human beings analyze, synthesize (I'sineisaiz] v. A k)andremake memory presentations in brain so as to form new ones. It is a specialform of thought, namely, imagination. For example once we think of unacquaintance, his or her look would appear at once at our brains. Abstract Thought also called logical thought, is a mental process in which conceptis used for judging and inferring Image thought and abstract thought are two forms of thought activities. Generally speaking, Chinese people are well developed in image thought, while English people are well devel )The garden was a paradise on earth, with more food and clothes than could be consumed and more money than could be spent. 花园里面是人间乐园,有的是吃不完的太米白面,穿不完的绫罗繼缎和花不完的金银財宝。 2) Her indifference kept all the visitors away from the exhibition hall. 他的冷漠态度把所有参观者当在展览馆门外 In English abstract nouns are used while in Chinese concrete nounsare used because of different thought patterns. ( Seestudent's book P. 30) IV. EthicsVS Cognition(See students book P25 TranslationExercises 乞丐和富人 我把钱放在一个乞丐的钵子里的时候,有个好心人走过来对我说:“台北有百分之九十九的乞丐都是假的,你当心他拿你的钱去花天酒地。” 我说:“只要做了乞丐就没有假的,因为他伸手要钱的时候,心情就是乞丐了。心情是乞丐的人,即使他四肢完好,孔武有力,家财万贯,也仍然是个乞丐,更值得同情值得 施舍。”同样的,一个穷人只要有富有的心情,他就是一个富人了。 Beggars and the rich A man seeing me put money into the bowl ofa beggar, came up and warned me with the best of intentions: "Beware of beggarsin Taipei. Ninety-nine percent of them are cheats. They will spend your money Beggars cant be cheats, I answered. Assoon as a man holds out his hand for money, he has spiritually identifiedhimself with a beggar. An able-bodied or even a wealthy man who voluntarilyidentifies himself with the beggar is actually a beggar and thus all the moredeserves pity and charity 延安大学外国语学院教师教案(首页) 主讲教师 李艳 教授 课程性质 翮译理论与实践(汉译英)课程是英语教育专业学生的一门专业 技能必修课,开设在第六学期,为学位课 教学目的 通过对汉英对比研究,了解两种语言在文字、词语、语法以及文 化方面的差异 授课内容 第四章汉英对比研究

作业与辅导(内 容、时间) 课本P.32 练习二 参考文献 ①《汉英翻译教程》陈宏薇,上海外语教育出版社,2004 ②《简明翻译教程》陈昭伟,国防工业出版社,2006 ③《汉英翻译教程》朱徽,重庆大学出版社,2004 ④《汉英翻译教程》吕瑞昌等, 陕西人民出版社,1983 Chapter 3 AContrastive Study of Differences in Thought Patterns Between English andChinese From the angle of translatology[.trænslə'tɔlədʒi]翻译学, translation includes thought level, semantic level and aestheticlevel. But thought level is the basis and precondition upon which the otherlevels are built. So in this chapter we shall trace back cultural backgroundscontributing to differences in thought patterns between English and Chinese. I. Syntheticthought VS. Analytic [.ænə'litik] Thought Synthetic thought inclines to(傾向于)combine separate parts of anobject or idea into a unity, and integrate [ 'intigreit ]整合,使...成整体 its qualities, relations and the like. While analytic thoughtinclines to disintegrate a unity into small parts or separate its qualities,relations and the like. Both synthetic thought and analytic thought are basic forms of humanthought. They are associated with each other. There is no nation in the worldthat only has synthetic thought or analytic one. It is due to the influence oftraditional culture that Chinese people are well developed in synthesis andEnglish-speaking people are well developed in analysis. (See student’s bookP.27) II. Intuition VS. Evidence 1. Intuition Chineserecognize the world from the point of view of entirety instead of practicalanalysis. They tend to perceive it from intuition [.intju(:)'iʃən ]直觉. Among traditional ancient Chinese religions, Confucianism, Taoismand Chinese Buddhism, regardless of their dissimilation(异化), all suggests understandingthe objects by insightful有深刻见解的, 富 有洞察力的intuition.Chinese signify(表示) an emphasis on direct experiences, and tend to stick to empiricism[em'pirisizəm ]經驗主義in theory. Therefore they achieve intuitive comprehension andinsight, which is very difficult to explain in words, only to be sensed by themind and does not allow people to understand an object very clearly. Forexample in Chinese traditional religions, concepts like “天” “道” “气” “理” are quite ambiguous andunclear. 2. Evidence (See student’s book P.29) III. Image Thought and Abstract Thought (Figurative Thinking VS. Logical Thinking) Image thought is a psychological processin which human beings analyze, synthesize ([ 'sinθisaiz] v. 合成) andremake memory presentations in brain so as to form new ones. It is a specialform of thought, namely, imagination. For example once we think of anacquaintance, his or her look would appear at once at our brains. AbstractThought also called logical thought, is a mental process in which conceptis used for judging and inferring. Image thought and abstract thought are two forms of thought activities. Generally speaking, Chinese people are well developed in image thought, while English people are well devel 1) The garden was a paradise on earth, with more food and clothes than could be consumed and more money than could be spent. 花园里面是人间乐园,有的是吃不完的大米白面,穿不完的绫罗绸缎和花不完的金银财宝。 2)Her indifference kept all the visitors away from the exhibition hall. 他的冷漠态度把所有参观者当在展览馆门外。 In English abstract nouns are used while in Chinese concrete nounsare used because of different thought patterns. (Seestudent’s book P.30) IV. EthicsVS. Cognition (See student’s book P.25) TranslationExercises 乞丐和富人 我把钱放在一个乞丐的钵子里的时候,有个好心人走过来对我说:“台北有百分之九十九的乞丐都是假的,你当心他拿你的钱去花天酒地。” 我说:“只要做了乞丐就没有假的,因为他伸手要钱的时候,心情就是乞丐了。心情是乞丐的人,即使他四肢完好,孔武有力,家财万贯,也仍然是个乞丐,更值得同情值得 施舍。”同样的,一个穷人只要有富有的心情,他就是一个富人了。 Beggars and the rich A man seeing me put money into the bowl ofa beggar, came up and warned me with the best of intentions: “Beware of beggarsin Taipei. Ninety-nine percent of them are cheats. They will spend your moneyon alcohol and fancy women.” “Beggars can’t be cheats,” I answered. “Assoon as a man holds out his hand for money, he has spiritually identifiedhimself with a beggar. An able-bodied or even a wealthy man who voluntarilyidentifies himself with the beggar is actually a beggar and thus all the moredeserves pity and charity.” Conversely, a poor man who has a resourceful mind isactually a rich man. 延安大学外国语学院教师教案(首页) 主讲教师 李艳 职称 教授 课程性质 翻译理论与实践(汉译英)课程是英语教育专业学生的一门专业 技能必修课,开设在第六学期,为学位课程。 教学目的 通过对汉英对比研究,了解两种语言在文字、词语、语法以及文 化方面的差异。 授课内容 第四章汉英对比研究

教学重点 汉英词语对比 教学难点 汉英词语对比 课时分配 四学时 教学方法 讲练结合,师生互动 教学手段 常规教学 思考题目 课本P67练习三 作业与辅导(内 容、时间 课本P67练习三 ①《汉英翻译教程》陈宏嶶,上海外语教育出版社,2004 ②《简明翻译教程》陈昭伟,国防工业出版社,2006 参考文献 ③《汉英翻译教程》朱徽,重庆大学出版社,2004 ④《汉英翻译教程》吕瑞昌等,陕西人民出版社,1983 Chapter 4 A Contrastive Study between Chinese and english English and Chinese belong to different language families. Englishbelongs to Indo-European language family and Chinese belongs to Sino-Tibetanlanguage family. Consequently the two languages are quite different We shouldstudy the similarities and differences of the two languages to improve thepractical translation ability. L A contrastivestudy of scripts between English and Chinese (See students'book P33) Introduction to the Chinese Scrip The Chinese script is one of the oldest andmost widely used writing systems in the world. It has a history of about sixthousand years, and is used by about one fourth of the total population onearth.(从历史的角度观察汉语和英语,我们首先注意到,这两种语言分属于不同语系,即汉语属于汉藏语系,而英语 属于印欧语系。汉藏语系是人类语言中形成最早、流通最广、使用人数很多的一种,汉语则是其中最具代表性的一种语言。印欧语系是世界上使用最广的语系,大约世界人 口的一半以上都以该语系作为母语,英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言之 语已有6000多年的历史,甲骨文被认为是汉语的起源。汉语是一种表意文字,如“人”、“日”、“家”、“中”等。早在公元前206年,中国的语言学家就编撰了 世界上第一部解释词义的专著《尔雅》。公元100年,又一部汉语语言工具书《说文解字》出版。这表明中国的学者很早就开始了对汉语进行研究。 英语的历史有1500多年。英语起源于五世纪中叶,经历了三个历史时期:即古英语时期,中古英语时期和现代英语时期。英语是拼音文字,其词汇之多居人类诸语言之 首。英语已成为当今世界上使用最广泛的语言,广泛运用于政治、经济、科技和文化等许多领域。 Ch acters areclosely interwoven with the development of Chinese culture. Chinese ersare the basic carriers of the traditional Chinese cultu he long history of the Chinese nation. One %>s an important tool for extending, spreading and exchanging ideas, they have played a criticalrole in ell argue that withoutChinese characters Chinese cult ould not have ach The Chine system, inwhich the graphic图表的 structure is directly relat the meaning. Hence toward mastery of Chinese characters is to learn thecharacteristics of their composition Fix i. In the study of the composition of Chinesecharacters, as four writings. That is, there are four types of characters the terms of their composition: P pictographic riting, indica evertheless the four wri opment of Chinesecharacters. It may help learners better unders tand the composition of Chinesecharacters and their original meanings, and hence use them more accurately. A pictograph is a depiction of a material ob ject. Chinese characters mostly originated from picture writing. In other words, most Chinese characters were originally pictures of objects. However, there is afundamental difference between pictographs and pictures former, usuallyrough sketches of ojects(e 狭 river an big )or consisting of a characteristi rt only(e onunciations, and have be Symbolic are much simpler thanthe latter. More important is that pictographs are associated with definitemeanings and as a result ofincreasing simplification and abstraction, pictographs of the later ages arequite ferent from their originals. Compared with those in the Oracle-BoneInscriptions, pictographs in the Regular Script are no longer picture like. In sense they are not really pictogra materialobjects, but the abstract concepts in language are formless, which renders itinposmains 2. Indicatives or Indica composing Chinese characters. The oth ofpictographs, and that is why their mumber is linited.However, pictographyre to depict them. This impossibility inevi tably hinders the the no Indicatives refer to the way of forming abstractcharacters with indicating signs. There are two subt ypes of indicatives: one iscomposed of a ctograph and an indicating sign, e. 七(root) y(treetop) the other is composed purely of abstractsign, e. g. (on Indicatives account for the smallest percentage ofChinese characters. The reason is that for most characters there are siaplerways of composit characters referring to material objects nay be composedpictographically and those expressing abstract concepts may be 3. Ideographsor Associative of another r(森、从) Ideographs are compounds moreexisting characters. In terms of structure, an ideograph is a composition oftwo or more character ide by sid wo trees together 3a refers to a group of trees-grove, and the character made up trees means a place full a forest And the character * f consists of (man) and n(tree), signifies that man istaking a rest against onsists of a semantic radical and phonetic radical. The semantic radical indicates its semantic field and thephonetic radical its pronuncia compoun tree)as theradical like s(pine), R(cypress), (peach) are all names of trees as the radical like崩(push),T(pu1),矗(lift) ver the semantic radical only shows thegeneral semantic class of the character, not its specific meaning. The specificmeanings of the characters sharing the same

教学重点 汉英词语对比 教学难点 汉英词语对比 课时分配 四学时 教学方法 讲练结合,师生互动 教学手段 常规教学 思考题目 课本P.67 练习三 作业与辅导(内 容、时间) 课本P.67 练习三 参考文献 ①《汉英翻译教程》陈宏薇,上海外语教育出版社,2004 ②《简明翻译教程》陈昭伟,国防工业出版社,2006 ③《汉英翻译教程》朱徽,重庆大学出版社,2004 ④《汉英翻译教程》吕瑞昌等, 陕西人民出版社,1983 Chapter 4 A Contrastive Study BetweenChinese and English English and Chinese belong to different language families. Englishbelongs to Indo-European language family and Chinese belongs to Sino-Tibetanlanguage family. Consequently the two languages are quite different. We shouldstudy the similarities and differences of the two languages to improve thepractical translation ability. I. A contrastivestudy of scripts between English and Chinese (See students’ book P.33) Introduction to the Chinese Script The Chinese script is one of the oldest andmost widely used writing systems in the world. It has a history of about sixthousand years, and is used by about one fourth of the total population onearth. (从历史的角度观察汉语和英语,我们首先注意到,这两种语言分属于不同语系,即汉语属于汉藏语系,而英语 属于印欧语系。汉藏语系是人类语言中形成最早、流通最广、使用人数很多的一种,汉语则是其中最具代表性的一种语言。印欧语系是世界上使用最广的语系,大约世界人 口的一半以上都以该语系作为母语,英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言之一。 汉语已有6000多年的历史,甲骨文被认为是汉语的起源。汉语是一种表意文字,如“人”、“日”、“家”、“中”等。早在公元前206年,中国的语言学家就编撰了 世界上第一部解释词义的专著《尔雅》。公元100年,又一部汉语语言工具书《说文解字》出版。这表明中国的学者很早就开始了对汉语进行研究。 英语的历史有1500多年。英语起源于五世纪中叶,经历了三个历史时期:即古英语时期,中古英语时期和现代英语时期。英语是拼音文字,其词汇之多居人类诸语言之 首。英语已成为当今世界上使用最广泛的语言,广泛运用于政治、经济、科技和文化等许多领域。 ) The creation and evolution of Chinese characters areclosely interwoven with the development of Chinese culture. Chinese charactersare the basic carriers of the traditional Chinese culture, and, as an importanttool for extending, spreading and exchanging ideas, they have played a criticalrole in the long history of the Chinese nation. One may well argue that withoutChinese characters Chinese culture would not have achieved the splendors itdid. The Chinese script is an ideographic writing system, inwhich the graphic图表的structure is directly related to the meaning.Hence the first step toward mastery of Chinese characters is to learn thecharacteristics of their composition成份.In the study of the composition of Chinesecharacters, there is a traditional theory known as four writings. That is,there are four types of characters in the terms of their composition: Pictographsor pictographic writing, indicatives, ideographs, phoneticcompounds, Strictly speaking, the four refer to the ways of composingChinese characters, Nevertheless the four writings’ theory is basically correctin revealing the general pattern in the creation and development of Chinesecharacters. It may help learners better understand the composition of Chinesecharacters and their original meanings, and hence use them more accurately. 1.Pictographspictographic writing  (日、月、山、水、人等) A pictograph is a depiction of a material object.Chinese characters mostly originated from picture writing. In other words, mostChinese characters were originally pictures of objects. However, there is afundamental difference between pictographs and pictures: the former, usuallyrough sketches of objects(e. g. ら "sun" , る"moon" , "mountain" , 猠 "river" , "man" , "big" ) or consisting of a characteristic part only(e.g. "ox", ο "sheep" ), are much simpler thanthe latter. More important is that pictographs are associated with definitemeanings and pronunciations, and have become symbolic, and as a result ofincreasing simplification and abstraction, pictographs of the later ages arequite deferent from their originals. Compared with those in the Oracle-BoneInscriptions, pictographs in the Regular Script are no longer picture like. Ina sense they are not really pictographic, but simply symbolic. Pictographs are based on the external form of materialobjects, but the abstract concepts in language are formless, which renders itimpossible to depict them. This impossibility inevitably hinders the growth ofpictographs, and that is why their number is limited. However, pictographyremains the most important method of composing Chinese characters. The othersare only developments on this method and variations. 2. Indicatives or Indicative Character(一、二、三、上、下) Indicatives refer to the way of forming abstractcharacters with indicating signs. There are two subtypes of indicatives: one iscomposed of a pictograph and an indicating sign, e.g. (knife-edge) , セ(root) , ソ(treetop) ; the other is composed purely of abstractsign, e.g. (on the top) , (underneath) , (one), (two) and(three). Indicatives account for the smallest percentage ofChinese characters. The reason is that for most characters there are simplerways of composition: characters referring to material objects may be composedpictographically and those expressing abstract concepts may be composedideographically or by way of phonic-compounding. 3. Ideographsor Associative Character (森、从) Ideographs are compounds, composed of two or moreexisting characters. In terms of structure, an ideograph is a composition oftwo or more characters side by side or one on top of another. In terms ofmeaning, an ideograph is also a composition of the meanings of its componentcharacters. For example, the single character れ stands for a tree, two trees together 狶 refers to a group of trees-grove, and the character made up ofthree trees 此 means a place full of trees, a forest.And the character ヰ consists of (man) and れ(tree) , signifies that man istaking a rest against a tree. 4. Phonetic-semanticcompounds or morpheme-phonetic character ()   A phonetic compound consists of a semantic radical and aphonetic radical. The semantic radical indicates its semantic field and thephonetic radical its pronunciation. For example, phonetic-semantic compoundswith れ(tree) as theradical like 猀(pine), 琭(cypress), (peach) are all names of trees; those with も(hand) as the radical like 崩(push), ┰(pull),矗(lift), (press) all refer toactions performed by the hand. However the semantic radical only shows thegeneral semantic class of the character, not its specific meaning. The specificmeanings of the characters sharing the same

adical-are differentiated by thephonetics they each have. The phonetics in some phonetic-semantie compounds mayalso be semantic, e. g. the deography. But this is easilyachieved in phonetic-semantic compounds by adding different phonetics to theradical ous number of phonetic compounds inChinese, and this number is growing larger and larger n of Chinese Character and 90% in Kangxi onary themodern simplified form currently in use, phonetic compounds make up an evenlarger percent IL. A contrastivestudy of phonetics between English and Chinese(See students'book P.34) 汉语是声调语言,而英语是语调语言。 汉语发音标准以普通话为准,其音素分为韵母(元音)和声母(辅音)两大类。 汉语是声调语言,每个汉字都有四个声调:(阴)(阳)(上)(去 在英语的语言系统中,音节包括三个部分:音节首、音节核心和音节尾。英语中闭音节多,开音节少,音节中至少必须有一个元音,有多少个元音,就有多少个音节, 英语中的音节总数大大超过汉语 英语是语调语言而非声调语言。语调一般在句子的末尾,它可以表示句子的语法功能,能区分句子为陈述句、疑问句或反问疑问句:语调还具有强调功能,能突出说话 者所特别想强调的部分。语调还有表态功能,能表示说话者的态度、语气和情感 英汉这两种语言在语调方面有着一些相似之处,因为语调可以表示说话者的情感,而人类的情感在许多方面都是相同的。一般来说,在表示命令、陈述、肯定、感叹等情感 时,汉语和英语都是用相类似的平调或降调:而在表示怀疑、疑问、嘲讽等情感时,多用升调。 book P 35) A contrastive study of words between English and Chinese includestwo aspects: on word construction; on semantic of word 1. On wordconstruction (1)实词和虚词 汉语词语和英语词语都可以分为两大类,即实词和虚词。汉语的实词包括名词、形容词、动词、代词、数词、量词和副词。虛词包括连词、介词、感叹词和助词。汉语 中的助词分为动词助词、情态动词等。汉语无冠词。英语的实词包括名词、动词、形容词、代词、数词和副词,但是英语没有量词。英语的虚词和汉语大致相同,但是英语 虚词还包括助动词和冠词。汉语的词语大多为双音节。 (2)从词的构成方面来看,A、英汉语都使用加缀法,汉语的主要方法是词根复合方式,但是汉语中的构词法仍然使用加缀法。 英语的构词主要使用加缀法,英语中的词缀从所处的位置上来说,可分为前缀和后缀:从语法功能上说,还可以分为名词词缀、动词词缀、形容词词缀、副词词缀、反义词 汉语词缀可分为两大类,一类是汉语中本身就具有的,一类是受外语的影响,通过翻译而产生的词 汉语中本身具有的:表示“人”的前缀为:老(老头、老师、老板),阿(阿姨、阿妈、阿爸、阿毛),子(儿子、老子、妻子、嫂子),亲(父亲、母亲、双亲)等 受外语影响的:例如“……性”(必要性、思想性、民族性……),“……化”(全球化、现代化、工业化……) 家”(画家、音乐家、思想家、哲学家、科学 英语中的前后缀数量众多,单位表示“人”的就有好几种。表示职业的有:-er,-or,-ar,-ist,eer,-ian等,表示来自哪个国家的人有:-an,-er,-ese,-ian等,表 示具有某种职务的人有:ain( captain),ary( secretary),al( principal)等,还有表示阴性、阳性的:-ess( hotess, actress),-ine( heroine)等 B、汉英两种语言中常用的构词手段除了加缀外,还有重叠、缩略法等。例如,妈妈、爸爸、哥哥等这一类表示亲属的称谓:狗狗、毛毛、牛牛等儿童用语。在英语中也 有类似的用法,例如:mum- Imlay,dad--dady,dog--dogy C、汉英语言的构词还可通过缩略法达到 四个现代化-四化 高等院校-高校 申办奥运会-申奥 科学研究-科研 e United States of America-USA World Health Organization-WHO North Atlantic Treaty Organizat ion-NATO D、汉语词语的形式变化少,词缀数量不多,意义不稳定,一缀多义的现象十分普遍。例如前缀“老”十分常用,它可以跟许多字搭配,但意义不尽相同。 英语词语的形式变化多,词缀丰富,而且构词能力强。英语词语的形态变化有内部形态变化、外部形态变化两大类。内部形态变化主要指通过添加前缀或后缀构成新的 词语。英语的词缀有一定的規律,一般情况下,大多数前缀只能构词,即构成一个新的词,很少改变词性,只有少数前缀改变词性和词义,如body- embody。例如,表示否定 的前綬u-,non-,im,ir-,表示其他意义的前缀anti-, quasi-,semi-等。后缀不但能构成词,还能够改变词性。 英语词语的外部形态变化是指在句子中为了起到语法上的功能而加上一些特定的标记。例如,表示复数形式的-s,和-es,表示时态和语态的-ing和ed还如,is的复 数和过去式分别是are和was 汉英词语语义的对比主要是从汉英两种语言中一些词语所包含的特定的语义来发展开,及一些词语的引申意义或比喻意义。主要从几个方面进行对比:颜色词的 动植物名称的对比、习语的对比等。 (1) Comparative study of color terms between Englishand Chinese On some occasions, some things and phenomena can arouse differentmoods among the English and the Chinese. In other words, the English and Chinese have different association towards some same thing and phenomena. Thatis, some associative meanings in English are different from their counterpartsin Chinese Take the color term"red" for example. th“red"and“红”mean“ the color of blood or fire".( This refers to denotativemeaning which is given in the dictionary) The associative or symbolicmeanings of“rd”and“紅” quite different because of the different social customs andpolitical factors

radical-are differentiated by thephonetics they each have. The phonetics in some phonetic-semantic compounds mayalso be semantic, e. g. the phonetic in 谤 is also meaningful in the sense of "take". There are many objects and abstract, ideas which are difficultto express through-pictography or ideography. For example, 尘 the general term for birds, but thereare thousands of types of birds in the world, and it is impossible todifferentiate each of them by way of pictography or ideography. But this is easilyachieved in phonetic-semantic compounds by adding different phonetics to theradical 尘 , e.g. 翭 (pigeon), 舃 (crane), 蔓 (chicken) and 肹(swan). Thus there is an enormous number of phonetic compounds inChinese, and this number is growing larger and larger in the modern period.Statistics show that phonetic-semantic compounds accounted for 80% of the totalcharacters in the Origin of Chinese Characters (Shui Wen Jie Zi) of the HanDynasty, 88% in Aspects of the Six Categories of Chinese Characters (Liu Shu Lue)of the Song Dynasty, and 90% in Kangxi Dictionary of the Qing Dynasty. In themodern simplified form currently in use, phonetic compounds make up an evenlarger percent. II. A contrastivestudy of phonetics between English and Chinese (See students’ book P.34) 汉语是声调语言,而英语是语调语言。 汉语发音标准以普通话为准,其音素分为韵母(元音)和声母(辅音)两大类。 汉语是声调语言,每个汉字都有四个声调:(阴)(阳)(上)(去) 在英语的语言系统中,音节包括三个部分:音节首、音节核心和音节尾。英语中闭音节多,开音节少,音节中至少必须有一个元音,有多少个元音,就有多少个音节, 英语中的音节总数大大超过汉语。 英语是语调语言而非声调语言。语调一般在句子的末尾,它可以表示句子的语法功能,能区分句子为陈述句、疑问句或反问疑问句:语调还具有强调功能,能突出说话 者所特别想强调的部分。语调还有表态功能,能表示说话者的态度、语气和情感。 英汉这两种语言在语调方面有着一些相似之处,因为语调可以表示说话者的情感,而人类的情感在许多方面都是相同的。一般来说,在表示命令、陈述、肯定、感叹等情感 时,汉语和英语都是用相类似的平调或降调:而在表示怀疑、疑问、嘲讽等情感时,多用升调。 III.. A contrastivestudy of words between English and Chinese (See students’ book P.35) A contrastive study of words between English and Chinese includestwo aspects: on word construction; on semantic of word 1. On wordconstruction (1) 实词和虚词 汉语词语和英语词语都可以分为两大类,即实词和虚词。汉语的实词包括名词、形容词、动词、代词、数词、量词和副词。虚词包括连词、介词、感叹词和助词。汉语 中的助词分为动词助词、情态动词等。汉语无冠词。英语的实词包括名词、动词、形容词、代词、数词和副词,但是英语没有量词。英语的虚词和汉语大致相同,但是英语 的虚词还包括助动词和冠词。汉语的词语大多为双音节。 (2)从词的构成方面来看, A、英汉语都使用加缀法,汉语的主要方法是词根复合方式,但是汉语中的构词法仍然使用加缀法。 英语的构词主要使用加缀法,英语中的词缀从所处的位置上来说,可分为前缀和后缀;从语法功能上说,还可以分为名词词缀、动词词缀、形容词词缀、副词词缀、反义词 词缀等。 汉语词缀可分为两大类,一类是汉语中本身就具有的,一类是受外语的影响,通过翻译而产生的词缀。 汉语中本身具有的:表示“人”的前缀为:老(老头、老师、老板),阿(阿姨、阿妈、阿爸、阿毛),子(儿子、老子、妻子、嫂子),亲(父亲、母亲、双亲)等。 受外语影响的:例如“……性”(必要性、思想性、民族性……),“……化”(全球化、现代化、工业化……),“……家”(画家、音乐家、思想家、哲学家、科学 家……)。 英语中的前后缀数量众多,单位表示“人”的就有好几种。表示职业的有:-er ,-or ,-ar ,-ist ,-eer ,-ian等,表示来自哪个国家的人有:-an ,-er ,-ese ,-ian等,表 示具有某种职务的人有:-ain(captain),-ary (secretary),-al (principal)等,还有表示阴性、阳性的:-ess (hotess ,actress),-ine (heroine)等。 B、汉英两种语言中常用的构词手段除了加缀外,还有重叠、缩略法等。例如,妈妈、爸爸、哥哥等这一类表示亲属的称谓;狗狗、毛毛、牛牛等儿童用语。在英语中也 有类似的用法,例如:mum---mummy, dad---daddy, dog---doggy C、汉英语言的构词还可通过缩略法达到。 四个现代化-四化 高等院校-高校 申办奥运会-申奥 科学研究-科研 The United States of America-USA World Health Organization-WHO North Atlantic Treaty Organization-NATO D、汉语词语的形式变化少,词缀数量不多,意义不稳定,一缀多义的现象十分普遍。例如前缀“老”十分常用,它可以跟许多字搭配,但意义不尽相同。 英语词语的形式变化多,词缀丰富,而且构词能力强。英语词语的形态变化有内部形态变化、外部形态变化两大类。内部形态变化主要指通过添加前缀或后缀构成新的 词语。英语的词缀有一定的规律,一般情况下,大多数前缀只能构词,即构成一个新的词,很少改变词性,只有少数前缀改变词性和词义,如body-embody。例如,表示否定 的前缀un-,non-,im-,ir-,表示其他意义的前缀anti-,quasi-,semi-等。后缀不但能构成词,还能够改变词性。 英语词语的外部形态变化是指在句子中为了起到语法上的功能而加上一些特定的标记。例如,表示复数形式的-s,和-es,表示时态和语态的-ing和-ed。还如,is的复 数和过去式分别是are和was。 2. On semantic of word 汉英词语语义的对比主要是从汉英两种语言中一些词语所包含的特定的语义来发展开,及一些词语的引申意义或比喻意义。主要从几个方面进行对比:颜色词的对比、 动植物名称的对比、习语的对比等。 (1)Comparative study of color terms between Englishand Chinese On some occasions, some things and phenomena can arouse differentmoods among the English and the Chinese. In other words, the English andChinese have different association towards some same thing and phenomena. Thatis, some associative meanings in English are different from their counterpartsin Chinese. Take the color term “red” for example. Both “red” and “红” mean “the color of blood or fire”. (This refers to denotativemeaning which is given in the dictionary) The associative or symbolicmeanings of “red” and “红” are quite different because of the different social customs andpolitical factors

① he associative meanings of"red" in English:(A)“Redr" isassociated with“ danger”and“ anger”. In every daylife,“ waving a red flag" means“ doing something that can cause quick anger inother people."(B)"Redr" is also associated with“ blood”and" violent”. Hencethe famous British scholar, Hawkes translated Chinese《红楼梦》as" the Story of the Stone”, not asA Dream of the red mansions" he latter is Chinese scholar, Yang xianyi'sversion怡红公子 as GreenBat”,怡红院as" "thehouse of green delights" because he avoided using the word"red 2 Thedifferent associative meanings of"T"in Chinese: Red arouses the feelings of enthusiasm, excitement andaffection among the Chinese, so the Chinese like red very much.(4)“红” is associated with thesvmbol of“ celebration, happy event, wedding, good luck and succes" For instance,“开门红” refers to“ begin well".“满堂红" means" success or having a good luck”.(B)“红” is associated with“ revolution”and" troops”. For example,“红旗” symbolizes" revolution andvictory”,“红军”, thered army refers to revolutionary 在汉语和英语两种语言中,一些表示颜色的词语所包含的特殊意义既有相同之处,也有不同之处,甚至引申意义完全相反。如节假日被称为“red- letter day”。在汉 语中红色还表示嫉妒或羡慕的意思,而英语中表示这种意思却用绿色 green来表示,因为gree就有嫉妒的含意。红色在中国还具有强烈的政治含意,象征着革命、无产阶级 政权等,而红色在英语国家中所包含的政治含意却不鲜明。他们多用黑色来指某一组织,如“黑手党B1 ack Hand”。汉语中的“黄色书”的含意与英语的黄色 书“ YellowPages”更是完全不 汉英语言中的颜色词的不同引申含意牵涉到的是汉英民族心理和文化的差异,在翻译中中要仔细斟酌。例如“红白喜事”不能简单按字面直译,因为在英语国家里婚礼 上新娘要穿象征纯洁的白色婚纱,而葬礼上人们则要穿上黑色的礼服表示哀悼,因此,译为“ weddings and funerals”这样才能使译文最大限度地忠实于原文 2)Comparative study of animal and plant termsbetween English and Chinese Take the animal term"dragon"for example Both“ dragon”and“龙”mean“ an imaginary fire- breathing animal in myth". But theirassociative meanings are opposite. @The associative meanings of"dragon"in English:(A)"Dragon"connotes"terrible monster"or"giant thateats men"( B)"Dragon"is also associated with"a fierce old woman, especially onewho allows too little freedom to a young girl in her charge. For example, Hermother is a real dragon. @2 The opposite associativemeanings of te"inChinese:(A)e"isthe symbol of the"Chinese people". The Chinese people call themselvesthe descendants of dragon proudly such as “龙的传人”and“龙子龙孙”.(B)“龙” is associated with“ emperor”and" mobility”. Emperors always namethemselves“真龙天子”(C)“龙" isassociated with“ good luck and success.por example,“龙凤呈样 "good lud Let us look at the plant term"Ros Denotative meanings are identical but associative meanings arepartly similar English and Chinese, there are quite a lot of words whoseassociative meanings are partly similar, though the denotative meanings ofthese words are the same. Here are so contrasts The denotative meanings of"Rose vs"FE"are identical. So let's justfocus our attention on the partly similar associative meaningsand the partly different associative meanings ofthem ① The partly similarassociative meanings of“rose”w“玫瑰"are“swer”“loe"“ romance”and“ affection" which are based on beauty and sweet- smelling of the nower Example 1, A Red, Red, Rose(Robert Burns)O my luve is like a red red rose."This is avery moving love poem n which the author compares his idol to"A Red, Red, Rose and ngs the praises of his ideal lover. Example2,“在我心中的深处,开着一朵玫瑰,我用生命的清泉,把它灌溉栽培。" It is a song in the chinese film" Trace of Tears3.Here“玫瑰's also compared to affection. The heroine wants to water the rose, her affection to her husband by using thespring of her life. Hence rose is also the symbol of love in Chinese ② The partly different associativemeanings of“rose”vs“玫瑰” (A)In English"rose is used to symbolizesomething"secret"or" silent". Therefore the idiom"under the rose "means"keepsecret and never betray (B)“ A thorny rose" is associated with" "imperfectness” in English, while“带刺的玫瑰” is associated with“ a girl who is difficult to please" in Chinese. For example,when English people say," There is no rose without a thorn”, thevmean," Nothing is perfect" In Chinese we often hear people say,“这个姑娘真漂亮,小心!这可是个带刺的玫 瑰”Hre“带刺的玫瑰” means thatbeautiful young woman is not accessible and it is difficult to get heraffection. 汉英两种语言中的动植物名词大体相似,但是有些动植物名词早特定的文化语境下,却有着其特殊的引申含意。例如,“狗”在汉语中的地位比较低下,因此也常用来 些生活贫困,地位卑贱的人。在英语中狗虽然有时也成为人们贬低的对象,但更多的时候是人类的朋友,家庭中的一员,因为它忠诚、可靠,在希腊神话中它是来世 ]#(a guardian at the portals of the afterlife) 汉语中“龙”是一种神通广大,主宰天地的吉样物。在英语中,虽然也有关于龙的神话,不过“龙”却是凶残的怪物。《圣经》中把与上帝作对的恶魔称作“ the great 随着中西文化的交流,中国的含意也逐渐为西方所接受,中国的“端午节”被译成“ the dragon’sday”,这样的译法并不会引起西方读者的反感,因为他们早已把中国看 成是东方的“巨龙” Chinese people have to"pine"," wInter sweet(腊梅),“sun"“moon"," rosy dawn”(朝霞),cte. Their metaphorical meaning will arouse more colorfulassociative images in the Chinese people than in the westerners. 此外,汉语中的松、竹、梅,是文人墨客常常吟诵的对象。松柏并称,象征刚直不阿和健康长寿。竹是一种高贵气节的象征,反映人们的“傲骨亮节”。梅花在严寒中 开放,傲然挺立,也成为高风亮节的象征。在英语中,松树作为一种常青树木,也象征着永生,被称做生命之树。在圣诞节,人们用松树做圣诞树来作为赎罪的象征。在英 唔中,plu指梅树或李树。梅在基督教中代表忠诚。在英语俚语中,plⅧm有奖品和奖赏的含义·随着文化的交流,英语中的植物寓意在汉语中也为人们使用。例如,“橄榄 枝”一—和平的象征,“红玫瑰”—爱情的象征等 汉语中的橄榄没寓意,而在英语中“橄榄枝”、“橄榄叶”却象征和平与富饶。英语中的“棕榈叶”象征胜利,某些军功勛章上也有棕榈叶的荣誉标志。而在汉语中 这种寓意不存在 (3) Comparativestudy in English and Chinese idioms 习语对比 词语中最具有引申意义的莫过于语言中的习语。习语包括成语、歇后语等。它们之间的转换可通过直译、意译、直译加意译等方式进行。汉英习语的差异主要体现在:喻体 的不同、风俗的不同和文化背景上的不同。①喻体不同,例如:健壮如牛 as strong as ahorse 害群之马 a blacksheep②风俗不同,例如:狗嘴里长不 出象牙。 A filthy mouth can’ t utterdecent language.③文化背景不同,例如:守口如瓶 as dumb as anoyster Assignment

①The associative meanings of “red” in English: (A) “Red” isassociated with “danger” and “anger”. In every daylife, “waving a red flag” means “doing something that can cause quick anger inother people.” (B) “Red” is also associated with “blood” and “violent”. Hencethe famous British scholar, Hawkes translated Chinese 《红楼梦》as “the Story of the Stone”,not as“A Dream of the red Mansions” (the latter is Chinese scholar, Yang Xianyi’sversion); 怡红公子as“GreenBoy”; 怡红院as “thehouse of Green Delights” because he avoided using the word “red”. ② Thedifferent associative meanings of “红” in Chinese: Red arouses the feelings of enthusiasm, excitement andaffection among the Chinese, so the Chinese like red very much. (A) “红” is associated with thesymbol of “celebration, happy event, wedding, good luck and success.” For instance, “开门红” refers to “begin well”. “满堂红” means” success or having a good luck”. (B) “红” is associated with“revolution” and “troops”. For example, “红旗”symbolizes “revolution andvictory”; “红军”, thered army refers to revolutionary troops. 在汉语和英语两种语言中,一些表示颜色的词语所包含的特殊意义既有相同之处,也有不同之处,甚至引申意义完全相反。如节假日被称为“red-letter day”。在汉 语中红色还表示嫉妒或羡慕的意思,而英语中表示这种意思却用绿色green来表示,因为green就有嫉妒的含意。红色在中国还具有强烈的政治含意,象征着革命、无产阶级 政权等,而红色在英语国家中所包含的政治含意却不鲜明。他们多用黑色来指某一组织,如“黑手党-----Black Hand”。汉语中的“黄色书”的含意与英语的黄色 书“YellowPages”更是完全不同。 汉英语言中的颜色词的不同引申含意牵涉到的是汉英民族心理和文化的差异,在翻译中中要仔细斟酌。例如“红白喜事”不能简单按字面直译,因为在英语国家里婚礼 上新娘要穿象征纯洁的白色婚纱,而葬礼上人们则要穿上黑色的礼服表示哀悼,因此,译为“weddings and funerals”这样才能使译文最大限度地忠实于原文。 (2)Comparative study of animal and plant termsbetween English and Chinese Take the animal term“dragon” for example. Both “dragon” and “龙” mean “an imaginary fire-breathing animal in myth”. But theirassociative meanings are opposite. ①The associative meanings of“dragon” in English: (A) “Dragon” connotes “terrible monster” or “giant thateats men” (B) “Dragon” is also associated with “a fierce old woman, especially onewho allows too little freedom to a young girl in her charge”. For example, “Hermother is a real dragon.” ②The opposite associativemeanings of “龙” inChinese: (A) “龙” isthe symbol of the “Chinese people”. The Chinese people call themselvesthe descendants of dragon proudly such as “龙的传人”and “龙子龙孙”. (B) “龙” is associated with “emperor” and “nobility”. Emperors always namethemselves “真龙天子”.(C) “龙” isassociated with “good luck and success”. For example, “龙凤呈祥” means “good luck.” Let us look at the plant term “Rose”. Denotative meanings are identical but associative meanings arepartly similar. In English and Chinese, there are quite a lot of words whoseassociative meanings are partly similar, though the denotative meanings ofthese words are the same. Here are some contrasts. The denotative meanings of “Rose” vs “玫瑰”are identical. So let’s justfocus our attention on the partly similar associative meaningsand the partly different associative meanings ofthem. ① The partly similarassociative meanings of “rose” vs “ 玫 瑰 ”are “sweet” “love” “romance” and “affection” which are based onbeauty and sweet-smelling of the flower. Example 1,“A Red, Red, Rose (Robert Burns) O my luve is like a red red rose…” This is avery moving love poem in which the author compares his idol to “A Red, Red,Rose” and sings the praises of his ideal lover. Example 2, “在我心中的深处,开着一朵玫瑰,我用生命的清泉,把它灌溉栽培。”It is a song in the Chinese film “Trace of Tears”. Here “玫瑰”is also compared to affection.The heroine wants to water the rose, her affection to her husband by using thespring of her life. Hence rose is also the symbol of love in Chinese. ②The partly different associativemeanings of “rose” vs “玫瑰” (A)In English “rose is used to symbolizesomething “secret” or “silent”. Therefore the idiom “under the rose” means “keepsecret and never betray”. (B)“A thorny rose ” is associated with “imperfectness” in English, while “带刺的玫瑰” is associated with “a girl who is difficult to please” in Chinese.For example, when English people say, “There is no rose without a thorn”, theymean, “Nothing is perfect.” In Chinese we often hear people say, “这个姑娘真漂亮,小心!这可是个带刺的玫 瑰”. Here “带刺的玫瑰” means thatbeautiful young woman is not accessible and it is difficult to get heraffection. 汉英两种语言中的动植物名词大体相似,但是有些动植物名词早特定的文化语境下,却有着其特殊的引申含意。例如,“狗”在汉语中的地位比较低下,因此也常用来 形容一些生活贫困,地位卑贱的人。在英语中狗虽然有时也成为人们贬低的对象,但更多的时候是人类的朋友,家庭中的一员,因为它忠诚、可靠,在希腊神话中它是来世 的守门者(a guardian at the portals of the afterlife) 汉语中“龙”是一种神通广大,主宰天地的吉祥物。在英语中,虽然也有关于龙的神话,不过“龙”却是凶残的怪物。《圣经》中把与上帝作对的恶魔称作“the great dragon”。 随着中西文化的交流,中国的含意也逐渐为西方所接受,中国的“端午节”被译成“the dragon’s day”,这样的译法并不会引起西方读者的反感,因为他们早已把中国看 成是东方的“巨龙”。 Chinese people have given a new meaning to “pine”, “winter sweet”(腊梅), “sun” “moon”, “rosy dawn”(朝霞), etc.. Their metaphorical meaning will arouse more colorfulassociative images in the Chinese people than in the westerners. 此外,汉语中的松、竹、梅,是文人墨客常常吟诵的对象。松柏并称,象征刚直不阿和健康长寿。竹是一种高贵气节的象征,反映人们的“傲骨亮节”。梅花在严寒中 开放,傲然挺立,也成为高风亮节的象征。在英语中,松树作为一种常青树木,也象征着永生,被称做生命之树。在圣诞节,人们用松树做圣诞树来作为赎罪的象征。在英 语中,plum指梅树或李树。梅在基督教中代表忠诚。在英语俚语中,plum有奖品和奖赏的含义。随着文化的交流,英语中的植物寓意在汉语中也为人们使用。例如,“橄榄 枝”——和平的象征,“红玫瑰”——爱情的象征等。 汉语中的橄榄没寓意,而在英语中“橄榄枝”、“橄榄叶”却象征和平与富饶。英语中的“棕榈叶”象征胜利,某些军功勋章上也有棕榈叶的荣誉标志。而在汉语中, 这种寓意不存在。 (3)Comparativestudy in English and Chinese idioms 习语对比 词语中最具有引申意义的莫过于语言中的习语。习语包括成语、歇后语等。它们之间的转换可通过直译、意译、直译加意译等方式进行。汉英习语的差异主要体现在:喻体 的不同、风俗的不同和文化背景上的不同。①喻体不同,例如:健壮如牛 as strong as ahorse 害群之马a blacksheep ② 风俗不同,例如:狗嘴里长不 出象牙。A filthy mouth can’t utterdecent language. ③ 文化背景不同,例如:守口如瓶  as dumb as anoyster   Assignments:

2. Translatethe following four paragraphs into English 1)P1912)P195;3)P198;4)P201 马秉义,《汉译英基础教程》,中国对外翻译出版公司,2006 3. Translate the Chinese passage“一件小事”(鲁迅) intoenglish 事(鲁迅) 我从乡下跑到京城里,一转眼已经六年了。其间耳闻目睹的所谓国家大 不少:但在我心里,都不留什么痕迹,倘要我寻出这些事的影响来说,便只是增 长了我的坏脾气 实说,便是教我一 但有一件小事,却于我有意义,将我从坏脾气里拖开,使我至今忘记不得 浮尘早已刮净,剩 白的都根被毛大代:热两车截车某上年有已经企开慢相倒的破相告心没有上扣,微风吹若,向外展开,所以终于兜着车把 夫早有点停步,否则伊定要栽一个大 跌到头破血 地上:车夫便也立住脚。我料定这老女人并没有伤,又没有别人看见,便很怪他多事,要自己惹出是非,也误了我的路 对他说,“没有什么的。走你的罢! 车夫毫不理会,—或者并没有听到,—却放下车子,扶那老女人慢慢起来,搀着臂膊立定,问伊说: 我想,我眼见你慢慢倒地,怎么会摔坏呢,装腔作势罢了,这真可憎恶。车夫多事,也正是自讨苦吃,现在你自己想法去 车夫听了这老女人的话,却毫不踌躇,仍然搀着伊的臂膊,便一步一步的向前走。我有些诧异 警分驻所,大风之后,外面也不见人。这车夫扶着那老 感到一种异样的感觉,觉得他满身灰尘的后影,刹时高大了,而且愈走愈大,须仰视才见。而且他对于我,渐渐的又几乎变成一种威压,甚而至于要榨出皮袍下 我的活力这时大约有些凝滞了,坐着没有动,也没有想,直到看见分驻所里走出一个巡警,才下了车 我没有思索的从外套袋里抓出一大 警,说,“请你给他 这猜了现着上还,我走着 苦痛,努力的要想到我自己。几年来的文治武力,在我早如幼小时候所读过的“子日诗云”一般,背不上半句了。独有这一件 小事,却总是浮在我眼前,有时反 教我惭愧,催我自新,并且增长我的勇气和希望 A SMALL INCIDENT From the "Call to Arms"collection lated by Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang Six years have slipped by since I came from the country tothe capital. During that time the number of so-called affairs of state I havewitnessed or heard about is far from small, but none of them made muchimpression If asked to define their influence on me, I can only say they mademy bad temper worse. Frankly speaking, they taught me to take a poorer view One small incident, however, which struck me as significantand jolted me out of my irritability, remains fixed even now in my memory. lustering, but the exigencies of earning my living forced me to be up and outearly. I met scarcely a soul on the road, but eventually anaged to hire rickshaw to take me to S-Gate. Presently the wind dropped a little, havingblown away the drifts of dust on the road to leave a clean broad highway, andthe rickshaw man quickened his pace. We were just approaching S-Gate when weknoc unbuttoned andbillowing in the wind, had caught on the shaft. Luckily the rickshaw man hadslowed down, otherwise she would certainly have had a bad fall and it mighthave been a serious She huddled there on the ground, and the rickshaw manstopped, As I did not believe the old woman was hurt and as no one else hadseen us, I thought this halt of his uncalled for, liable to le paid no attention-he may not have heard- but set downthe shafts, took the old womans arm and gently helped her up. Putting on an act like this is simply disgusting. Therickshaw man asked for trouble, and now he's got it. He 'll have to find his ownway out. But the rickshaw man did not hesitate for a minuteafter hearing the old womans answer. Still holding her arm, he helped herslowly forward. Rather puzzled by his I looked ahead and saw Suddenly I had the strange sensation that his dustyretreating figure had in that instant grown larger. Indeed, the further hewalked the larger he loomed, until I had to look up to him. At the If hidden under my fur-lined gown. I came out. Then I got down from the ricksha me and said, "Get anotherrickshaw He can't take yo ) n the spur of the moment I pulled a handful of coppers frommy coat pocket and handed them to the policeman, "Please give himthis, "I said As I walked along thinking, I hardly dared to think aboutmyself. buite apart from what had happened earlier, what had I meantby that coppers? Was it a rewa Even now, this incident keeps coming back to me. It keepsdistressing me and makes me try to think about myself. The politics and thefighting of those completely as the classics lread as a child. Yet this small incident keeps coming back to me, often morevivid than in actual life, teaching me shame, spurrir 者:杨宪益和他夫人戴乃迭简 会在京举行仪式,授予我国著名文学翻译家、外国文学研究专家杨宪益先生翻译文化终身成就奖。中国外文局常务副局长、中国翻译协会常务副会长 郭晓勇 郭晓勇在颁奖仪式上表示,杨宪益先生学贯中西,为中外文化交流尤其是中国文化走向世界作出了卓贡献。他翻译的中国文学作品,从先秦 代文学,跨度之 奖仪式上杨影确之深,中国翻译界无人企及,特别是他与夫人贼乃选联快译的英译本《红楼整 大、数量之多、质量之高 为最受中外学者和读者认 不够。他还寄语 青年翻译工作者对自己的文化要 杨宪益先生译著等身,他与夫人戴乃迭合作,把《楚辞》、《离骚》、《史记选 《青春之歌》、《鲁迅选集》等大量中国古今文学名著译成英文,同时把阿里斯托芬 荷马、萧伯纳等欧洲古今文学家的名著译成中文。此外,他还撰有《译余偶拾》、《零墨新笺》等学术著作多种 翻译文化终身成就奖由中国翻译协会于2006年设立,是表彰翻译家个人的最高荣誉奖项。到目前为止,杨宪益先生是获得该奖项的第二位翻译家。2006年9月26日,季羡林 先生成为首位翻译文化终身成就奖获得者 延安大学外国语学院教师教案(首页) 主讲教师 李艳 教授 课程性质 翮译理论与实践(汉译英)课程是英语教育专业学生的一门专业 技能必修课,开设在第六学期,为学位课程 教学目的要帖表达诃语的意义是学习汉译英的基础 授课内容 第五章词语的翻译

1.课本P.67 练习三 2. Translatethe following four paragraphs into English 1) P.191;2)P.195; 3)P198; 4)P201 马秉义,《汉译英基础教程》,中国对外翻译出版公司,2006 3. Translate theChinese passage “一件小事”(鲁迅)intoEnglish. 一件小事(鲁迅) 我从乡下跑到京城里,一转眼已经六年了。其间耳闻目睹的所谓国家大事,算起来也很不少;但在我心里,都不留什么痕迹,倘要我寻出这些事的影响来说,便只是增 长了我的坏脾气,——老实说,便是教我一天比一天的看不起人。 但有一件小事,却于我有意义,将我从坏脾气里拖开,使我至今忘记不得。 这是民国六年的冬天,大北风刮得正猛,我因为生计关系,不得不一早在路上走。一路几乎遇不见人,好容易才雇定了一辆人力车,教他拉到S门去。不一会,北风小了,路 上浮尘早已刮净,剩下一条洁白的大道来,车夫也跑得更快。刚近S门,忽而车把上带着一个人,慢慢地倒了。 跌倒的是一个女人,花白头发,衣服都很破烂。伊从马路上突然向车前横截过来;车夫已经让开道,但伊的破棉背心没有上扣,微风吹着,向外展开,所以终于兜着车把。 幸而车夫早有点停步,否则伊定要栽一个大斤斗,跌到头破血出了。 伊伏在地上;车夫便也立住脚。我料定这老女人并没有伤,又没有别人看见,便很怪他多事,要自己惹出是非,也误了我的路。 我便对他说,“没有什么的。走你的罢!” 车夫毫不理会,——或者并没有听到,——却放下车子,扶那老女人慢慢起来,搀着臂膊立定,问伊说: “你怎么啦?” “我摔坏了。” 我想,我眼见你慢慢倒地,怎么会摔坏呢,装腔作势罢了,这真可憎恶。车夫多事,也正是自讨苦吃,现在你自己想法去。 车夫听了这老女人的话,却毫不踌躇,仍然搀着伊的臂膊,便一步一步的向前走。我有些诧异,忙看前面,是一所巡警分驻所,大风之后,外面也不见人。这车夫扶着那老 女人,便正是向那大门走去。 我这时突然感到一种异样的感觉,觉得他满身灰尘的后影,刹时高大了,而且愈走愈大,须仰视才见。而且他对于我,渐渐的又几乎变成一种威压,甚而至于要榨出皮袍下 面藏着的“小”来。 我的活力这时大约有些凝滞了,坐着没有动,也没有想,直到看见分驻所里走出一个巡警,才下了车。 巡警走近我说,“你自己雇车罢,他不能拉你了。” 我没有思索的从外套袋里抓出一大把铜元,交给巡警,说,“请你给他……” 风全住了,路上还很静。我走着,一面想,几乎怕敢想到自己。以前的事姑且搁起,这一大把铜元又是什么意思?奖他么?我还能裁判车夫么?我不能回答自己。 这事到了现在,还是时时记起。我因此也时时煞了苦痛,努力的要想到我自己。几年来的文治武力,在我早如幼小时候所读过的“子曰诗云"一般,背不上半句了。独有这一件 小事,却总是浮在我眼前,有时反更分明,教我惭愧,催我自新,并且增长我的勇气和希望。 A SMALL INCIDENT (From the "Call to Arms" collection translated by Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang) Six years have slipped by since I came from the country tothe capital. During that time the number of so-called affairs of state I havewitnessed or heard about is far from small, but none of them made muchimpression. If asked to define their influence on me, I can only say they mademy bad temper worse. Frankly speaking, they taught me to take a poorer view ofpeople every day. One small incident, however, which struck me as significantand jolted me out of my irritability, remains fixed even now in my memory. It was the winter of 1917, a strong north wind wasblustering, but the exigencies of earning my living forced me to be up and outearly. I met scarcely a soul on the road, but eventually managed to hire arickshaw to take me to S-Gate. Presently the wind dropped a little, havingblown away the drifts of dust on the road to leave a clean broad highway, andthe rickshaw man quickened his pace. We were just approaching S-Gate when weknocked into someone who slowly toppled over. It was a grey-haired woman in ragged clothes. She hadstepped out abruptly from the roadside in front of us, and although therick-shaw man had swerved, her tattered padded waistcoat, unbuttoned andbillowing in the wind, had caught on the shaft. Luckily the rickshaw man hadslowed down, otherwise she would certainly have had a bad fall and it mighthave been a serious accident. She huddled there on the ground, and the rickshaw manstopped. As I did not believe the old woman was hurt and as no one else hadseen us, I thought this halt of his uncalled for, liable to land him troubleand hold me up. "It's all right," I said. "Go on." He paid no attention - he may not have heard - but set downthe shafts, took the old woman's arm and gently helped her up. "Are you all right?" he asked. "I hurt myself falling." I thought: I saw how slowly you fell, how could you be hurt? Putting on an act like this is simply disgusting. Therickshaw man asked for trouble, and now he's got it. He'll have to find his ownway out. But the rickshaw man did not hesitate for a minuteafter hearing the old woman's answer. Still holding her arm, he helped herslowly forward. Rather puzzled by his I looked ahead and saw a police-station.Because of the high wind, there was no one outside. It was there that therickshaw man was taking the old woman. Suddenly I had the strange sensation that his dustyretreating figure had in that instant grown larger. Indeed, the further hewalked the larger he loomed, until I had to look up to him. At the same time heseemed gradually to be exerting a pressure on me which threatened to overpowerthe small self hidden under my fur-lined gown. Almost paralysed at that juncture I sat there motionless, mymind a blank, until a policeman came out. Then I got down from the rickshaw. The policeman came up to me and said, "Get anotherrickshaw. He can't take you any further." On the spur of the moment I pulled a handful of coppers frommy coat pocket and handed them to the policeman. "Please give himthis," I said. The wind had dropped completely, but the road was stillquiet. As I walked along thinking, I hardly dared to think aboutmyself. Quite apart from what had happened earlier, what had I meantby that handful of coppers? Was it a reward? Who was I to judge the rickshawman? I could give myself no answer. Even now, this incident keeps coming back to me. It keepsdistressing me and makes me try to think about myself. The politics and thefighting of those years have slipped my mind as completely as the classics Iread as a child. Yet this small incident keeps coming back to me, often morevivid than in actual life, teaching me shame, spurring me on to reform, andimbuing me with fresh courage and fresh hope. 译者:杨宪益和他夫人戴乃迭简介 9月17日,中国翻译协会在京举行仪式,授予我国著名文学翻译家、外国文学研究专家杨宪益先生翻译文化终身成就奖。中国外文局常务副局长、中国翻译协会常务副会长 郭晓勇,中国外文局副局长、中国翻译协会副会长黄友义为杨宪益先生颁发了荣誉证书。 郭晓勇在颁奖仪式上表示,杨宪益先生学贯中西,为中外文化交流尤其是中国文化走向世界作出了卓贡献。他翻译的中国文学作品,从先秦文学到现当代文学,跨度之 大、数量之多、质量之高、影响之深,中国翻译界无人企及。特别是他与夫人戴乃迭联袂翻译的英译本《红楼梦》,已成为最受中外学者和读者认可和推崇的经典译作。 在颁奖仪式上,杨宪益先生谦逊地表示,自己有兴趣做了些文学翻译,但成就很少,甚至可以说没有什么成就。他认为,中国的东西对外介绍得还远远不够。他还寄语 青年翻译工作者对自己的文化要多了解一点,多看一些书。 杨宪益先生译著等身,他与夫人戴乃迭合作,把《楚辞》、《离骚》、《史记选》、《青春之歌》、《鲁迅选集》等大量中国古今文学名著译成英文,同时把阿里斯托芬、 荷马、萧伯纳等欧洲古今文学家的名著译成中文。此外,他还撰有《译余偶拾》、《零墨新笺》等学术著作多种。 翻译文化终身成就奖由中国翻译协会于2006年设立,是表彰翻译家个人的最高荣誉奖项。到目前为止,杨宪益先生是获得该奖项的第二位翻译家。2006年9月26日,季羡林 先生成为首位翻译文化终身成就奖获得者。 延安大学外国语学院教师教案(首页) 主讲教师 李艳 职称 教授 课程性质 翻译理论与实践(汉译英)课程是英语教育专业学生的一门专业 技能必修课,开设在第六学期,为学位课程。 教学目的 使学生懂得对词语的理解和表达式篇章翻译的基础,正确理解并 妥帖表达词语的意义是学习汉译英的基础。 授课内容 第五章词语的翻译

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