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翻译练习(一) 2017-04-0721:11 常用口令 起床! Get up! 快点儿! Bequick! 集合!Fain! (二)列队! Onone rank( two ranks)! 立正! Attention! 稍息! Atease! 向右看-齐! Right-dress! 向左看-齐!Left- dress! 向前-看!Eyes- -front! 报数! Count of! 点名! Call the ro! 到!Here! 散开! Extend! 靠拢! Close! 向左转! Left-face(Left turn)! 向右-转! Right-face( Right turn)! 向后转! About-face( About turn)! 齐步走! Forward- march( March off)! 踏步-走! Mark time- march! 跑步走! Double(time)-march 便步-走! Atease-march 快步走! Quickmarch! 右转弯-走! Right-wheel 左转弯-走! Left-whee! 向前三步走! Threestepsforward march

翻译练习(一) 2017-04-07 21:11 常用口令 起床!Get up! 快点儿! Bequick! 集合!Fall in! 一(二)列队! Onone rank (two ranks)! 立正!Attention! 稍息! Atease! 向右看-齐!Right-dress! 向左看-齐!Left-dress! 向前-看!Eyes-front! 报数!Count off! 点名!Call the roll! 到!Here! 散开!Extend! 靠拢!Close! 向左-转!Left-face (Left turn)! 向右-转!Right-face (Right turn)! 向后-转!About-face (About turn)! 齐步-走!Forward-march (March off)! 踏步-走!Mark time-march! 跑步-走!Double (time)-march! 便步-走! Atease-march! 快步走!Quickmarch! 右转弯-走!Right-wheel! 左转弯-走!Left-wheel! 向前三步走!Threestepsforward march

前进! Advance! 立定!Hat! 各就位,预备,跑! Ready!Set!Go! 解散! Dismiss! 军队口令 散开排列 Open Order- March 密集排列 Close order- March 暂散 Squad will fallout- Fall out 解散 Squad willdismiss- Dismiss 右半转 nclining atthe halt- Right incline 左半转 nclining atthe halt- Left incline 开步操 Bythe left- Quick March 行进中向前敬礼 Saluting to thefront- Salute 行进中向左敬礼 Saluting to theleft-- Salute 行进中向右敬礼 Saluting to theright- Salute 向右注目礼 Bythe right- Eyes right 向左注目礼 Bythe left- Eyes left 取(拿)枪! Take arms! 肩枪! Shoulder arms! 枪放下! Orderarms! 卧到!Down! 装子弹!Load! 退子弹! Unload! 射击!Fire! 起立! Getup( Standup)! 用炮! Prepare foraction! 收炮! March order!

前进!Advance! 立定!Halt! 各就位,预备,跑!Ready! Set! Go! 解散!Dismiss! 军队口令 散开排列Open Order –March 密集排列Close Order –March 暂散Squad will fallout – Fall out 解散Squad willdismiss – Dismiss 右半转Inclining atthe halt – Right incline 左半转Inclining atthe halt – Left incline 开步操 Bythe left –Quick March 行进中向前敬礼Saluting to thefront– Salute 行进中向左敬礼Saluting to theleft– Salute 行进中向右敬礼Saluting to theright– Salute 向右注目礼 Bythe right –Eyes right 向左注目礼 Bythe left –Eyes left 取(拿)枪!Take arms! 肩枪!Shoulder arms! 枪放下! Orderarms! 卧到!Down! 装子弹!Load! 退子弹!Unload! 射击!Fire! 起立!Getup (Standup)! 用炮!Prepare foraction! 收炮!March order!

架炮! Seat/Mount gun! 置炮! Lay gun 就炮! Take posts! 炮后集合! Fall in rearof piece!

架炮!Seat/Mount gun! 置炮!Lay gun! 就炮!Take posts! 炮后集合!Fall in rearof piece!



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