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Introductory Remarks about the Course I. About the course ith Chinas entry into WTO and increasingly frequent contacts interms of global economy and culture, more and more qualified translators andinterpreters are needed to advance the urse of Modemizations in thiscountry. Translation teaching has been play ing a crucial role in their trainingand from a college students point of view, translation is a very useful skillto graduate with.(The importance of translation teaching) Translation didnt become an independent course until 1978(twoyears after the end of the disastrous "Great Culture Revolution")when Chinabegan to adopt its policy of reform and pening-up. In the past, however, themain objectives of using translation tasks in foreign language teaching hadbeen to illustrate and explain grammatical points and drill certain constructionsspecially designed for this purpose. Today in China, translation is compulsory course for undergraduates in foreign language departments, We havecome to realize that the level of translation reflects the comprehensiveabilities required in foreign language study including listening, speaking, reading and writing and serves as an effective means to test a learner'spractical ability concerned. (The importance of translation) This course attempts to outline(give a general description) brieflythe knowledge and skills which must underlie the practical abilities of thewould-be translator, which mainly include: translation criteria criterion HJ a ) translation process, translation methods, translation techniques, etc. Translation has its completesystem of basic theories, specific Ispa'sifik principles andconcrete techniques and skills. It is never a kind of work that any one cancasually do who knows some foreign language and depends simply upon This course is to teach students basic theories, specific principles andconcrete techniques and skills, and to train students mainly to the ability of putting English into Chinesethrough practice. sis will be on practice. So students should learn basic theories, specific principles andconcrete techniques and skills. the main objectives oftranslation cours Il, Required textbooks and reference books Sun Zhili, A New Course book on English-Chinese Translation. Shanghai: Shanghai ForeignLanguage Education Press, 2011 heng Zhaowei etal. A Concise Course book On Translation. NationalDefense Industry Press 3. Xu Jianping etal. A Practical Course of English-Chinese and Chinese-EnglishTranslation. Qin Hua University Press, 2003 4 Zhang Peiji etal. Textbook for Translating English into Chinese. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1980 5. Guo Zhuzhang etal. d Practical Course in Translation behreen English andChinese. Wu Han: Wu Han University Press, 2003 6陈定安,《英汉比较与翻译》中国对外翻译出版公司,1998 Ⅲ Course Requ Students are expected to attend all classsessions the time during which a school holds classes) If you are absent, a note (a writtenexplanation) must be presented to explain the reason for the absence. When youmiss classes, remember it is your responsibility to find out what you missed. lf you are absent three times, please come tosee me immediately Assignments are due on the day announced inclass. All assignments must be submitted ON TIME. Late assignmentswill notbe accepted So prepare your assignments in advance. All class assignments will be written on the paper arranged by ourdepartment. Ⅳ. Grading: You will be evaluated on your attendance, participation in class, class assignments, and translation ability Attendance, participation, class assignments, translation ability.-30% Final Exam . 70% The passing grade for this course is 60. According touniversity regulations make-up exams are not permitted for those who get under60. That means those who score below 60 faiL. Grades are nonnegotiable I ni gau jabl under any circumstances Good English ability is an advantage in this course, but fulfillingthe requirements is the only way to achieve a high final grade. If you have problems with amy aspect of this course, please do not hesitateto see me as soon as possible Phone number: 136291 1688 Chapter 1 An Introduction to Translation Chapter 2 The Process of Translation Chapter 3 The Methods of Translation Chapter 4 A Contrastive Study between English and Chinese on between Parts ofspeech in English-Chinese Translation Chapter 6 Translation of English passiveinto Chinese Chapter 7 Amplification vs Omission (Affirmation vs Negation) Chapter9 Breaking and Combining Sentences Chapter 10 Abstract vs Concrete

Introductory Remarks about the Course Ⅰ. About the course With China’s entry into WTO and increasingly frequent contacts interms of global economy and culture, more and more qualified translators andinterpreters are needed to advance the course of Modernizations in thiscountry. Translation teaching has been playing a crucial role in their trainingand from a college student’s point of view, translation is a very useful skillto graduate with. (The importance of translation teaching) Translation didn’t become an independent course until 1978 (twoyears after the end of the disastrous “Great Culture Revolution”) when Chinabegan to adopt its policy of reform and opening-up. In the past, however, themain objectives of using translation tasks in foreign language teaching hadbeen to illustrate and explain grammatical points and drill certain constructionsspecially designed for this purpose. Today in China, translation is acompulsory course for undergraduates in foreign language departments. We havecome to realize that the level of translation reflects the comprehensiveabilities required in foreign language study including listening, speaking,reading and writing and serves as an effective means to test a learner’spractical ability concerned. (The importance of translation) This course attempts to outline (give a general description) brieflythe knowledge and skills which must underlie the practical abilities of thewould-be translator, which mainly include: translation criteria ( criterion 的 复 数 ) , translation process,translation methods, translation techniques, etc. Translation has its completesystem of basic theories, specific [spə'sifik] principles andconcrete techniques and skills. It is never a kind of work that any one cancasually do who knows some foreign language and depends simply upon adictionary. This course is to teach students basic theories, specific principles andconcrete techniques and skills,and to train students mainly to the ability of putting English into Chinesethrough practice. Emphasis will be on practice. So students should learn basic theories, specific principles andconcrete techniques and skills.(the main objectives oftranslation course) Ⅱ.Required textbooks and reference books: 1.Sun Zhili, A New Course book on English-Chinese Translation. Shanghai: Shanghai ForeignLanguage Education Press, 2011 2.Cheng Zhaowei etal. A Concise Course book On Translation. NationalDefense Industry Press 3.Xu Jianping etal. A Practical Course of English-Chinese and Chinese –EnglishTranslation. Qin Hua University Press, 2003 4.Zhang Peiji etal. Textbook for Translating English into Chinese. Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1980 5.Guo Zhuzhang etal. A Practical Course in Translation between English andChinese. Wu Han: Wu Han University Press, 2003 6.陈定安,《英汉比较与翻译》中国对外翻译出版公司,1998 Ⅲ.Course Requirements ·Students are expected to attend all classsessions. (the time during which a school holds classes) · If you are absent, a note (a writtenexplanation) must be presented to explain the reason for the absence. When youmiss classes, remember it is your responsibility to find out what you missed. ·If you are absent three times, please come tosee me immediately. ·Assignments are due on the day announced inclass. All assignments must be submitted ON TIME. Late assignmentswill notbe accepted. So prepare your assignments in advance. All class assignments will be written on the paper arranged by ourdepartment. Ⅳ. Grading: You will be evaluated on your attendance, participation in class,class assignments, and translation ability. Attendance,participation, class assignments, translation ability …30% Final Exam…70% The passing grade for this course is 60. According touniversity regulations make-up exams are not permitted for those who get under60. That means those who score below 60 fail. Grades are notnegotiable [ ni'gəuʃjəbl ] under any circumstances! Good English ability is an advantage in this course, but fulfillingthe requirements is the only way to achieve a high final grade. If you have problems with any aspect of this course, please do not hesitateto see me as soon as possible. Phone number:13629116883 Ⅴ.Tentative syllabus: Chapter 1 An Introduction to Translation Chapter 2 The Process of Translation Chapter 3 The Methods of Translation Chapter 4 A Contrastive Study between English and Chinese Chapter 5 Transformation between Parts ofSpeech in English-Chinese Translation Chapter 6 Translation of English passiveinto Chinese Chapter 7 Amplification vs. Omission Chapter 8 Positive vs. NegativeExpressions (Affirmation vs. Negation) Chapter9 Breaking and Combining Sentences Chapter 10 Abstract vs. Concrete Chapter 11 Styles(文体) vs. Translation

延安大学外国语学院教师教案(首页) 主讲教师 李艳 职称 授 翻译理论与实践课程是英语教育专业学生的一门专业技能必修课,开设在 课程性质 第五学期 教学目的 使学生能够掌握翻译基本理论、方法、技巧,并培养学生逐步提高英译 汉、汉译英的能力 授课内容 第一讲翻译概论 1、翻译的定义2、翻译的种类3、翻译的标准 教学重点 4、翻译工作者应具备的能力 教学难点 翻译的定义、翻译的标准 课时分配 教学方法 讲练结合,师生互动。 教学手段 常规教学 思考题目 如何理解严复的“信”、“ “雅”翻译标准 作业与辅导(内 容、时间) Translate the passage"Life in the violin Case(on P. 153)into Chinese ①《新编英汉翻译教程》孙致礼,上海外语教育出版社,2011 ②《简明翻译教程》成昭伟等,国防工业出版社,2006 考文 ③《英汉翻译教程》张培基等,上海外语教育出版社,1980 Chapter 1 An Introduction to Translation I About the definition What do we mean by translation? In the first place, the term needs alittle clarifying. Take literally, it can be given three meanings, according toconcrete contexts I)translating: the to translate; the activity rather than the tangible( that can be perceived by touching)object), )a translation: the product of the process of translating (i.e. the translatedtext), 3)translation: the abstract concept which encompasses(include or comprise)both the process of translating and the product of thatprocess. As far as the definition is concerned, it is very easy for us toquote one from some authoritative dictionaries, e.g. "to turn from one languageinto another (The Oxford English Dictionary), "to turn into one's own oranother language (Webster's Third New Intemational Dictionary of the EnglishLanguage), "to change (speech or writing) from one language into another( Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English) What is the common point of the three definitions mentioned above? Itis"the change of one language into another Nidas(American translation theorist) definition is"Translatingconsists in reproducing in the receptor language of the closest naturalequivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning, andsecondly in terms of style(Eugene A Nida). So he attaches the importance to"message, the meaning and the style that a language conveys. So translation in its very enseis communication In practice, the change of one language into another is only thesurface work, while the transfer of culture information ranks first in atranslator's job. In this sense, translation Translation is a communicative act between different languages and culturesachieved through selecting the nearest equivalent in the target language formessage units in the source Definition of translation in the text book:翻译是把一种语言表达的意义用另一种语言传达出来,以达到沟通思想情感、传播文化知识、促进社会文明,特别是推动译语文化 兴旺昌盛的目的。 So, it has been agreed that translation involves at least two essentials: language and culture. Therefore, the purpose of translation far more than achieving"equivalence or"equivalence effect"is to promote cultural exchange andsocial progress. Linguistic exchanges between cultures are as a matter of fact, culture exchanges

延安大学外国语学院教师教案(首页) 主讲教师 李艳 职称 教授 课程性质 翻译理论与实践课程是英语教育专业学生的一门专业技能必修课,开设在 第五学期。 教学目的 使学生能够掌握翻译基本理论、方法、技巧,并培养学生逐步提高英译 汉、汉译英的能力 授课内容 第一讲翻译概论 教学重点 1、翻译的定义 2、翻译的种类 3、翻译的标准 4、翻译工作者应具备的能力 教学难点 翻译的定义、翻译的标准 课时分配 两学时 教学方法 讲练结合,师生互动。 教学手段 常规教学。 思考题目 如何理解严复的“信”、“达”、“雅”翻译标准 作业与辅导(内 容、时间) Translate the passage “Life in the violin Case (on P.153) into Chinese” 参考文献 ①《新编英汉翻译教程》孙致礼,上海外语教育出版社,2011 ②《简明翻译教程》成昭伟等, 国防工业出版社,2006 ③《英汉翻译教程》张培基等,上海外语教育出版社,1980 Chapter 1 An Introduction to Translation Ⅰ. About the definition What do we mean by translation? In the first place, the term needs alittle clarifying. Take literally, it can be given three meanings, according toconcrete contexts: 1)translating: the process (to translate; the activity rather than the tangible(that can be perceived by touching) object); 2)a translation: the product of the process of translating (i.e. the translatedtext); 3) translation: the abstract concept which encompasses(include or comprise) both the process of translating and the product of thatprocess. As far as the definition is concerned, it is very easy for us toquote one from some authoritative dictionaries, e.g. “to turn from one languageinto another (The Oxford English Dictionary)”; “to turn into one’s own oranother language”(Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the EnglishLanguage); “to change (speech or writing) from one language into another(Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)”. What is the common point of the three definitions mentioned above? Itis “the change of one language into another”. Nida’s (American translation theorist) definition is “Translatingconsists in reproducing in the receptor language of the closest naturalequivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning, andsecondly in terms of style (Eugene A. Nida)”. So he attaches the importance to “message”,the meaning and the style that a language conveys. So translation in its very senseis communication. In practice, the change of one language into another is only thesurface work, while the transfer of culture information ranks first in atranslator’s job. In this sense, translation may be defined as follows: Translation is a communicative act between different languages and culturesachieved through selecting the nearest equivalent in the target language formessage units in the source language. Definition of translation in the text book: 翻译是把一种语言表达的意义用另一种语言传达出来,以达到沟通思想情感、传播文化知识、促进社会文明,特别是推动译语文化 兴旺昌盛的目的。 So, it has been agreed that translation involves at least two essentials:language and culture. Therefore, the purpose of translation far more than achieving“equivalence” or “equivalence effect” is to promote cultural exchange andsocial progress. Linguistic exchanges between cultures are as a matter of fact,culture exchanges

Ⅱ. Is Translation ea Some people think translation is easy: As long as you know somegrammatical rules of a foreign language you can translate with the help of a dictionary. Is it really so? Now look at the following seemingly easy sentences and see ifyou can translate them easily. Can you see what is wrong with the translationsprovided in brackets?) l) He is easily the best student in the class.她很容易地成了班上最好的学生。) 2) Thestranger robbed his wife(那个陌生人抢了他的妻子。) 3) I cant agree more.(我不能同意更多的了。) 4) They gave the boy the lie.(他们对男孩说谎。) 5) This is a very good price.(这是一个非常好的价钱。) 6) Her mother died of difficult labor.(他母亲劳累而死。) There doesnt seem to be any new words for most students and none ofthe sentences is very complicated in grammar. Now, lets analyze them one byone. ) He is easily the best student in the class(她很容易地成了班上最好的学生。) e is the best student in the class with ease.(她很轻松地成了班上最好的学生。) The word"easily" in Sentence I is not of the usual sense and can' tbe translated as容易地. It means“ by far". So the sentence should be translated as她绝对/无疑是班上最好的学生c 他比班上别的学生要好得多 2) Thestranger robbed his wife(那个陌生人抢了他的妻子。) The meaning of ft f ftj fin the translation of Sentence 2 is ambiguous. It may mean thestranger took away the woman and made her his own wife. But what was actuallytaken was not the woman but her money or personal belongings.. So a clear translationshould be那个陌生人抢了他妻子的钱(东西) 3) I cant agree more.(我不能同意更多的了。) entence 3 uses a negative form to express the meaningof the superlative degree. The translation is wrong because"agree" here is anintransitive verb( when used as a transitive verb, it often followed by athat-clause)and"more" is not its object but its adverbial. So the sentenceshould be translated as我完全同意, or more vividly我 4) They gave the boy the lie.(他们对男孩说谎。) Sentence4 is an idiomatic way to express certainideas. Here"give" does not mean" make somebody possess something", but rather scold"or" punish”.他们指责男孩说谎(他们指 责男孩编造的这个说谎言) 5) This is a very good price.(这是一个非常好的价钱。) e Some people tend to think a word in one language mayalways be turned into a corresponding word in another language. So they make anequation between"labor"and"1z".As a atter of fact, "labor"has some meaning that is not coveredby Chinese 20. In sentence 6 it means"give birth to a baby, emphasizing the process". So thesentence actually means it tif 亲死于难产。(劳累o苦工 canbe translated as"hard labor"or" hard work”.)Don' t be too sure of yourselves and consult thedictionary more. II. The classification of translation In view of language of translation, it can be classified into intralingual translation and interlingualtranslation Intralingualtranslation or rewording (change the wording of sthspoken or written)is an interpretation of verbal A Signs by means ofother signs of the same language, e. g...Interlingual translation isan interpretation of verbal signs by means of some other language, e. g.. 2. In view of the way of translation, it canbe classified intointerpretation(consecutiveinterpretation and simultaneous interpretation) and translation. Consecutive interpretation: the interpreter takes notes while the speaker speaks then renders (interpret)a speech in a diffe ge after the speaker Simultaneous interpretation Simultaneous interpretation is used in varioussituations such as business conferences, graduation ceremonies, any situationwhere there is not pause 3. In view of the style (xi) of translation, it can be classified intoliterary translation and non-literary translation. Literary translation: translation of novels, poems, essays and plays. Non-literary translation: translation of political essays, news texts, scientific and technical texts, financial and commercial texts, practical writing N, The standard of translation he term"standard of translation"in fact covers two aspects: the principleof translation and criterion of translation. If the translator hopes to succeedin translation, he or she must ollow some principles; if the reader or criticwants to judge whether the translation is successful or not, he or she has todepend on certain criterion. Actually, the so-called principles andcriteria of translation are the two sides of the same thing. The former laysemphasis on the translator who should follow them while translating, while thelatter on the reader or critic, who may use the criteria to evaluatetranslation works. There are five criteria mentioned here, butthe former two of them are influential criteria accepted by most of thetranslators There are two influential criteriaaccepted by most of the translators. 1. One is set up by Yan Fu(2)on the basis of"faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance"(faithfulness: to be faithful to the contentof the original; expressiveness: to be as expressive as the original, elegance: to be elegant if a translator uses words or sentence pattens before Han Dynasty.X信、达、雅).(信:意义不倍(背本文,忠实于原文;达:尽译文 语言所能事以求原义明显,不拘泥于原文形式,信、达二者统一;雅:脱离原文而片面追求译文本身的古雅。他认为只有译文本身采用“汉以前字法句法” 际上即所 谓上等的文言文,才算登大雅之堂。)(加上课本p8中间的内容评论) 2. The other is put forward by Lu Xun(鲁迅) on the basis of" ratherbeing faithful in thought than smooth in language"(宁信而不顺 3. The new China witnesses two important scholars on translation. One is Fu Lei and the other is Qian Zhongshu. The former suggests achieve thespiritof theoriginal or expression resemblance”(神似).(译文同原文如果能在形式上和精神上同时一致起来,或称能达到“形似”和“神似”,这是翻译的高标准。Mr. QianZhongshu puts forward the ideas of" transfiguration or conversion" which aimed at" perfection″化境)(所谓“化境”‘就是原作向译文的“投胎转世”,文字形式虽然换了,而原文投胎的 思想、感情、风格、神韵都原原本本的化到了译文的境界里了,丝毫不留下翻译的痕迹,让读者读译作就完全像在读原作一样。化境是比传神更高的翻译标准。) They two follow the principle of faithfulness. 4. In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there appeared another translator, the monk Dao An(Fi). He suggested"preaching according to the original without anydeduction or addition' (案本而传,不令有损言游字:按照原文的本意) In the history of western translation theories, there appeared a lotof translation theorists. Here we only mention some representative opinions ontranslation criteria. Alexander Fraster Tytler proposed the famous three principlesin his essay on the principles of translation, in which he thought that thetranslation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the originalwork; the style and the manner of writing should be of the same character withthat of the original; the translation should have all the ease of originalcomposition”(一、译作应完全 复写出原文的思想;二、译作的风格和手法应和原作属于同一性质;三、译作应具备原创作品的通顺) Exactly the three principles based on faithfulness What's the common point of these translation criteria?

Ⅱ. Is Translation Easy? Some people think translation is easy: As long as you know somegrammatical rules of a foreign language you can translate with the help of a dictionary.Is it really so? Now look at the following seemingly easy sentences and see ifyou can translate them easily. (Can you see what is wrong with the translationsprovided in brackets?) 1) He is easily the best student in the class.(她很容易地成了班上最好的学生。) 2)Thestranger robbed his wife.(那个陌生人抢了他的妻子。) 3) I can’t agree more.(我不能同意更多的了。) 4) They gave the boy the lie.(他们对男孩说谎。) 5) This is a very good price.(这是一个非常好的价钱。) 6) Her mother died of difficult labor.(他母亲劳累而死。) There doesn’t seem to be any new words for most students and none ofthe sentences is very complicated in grammar. Now, let’s analyze them one byone. 1) He is easily the best student in the class. (她很容易地成了班上最好的学生。) He is the best student in the class with ease. (她很轻松地成了班上最好的学生。) The word “easily” in Sentence 1 is not of the usual sense and can’tbe translated as容易地. It means “by far”. So the sentence should be translated as她绝对/无疑是班上最好的学生or 他比班上别的学生要好得多. 2)Thestranger robbed his wife.(那个陌生人抢了他的妻子。) The meaning of 抢了他的妻子in the translation of Sentence 2 is ambiguous. It may mean thestranger took away the woman and made her his own wife. But what was actuallytaken was not the woman but her money or personal belongings. So a clear translationshould be 那个陌生人抢了他妻子的钱(东西). 3) I can’t agree more.(我不能同意更多的了。) Sentence 3 uses a negative form to express the meaningof the superlative degree. The translation is wrong because “agree” here is anintransitive verb (when used as a transitive verb, it is often followed by athat-clause) and “more” is not its object but its adverbial. So the sentenceshould be translated as 我完全同意,or more vividly我举双手赞成. 4) They gave the boy the lie.(他们对男孩说谎。) Sentence 4 is an idiomatic way to express certainideas. Here “give” does not mean “make somebody possess something”, but rather“scold” or “punish”. 他们指责男孩说谎(他们指 责男孩编造的这个说谎言). 5) This is a very good price.(这是一个非常好的价钱。) “Good” is a typical word whose meaning is often vague.Sentence 5 is an utterance by a customer. So it would be better to translate itsimply as 真便宜. 6) Her mother died of difficult labor.(他母亲劳累而死。) Some people tend to think a word in one language mayalways be turned into a corresponding word in another language. So they make anequation between “labor” and “劳动”. As a matter of fact, “labor” has some meaning that is not coveredby Chinese 劳动.In sentence 6 it means “give birth to a baby, emphasizing the process”. So thesentence actually means 他母 亲死于难产。(劳累or苦工canbe translated as “hard labor ” or “hard work”.)Don’t be too sure of yourselves and consult thedictionary more. Ⅲ.The classification of translation 1. In view of language of translation, it can be classified into intralingual translation and interlingualtranslation. Intralingualtranslation or rewording (change the wording of sthspoken or written) is an interpretation of verbal用文字的signs by means ofother signs of the same language, e.g.….. Interlingual translation isan interpretation of verbal signs by means of some other language, e.g.…... 2. In view of the way of translation, it canbe classified intointerpretation (consecutiveinterpretation and simultaneous interpretation) and translation. Consecutive interpretation: the interpreter takes notes while the speaker speaks then renders(interpret) a speech in a differentlanguage after the speaker. Simultaneous interpretation:Simultaneous interpretation is used in varioussituations such as business conferences, graduation ceremonies, any situationwhere there is not pause between each statement allowing time for theinterpreter to relay(传达) information to the interpretee. 3. In view of the style(文体) of translation, it can be classified intoliterary translation and non- literary translation. Literary translation:translation of novels, poems, essays and plays. Non- literary translation:translation of political essays, news texts, scientific and technical texts,financial and commercial texts, practical writing. Ⅳ. The standard of translation The term “standard of translation” in fact covers two aspects: the principleof translation and criterion of translation. If the translator hopes to succeedin translation, he or she must follow some principles; if the reader or criticwants to judge whether the translation is successful or not, he or she has todepend on certain criterion. Actually, the so-called principles andcriteria of translation are the two sides of the same thing. The former laysemphasis on the translator who should follow them while translating; while thelatter on the reader or critic, who may use the criteria to evaluatetranslation works. There are five criteria mentioned here, butthe former two of them are influential criteria accepted by most of thetranslators. There are two influential criteriaaccepted by most of the translators. 1. One is set up by Yan Fu (严复) on the basis of “faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance” (faithfulness: to be faithful to the contentof the original; expressiveness: to be as expressive as the original; elegance:to be elegant if a translator uses words or sentence patterns before HanDynasty .)(信、达、雅). (信:意义不倍(背)本文,忠实于原文;达:尽译文 语言所能事以求原义明显,不拘泥于原文形式,信、达二者统一;雅:脱离原文而片面追求译文本身的古雅。他认为只有译文本身采用“汉以前字法句法”——实际上即所 谓上等的文言文,才算登大雅之堂。) (加上课本p.8中间的内容评论) 2. The other is put forward by Lu Xun (鲁迅) on the basis of “ratherbeing faithful in thought than smooth in language”(宁信而不顺). 3. The new China witnesses two important scholars on translation.One is Fu Lei and the other is Qian Zhongshu. The former suggests “achieve the ‘spirit’ of theoriginal or expression resemblance”(神似). (译文同原文如果能在形式上和精神上同时一致起来,或称能达到“形似”和“神似”,这是翻译的高标准。)Mr. QianZhongshu puts forward the ideas of “transfiguration or conversion”which aimed at “perfection”(化境).(所谓“化境”‘就是原作向译文的“投胎转世”,文字形式虽然换了,而原文投胎的 思想、感情、风格、神韵都原原本本的化到了译文的境界里了,丝毫不留下翻译的痕迹,让读者读译作就完全像在读原作一样。化境是比传神更高的翻译标准。) They two follow the principle of faithfulness. 4. In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there appeared another translator,the monk Dao An (释道安). He suggested “preaching according to the original without anydeduction or addition” (案本而传,不令有损言游字: 按照原文的本意). In the history of western translation theories, there appeared a lotof translation theorists. Here we only mention some representative opinions ontranslation criteria. Alexander Fraster Tytler proposed the famous three principlesin his essay on the principles of translation, in which he thought that “thetranslation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the originalwork; the style and the manner of writing should be of the same character withthat of the original; the translation should have all the ease of originalcomposition” (一、译作应完全 复写出原文的思想;二、译作的风格和手法应和原作属于同一性质;三、译作应具备原创作品的通顺).Exactly the three principles are all based on faithfulness. What’s the common point of these translation criteria?

Despite the variety of opinions, two criteria(pl) are almostunanimously accepted, namely, the criterion of faithfulness/accuracy(忠实准确) and that ofsmoothness(流畅/通 Ji). We may also take these criteria asthe principles of translation in general. By faithfulness/ accuracy, we mean tobe faithful not only to the original contents, to the original meaning andviews, but also to the original form and style. Examples in the text bookP10-13 are arranged to illustrate and explain that. By smoothness, we mean notonly easy and readable rendering, but also idiomatic(#]) expression in the targetlanguage, free from stiff formula and mechanical copy ing from dictionaries. Examples in the text book P10-13 are arranged to illustrate and explain that V.Thequalifications of a good translator( see students' book P13-14可以加上原来教案的内容 Ⅵ Exercises A. Fill in the following blanks with what you have learned in thefirst chapter. I. Yan Fu's 3-word translation criteriaare 3. The two words usedas the common criteria of translation in China today are 4. The criterion oftranslation put forward by Lu Xun(it )is by Mr Qian Zhongshu is by the monk Dao An by Fu Lei is (The criterion oftranslation put forward by Lu Xun(fit )is rather heingfaithfuLin thought thansmonth language: by Fu Lei is achievethe ' of the originalor pression resemblance: by Mr Qian Zhongshu is transfiguration or conversion: by the monk dao An is preaching according to the original without any _ deduction addition ) B. Answer the following questions. 1. what is meant by translation? 2. What was Karl Marxfond of saying about the importance of a foreign language? 4. What do you think should be thecriteria of translation C. Translate the following English into Chinese I source language and target language 2. Alexander Fraser Tytler 3. A History of Politics On Liberty 5. An Inquiry into the Nature and Cause of the Wealth of Nations(by A. Smith) 6. Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays(by T H. Huxley) D. Translate the passage"Life in the violin Case(on P.153)into Chinese E. Read thewhole Chapter from Text book P3 to P. 14. 常用口令 起床!Get 快点儿! Bequick 集合!Fain! 一(二)列队! Onone rank( (two ranks)! 立正! Attention! 稍息! Atease! 向右看-齐! Right-dres! 向左看-齐! Left-dress! 向前-看!Eyes- front! 报数! Count off 点名! Call the roll!l 到!Here! 散开! Extend! 靠拢! Close! 向左转! Left-face( Left turn)! 向右-转! Right-face( Right turn)! 向后转! About-face( About turn)! 齐步走! Forward-march( March off 踏步-走! Mark time- march! 跑步走! Double(time) march! 便步-走! Atease-march

Despite the variety of opinions, two criteria (pl.) are almostunanimously accepted, namely, the criterion of faithfulness/accuracy (忠实/准确) and that ofsmoothness (流畅/通 顺). We may also take these criteria asthe principles of translation in general. By faithfulness/ accuracy, we mean tobe faithful not only to the original contents, to the original meaning andviews, but also to the original form and style. Examples in the text bookP10-13 are arranged to illustrate and explain that. By smoothness, we mean notonly easy and readable rendering, but also idiomatic(地道的) expression in the targetlanguage, free from stiff formula and mechanical copying from dictionaries.Examples in the text book P10-13 are arranged to illustrate and explain that. Ⅴ.Thequalifications of a good translator (see students’ book P.13-14)(可以加上原来教案的内容) Ⅵ.Exercises A. Fill in the following blanks with what you have learned in thefirst chapter. 1. Yan Fu’s 3-word translation criteriaare_______, _______, and_________. 2. Translation in China has a long historyof some_______years. 3. The two words usedas the common criteria of translation in China today are _______, and_________. 4. The criterion oftranslation put forward by Lu Xun (鲁迅)is______________;byMr. Qian Zhongshu is ______________________; by the monk Dao An is _________________________________; by Fu Lei is________________ ___________. (The criterion oftranslation put forward by Lu Xun (鲁迅)is rather beingfaithful in thought than smooth in language; by Fu Lei is achievethe ‘spirit’ of the original or expression resemblance; by Mr.Qian Zhongshu is transfiguration or conversion; by the monk DaoAn is preaching according to the original without any deduction oraddition.) B. Answer the following questions. 1. What is meant by translation? 2. What was Karl Marxfond of saying about the importance of a foreign language? 3. What are the prerequisites for aqualified translator? 4. What do you think should be thecriteria of translation? C. Translate the following English into Chinese 1. source language and target language 2. Alexander Fraser Tytler 3. A History of Politics 4. On Liberty 5. An Inquiry into the Nature and Cause of the Wealth of Nations(by A. Smith) 6. Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays (by T. H. Huxley) D. Translate the passage “Life in the violin Case (on P.153)into Chinese” E. Read thewhole Chapter from Text book P.3 to P.14. 常用口令 起床!Get up! 快点儿! Bequick! 集合!Fall in! 一(二)列队! Onone rank (two ranks)! 立正!Attention! 稍息! Atease! 向右看-齐!Right-dress! 向左看-齐!Left-dress! 向前-看! Eyes-front! 报数!Count off! 点名!Call the roll! 到!Here! 散开!Extend! 靠拢!Close! 向左-转!Left-face (Left turn)! 向右-转!Right-face (Right turn)! 向后-转!About-face (About turn)! 齐步-走!Forward-march (March off)! 踏步-走!Mark time-march! 跑步-走!Double (time)-march! 便步-走! Atease-march!

快步走! Quickmarch! 右转弯-走! Right-wheel! 左转弯-走! Left-wheel! 向前三步走! Threesteps forward march 前进! Advance! 立定!Ha! 各就位,预备,跑! Ready! Set! Go! 解散! Dismiss! 军队口令 散开排列 Open Order- March 密集排列 Close order- March 暂散 Squad will fallout- Fall out 解散 Squad will dismiss- Dismiss 右半转 Inclining at the halt- Right incline 左半转 Inclining at the halt- Left incline 开步操 Bythe left- Quick march 行进中向前敬礼 Saluting to the front- Salute 行进中向左敬礼 Saluting to the left- Salute 行进中向右敬礼 Saluting to the right- Salute 向右注目礼 Bythe right- Eyes right 向左注目礼 Bythe left- Eyes left 取(拿)枪! Take arms! 肩枪! Shoulder arms! 枪放下! Order arms! 卧到!Down! 装子弹!Load! 退子弹! Unload! 射击!Fire! 起立! Getup( Standup)! 用炮! Prepare for action! 收炮! March order! 架炮! Seat/Mount gun! 置炮! Lay gun! 就炮! Take posts! 炮后集合! Fall in rear of piece! 延安大学外国语学院教师教案(首页 主讲教师 职称 翻译理论与实践课程是英语教育专业学生的一门专业技能必修课,开设在 课程性质 第五学期 教学目 使学生能够掌握翻译过程的三个阶段:理解、表达、审校

快步走!Quickmarch! 右转弯-走!Right-wheel! 左转弯-走!Left-wheel! 向前三步走!Threesteps forward march 前进!Advance! 立定!Halt! 各就位,预备,跑!Ready! Set! Go! 解散!Dismiss! 军队口令 散开排列Open Order –March 密集排列Close Order –March 暂散Squad will fallout – Fall out 解散Squad will dismiss – Dismiss 右半转Inclining at the halt – Right incline 左半转Inclining at the halt – Left incline 开步操 Bythe left –Quick March 行进中向前敬礼Saluting to the front – Salute 行进中向左敬礼Saluting to the left – Salute 行进中向右敬礼Saluting to the right – Salute 向右注目礼 Bythe right –Eyes right 向左注目礼 Bythe left –Eyes left 取(拿)枪!Take arms! 肩枪!Shoulder arms! 枪放下!Order arms! 卧到!Down! 装子弹!Load! 退子弹!Unload! 射击!Fire! 起立!Getup (Standup)! 用炮!Prepare for action! 收炮!March order! 架炮!Seat/Mount gun! 置炮!Lay gun! 就炮!Take posts! 炮后集合!Fall in rear of piece! 延安大学外国语学院教师教案(首页) 主讲教师 李艳 职称 教授 课程性质 翻译理论与实践课程是英语教育专业学生的一门专业技能必修课,开设在 第五学期。 教学目的 使学生能够掌握翻译过程的三个阶段:理解、表达、审校

授课内容 第二讲翻译的过程 教学重点 翻译过程的三个阶段:理解、表达、审校 教学难点 翻译过程的三个阶段:理解、表达、审校 课时分配 两学时 教学方法 讲练结合,师生互动。 学手段 常规教学。 思考题目 关于翻译的过程,你的看法如何? 作业与辅导(内 容、时间) ranslate the passage "Life in the violin Case(on P. 153)into Chinese ①《新编英汉翻译教程》孙致礼,上海外语教育出版社,2011 参考文献 ②《简明翻译教程》成昭伟等,国防工业出版社,2006 ③《英汉翻译教程》张培基等,上海外语教育出版社,1980 Chapter 2 The Process of Translation I Nida's analysis of the process of translation According to Nida's analysis, there arefour steps in the translating process, that's(I)analysis of the source text( # x2)transfer from the sourceto the target language (f<if)(3) restructuring in the target language (H:)(4)testing of thetranslated text with persons who represent the intended(future)audience. (as ida,1993:146-147 The analysis of the source text means a detailed treatment of boththe designative and associative meanings of the lexemes, the syntax, and the discoursestructures. Understanding and The process of transfer involves the shift from thinking in thesource language to thinking in the target language. Here is where the essentialprocess of the translating takes place. The process of restructuring involves the reorganization of thelexical syntactic and discourse features of the transferred text so as toprovide maximal comprehension and appreciation on the part of the intendedaudience Although these three basic processes can be abstracted, it is entirelywrong to think that translators accomplish their task in three stages or steps. All three processes are going on at the Checking-up of the translated text is also an essential step intranslating. No one would dare declare that his translation needs nochecking-up George Steiner's analysis ofthe proce According to George Steiner's(乔治斯坦纳) analysis( a Britishtranslation theorist, there are four steps in thetranslating process, that's(l) Trust(信任)(2) Aggression(进攻) 3) Incorporation(吸收)(4) Restitution(补偿) II. The process of translation(Domestic scholars analysis) The process of translation can be described as a three-stepprocedure:l. comprehension理解,2 expression(表达);3. revIsion(审校) 1. Comprehension Comprehension is the first step in the whole process of translation, and it is the basis of translation To deal with the problems of comprehension, one translator should analyze the atures of the source language or text. Generally speaking, four aspects, namely, grammatical analysis, languageanalysis, contextual analysis and logical analysis, must be taken intoconsideration in a thorough text analysis (1)Grammatical analysis It is generallyaccepted that translating means translating meaning. To a translator with keeninsights, however, grammar itself can convey some sort of additionalinformation. Now that" grammar has meaning"'according to Nida., we should nevertake it for granted(不要因为对某事熟悉而觉察不出它的价值) Grammatical analysis is necessary. For example The man, wearing such dark glasses, obviously could not see clearly(此人因戴一副黑眼镱,显然看不清东西) The participle phrase"wearing such dark glasses requires ourattention. If it is treated as an adverbial element, the version above bears noproblem; if it is treated as an attributive element, however, the versionshould be这个戴黑眼镜的人显然看不清东西. Here we can see the later is preferable in view of the position ofthe phrase in the sentence. 2)Languageanalysis(seestudents'book P 13) Language is aneffective tool for human communication. The language we use is never somethingindependent or self-sufficient. Like wise, when we translate a text, we musttake each word,s or sentences context into account. Otherwise themeaning might become ambiguous due to the lack of a frame of reference. Forexample, a simple sentence like"George passed"may have differentinterpretations in different contexts. If the context is an examination, itmeans George did well in the test(FAj r it) in acard game it would indicate that george declined his chance to bid(乔治没有叫牌); in sports it wouldmean the ball reached another player(乔治把球传给其他球员) For the same reason,the word好 in the sentence身体好,学习好,工作好 must be treated carefully due to different collocations: keepfit, study well and work hard.. Some examples are:( text book.8) (4)Logical analysis According toQian Gechuan(EK/1, 1903-1990),a famous translator in China, "Logical analysis is the last trump card in atranslator's hand and he must always keep a firm grasp on it"In other words, logical analysi re one's correct understanding of the original Ifsomething doesn' t make sure, it's certain that some deviations( 9 )have occurred. Some examplesare: (text book P 18-20) 2. Expression is to express the author or the speaker sreal idea or intention. While expressing, the translator should attach the importanceto three relations: (1) faithfulness and smoothness; (2)content and form; (3 )restraining ones creativity and proper creativity(see students bookP 21-29)

授课内容 第二讲翻译的过程 教学重点 翻译过程的三个阶段:理解、表达、审校 教学难点 翻译过程的三个阶段:理解、表达、审校 课时分配 两学时 教学方法 讲练结合,师生互动。 教学手段 常规教学。 思考题目 关于翻译的过程,你的看法如何? 作业与辅导(内 容、时间) Translate the passage “Life in the violin Case (on P.153) into Chinese” 参考文献 ①《新编英汉翻译教程》孙致礼,上海外语教育出版社,2011 ②《简明翻译教程》成昭伟等, 国防工业出版社,2006 ③《英汉翻译教程》张培基等,上海外语教育出版社,1980 Chapter 2 The Process of Translation Ⅰ. Nida’s analysis of the process of translation According to Nida’s analysis, there arefour steps in the translating process, that’s (1) analysis of the source text (分析)(2) transfer from the sourceto the target language (传译)(3) restructuring in the target language (重组)(4) testing of thetranslated text with persons who represent the intended(future) audience.(检验) (Nida, 1993: 146-147) The analysis of the source text means a detailed treatment of boththe designative and associative meanings of the lexemes, the syntax, and the discoursestructures. Understanding and appreciation of the source text are fundamentalto any attempts at translating. The process of transfer involves the shift from thinking in thesource language to thinking in the target language. Here is where the essentialprocess of the translating takes place. The process of restructuring involves the reorganization of thelexical syntactic and discourse features of the transferred text so as toprovide maximal comprehension and appreciation on the part of the intendedaudience. Although these three basic processes can be abstracted, it is entirelywrong to think that translators accomplish their task in three stages or steps.All three processes are going on at the same time and are already below thelevel of consciousness. Checking -up of the translated text is also an essential step intranslating. No one would dare declare that his translation needs nochecking-up. Ⅱ. George Steiner’s analysis ofthe process of translation According to George Steiner’s (乔治.斯坦纳)analysis( a Britishtranslation theorist), there are four steps in thetranslating process, that’s (1)Trust(信任)(2) Aggression(进攻) (3) Incorporation (吸收)(4) Restitution(补偿). Ⅲ. The process of translation (Domestic scholars’ analysis) The process of translation can be described as a three-stepprocedure: 1.comprehension(理解); 2.expression(表达); 3. revision(审校). 1. Comprehension Comprehension is the first step in the whole process of translation,and it is the basis of translation. To deal with the problems of comprehension,one translator should analyze the features of the source language or text.Generally speaking, four aspects, namely, grammatical analysis, languageanalysis, contextual analysis and logical analysis, must be taken intoconsideration in a thorough text analysis: (1) Grammatical analysis It is generallyaccepted that translating means translating meaning. To a translator with keeninsights, however, grammar itself can convey some sort of additionalinformation. Now that “grammar has meaning” according to Nida, we should nevertake it for granted (不要因为对某事熟悉而觉察不出它的价值). Grammatical analysis is necessary.For example, The man, wearing such dark glasses, obviously could not see clearly(此人因戴一副黑眼镜,显然看不清东西). The participle phrase “wearing such dark glasses” requires ourattention. If it is treated as an adverbial element, the version above bears noproblem; if it is treated as an attributive element, however, the versionshould be 这个戴黑眼镜的人显然看不清东西. Here we can see the later is preferable in view of the position ofthe phrase in the sentence. (2)Languageanalysis (seestudents’ book P.13) (3) Contextual analysis Language is aneffective tool for human communication. The language we use is never somethingindependent or self-sufficient. Like wise, when we translate a text, we musttake each word’s or sentence’s context into account. Otherwise themeaning might become ambiguous due to the lack of a frame of reference. Forexample, a simple sentence like “George passed” may have differentinterpretations in different contexts. If the context is an examination, itmeans George did well in the test (乔治通过了考试);in acard game it would indicate that George declined his chance to bid(乔治没有叫牌); in sports it wouldmean the ball reached another player(乔治把球传给其他球员).For the same reason, the word好 in the sentence身体好,学习好,工作好 must be treated carefully due to different collocations: keepfit, study well and work hard. Some examples are: (text bookP.18) (4)Logical analysis According toQian Gechuan (钱歌川,1903-1990),a famous translator in China, “Logical analysis is the last trump card in atranslator’s hand and he must always keep a firm grasp on it” In other words,logical analysis can ensure one’s correct understanding of the original. Ifsomething doesn’t make sure, it’s certain that some deviations(偏离) have occurred. Some examplesare: (text book P.18-20) 2. Expression A translator’s mission is to express the author or the speaker’sreal idea or intention. While expressing, the translator should attach the importanceto three relations: (1) faithfulness and smoothness; (2) content and form; (3)restraining one’s creativity and proper creativity (see students’ bookP.21-29). 3. Revision

In this phase[feiz] of process we do a complete revision of the rough version of thetext. In fact, much work is required here: we are supposed to check thevocabulary, spelling, ulary belonging tospecialized areas), idiomatic phrases, grammar, information structure andpunctuation. Newmark (a British translation theorist)emphasizesrevision thus chnique that yourequire. I suggest you spend on revising 50-70% of the time you took ontranslating, depending on the difficulty of the text. If you have the time, doa second revision a day or so later. If appropriate, the final test should befor naturalness: read the translation aloud to yourself. We may use all available resources(dictionaries, the internet, referenceworks, etc. for the proofreading. After this stage the target text should beneat and polish and ready for publishing l. Improve the following translations (1)Mr. Collins had a compliment, and an allusion to throw inhere, which were kindly smiled on by the mother and daughter. (J. Austen: Prideand Prejudice, Ch. 14, v.l) 说到这里,柯林斯先生赶忙恭维了一句,又举了一个例子,母女俩听了都粲然一笑。 (2)"Andyou are my uncle, then! "she cried, reaching up to salute him. (E. Bronte: Wuthering Heights, Ch 7, V Il) “这么说你是我的姑父啦,”她嚷道,走到他跟前,行了个礼 (3)... the fate of men is as grim and bleak as the fate of women. Toilersand warriors(S.R. Sanders: "Women and Men) 男人的命运和女人一样凄怆悲凉。做苦工,当战士。 (4)I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun. (J. Austen: Pride and Prejudice, Ch. 18, V Ill) 等我发现我自己开始爱上你的时候,我已经走了一半路了 2. Translate the passage Three Peach Stones(on P. 154)into Chinese. 3. Translate the passage Pride and Prejudice(on P. 206)into Chinese. 延安大学外国语学院教师教案(首页) 主讲教师 翻译理论与实践(英-汉翻译)课程是英语教育专业学生的一门专业技能必 果程性质 修课,开设在第五学期 教学目的 掌握翻译的基本方法异化法、归化法并区分它们与直译、意译有何异同 授课内容 第三讲翻译的方法 意译3.异化法4归化法5异化、归化井用互补 教学重点 异化法、归化法 教学难点 异化法、归化法 课时分配 四学时 教学方法 讲练结合,师生互动。 教学手段 常规教学 思考题目 异化法、归化法与直译、意译有何异同 作业与辅导(内容 按时完成课后练习题,老师将批改完作业之后详细讲评。 时间)

In this phase[feiz] of process we do a complete revision of the rough version of thetext. In fact, much work is required here: we are supposed to check thevocabulary, spelling, terminology (specialized vocabulary belonging tospecialized areas), idiomatic phrases, grammar, information structure andpunctuation. Newmark (a British translation theorist) emphasizesrevision thus: Revision is also a technique that yourequire. I suggest you spend on revising 50-70% of the time you took ontranslating, depending on the difficulty of the text. If you have the time, doa second revision a day or so later.. If appropriate, the final test should befor naturalness: read the translation aloud to yourself. We may use all available resources (dictionaries, the internet, referenceworks, etc.) for the proofreading. After this stage the target text should beneat and polish and ready for publishing. Ⅳ. Exercises 1. Improve the following translations. (1) Mr. Collins had a compliment, and an allusion to throw inhere, which were kindly smiled on by the mother and daughter. (J. Austen: Prideand Prejudice, Ch. 14, V. II) 说到这里,柯林斯先生赶忙恭维了一句,又举了一个例子,母女俩听了都粲然一笑。 (2) “Andyou are my uncle, then!”she cried, reaching up to salute him.(E. Bronte: WutheringHeights, Ch.7, V. II) “这么说你是我的姑父啦,”她嚷道,走到他跟前,行了个礼。 (3) …the fate of men is as grim and bleak as the fate of women. Toilersand warriors. (S.R. Sanders: “Women and Men”) 男人的命运和女人一样凄怆悲凉。做苦工,当战士。 (4) I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun.(J. Austen: Pride and Prejudice, Ch. 18, V. III) 等我发现我自己开始爱上你的时候,我已经走了一半路了。 2. Translate the passage Three Peach Stones (on P.154) intoChinese. 3. Translate the passage Pride and Prejudice (on P.206)into Chinese. 延安大学外国语学院教师教案(首页) 主讲教师 李艳 职称 教授 课程性质 翻译理论与实践(英-汉翻译)课程是英语教育专业学生的一门专业技能必 修课,开设在第五学期。 教学目的 掌握翻译的基本方法异化法、归化法并区分它们与直译、意译有何异同。 授课内容 第三讲翻译的方法 1.直译2.意译3.异化法4.归化法5.异化、归化并用互补 教学重点 异化法、归化法 教学难点 异化法、归化法 课时分配 四学时 教学方法 讲练结合,师生互动。 教学手段 常规教学。 思考题目 异化法、归化法与直译、意译有何异同。 作业与辅导(内容、 时间) 按时完成课后练习题,老师将批改完作业之后详细讲评

①《新编英汉翻译教程》孙致礼,上海外语教育出版社,2011 参考文献 陈昭卫,《简明翻译教程》国防工业出版社,2006 ③朱徽,《汉英翻译教程》重庆大学出版社,2004 Chapter 3 The Method of Translation Translating methods are undoubtedly the coreproblems we are confronted with in translation. There are many kinds of translating methods: literaltranslation, free translation, ansliteration and the synthesis of literaltranslation and free translation and so on. Among these methods, literaltranslation and free translation are the two main translating methods which are commonly adopted by us. Inrecent years, the two strategies of translation, domestication and foreignizationare put forward. There exists much misunderstanding that foreignization anddomestication are literal and free translation. To clarify the misunderstanding, let'sdistinguish the two pairs of terms. L. Literal translation and free translation(直译与意译) Practically there are two kinds of translation. One is literal translation and the other is free translation. In fact, the two methods are both necessary. Sometimes you may use the hethodof literal translation, sometimes that of free translation, and sometimes bothof them be employed together 1. Literal translation Literal translation refers to an adequaterepresentation of the original. When the original coincides or almost tallieswith the Chinese language in the sequence of vocabulary, in grammaticalstructure and rhetorical devices, literal translation must be used.. Eg. the longsleep(长眠); see God见上帝) see Mark(见马克思) see one' s ancestors(见祖先; go west归 西); go to heaven(进天国; crocodile tears(鳄鱼的眼泪; be armed to teeth(武装到牙齿), chainreaction(连锁反应 gentle' s agreement(君子协定) Free translation(also called liberal translation) Free translation does not adhere strictly to theform or word order of the original, When there exist dissimilarities or greatdifferences between English and Chinese in the sequence of vocabulary, ungrammatical structure and artistic devices, free translation should be employed. Eg At sixes and sevens(乱七八糟) It rains cats and dog.(大雨滂沱) Don't cross the bridge till you get to it. 到了桥边才过桥。(字面直译,费解 不必担心太早不必自寻烦恼(意译) Do you see any green in my eye?你以为我是幼稚可欺的吗? We can hardly say which is preferable: literaltranslation or free translation. Each has its merits and defects di'fekt). Some people prefer literal translation. Mr. Lu Xunrepresents this class of translators. He said, "Rather to be faithful (unthought) than smooth(in Language).And he did as he said. Others like freetranslation. Mr. Yan Fu had many classical works thus translated, such as TheOrigin of Species 'spi: iz(《物种起源》) and The ions((原富》). These are good examples of free translation 事实上,在目前翻译界,有关翻译的方法有更为准确的提法:异法( foreignizing method)和归化法( domesticating method)·正如1995年由美囯翻译理论家劳伦斯韦 努蒂( Lawrence venuti)在《译者的隐形》( The Translator'slnvisibility)书中提出的,从历史上来看异化和归化可以视为直译和意译的概念的延伸,但又不完全等同于直译与 意译。直译和意译所关注的核心问题是如何在语言层面处理形式和意义,异化和归化则突破了语言因素的局限,将视野扩展到语言、文化和美学等因素。翻译作为一种语际 间的交际,不仅是语言的转换过程,同时也是文化的移植过程。归化与异化是其中一对非常重要的策略和方法,涉及到文化内容的处理 I. Strategies of Translation( foreignization and domestication)(另见课本34-47内容) 谋事在人,成事在天 Hawkes version: Man proposes, Goddisposes. (domestication (1) In Yang s version foreignization is used becauseof the use of" Heaven”.在中国古代,道教、佛教和儒家思想对中国文化产生的影响十分巨大而深远。“天”被中国人顶 礼膜拜,皇帝被总称为“天子”,封建王朝被称为“天朝”。因此汉语中有许多与天有关的词语。 (2) In hawkes’ version domestication is used because of the use of“God基督教是西方文化的一大背景。中世纪时期,基督教被英国人作为国教而信奉,而其他宗教信仰则 被当作邪教。《圣经》的出现和传教士用英语布道使得上帝和人们的生活更加紧密。英语中有许多与上帝god有关的词语,例如 od bless you!(老天保佑) My god!(我的 知道!) For god’ s sake!(看在老天的份上!) 西方文化里的上帝是万能的,神圣的,是道德、力量和正义的化身,人民决不能藐视他,对他不忠诚。而在汉语里,虽然天也是神秘的,但人们可以诅咒它,老天爷有 时也不公正。例如“老天爷呀,你为什么不睁眼呀!”表示对上天的不满 1. Definitions of foreignization and domestication Foreignization is a source language culture orientedtranslation(异化以原语文化为归宿) which strives to preserve the foreignflavor as much as possible in order to transfer traens't: the source language and culture into the target one.异化即在翻译中要保留原文语言和文化,让译文语言的读者感受到其他文化的存在与独特魅力。其表现方法在译语读者看来 不合常規的、新奇的,从而产生一种异国情调,即所谓的“洋味”。异化不仅能保留原文纯语言的形式特色,而且还能引进异域的文化因素。例如,“ to kill two birds with one stone”(一石二鸟)是异化译法,(一箭双雕),(一举两得)是归化译法;“ All roads leadto (条条大路通罗马)是异化译法,(殊途同归)是归化 译法。异化提倡译文应当尽量去适应、照顾原语的文化及原作者的遣词用字习惯,从而丰富译入语语言及文化,较好地满足译入语读者对译文“异域性“的要求。 (1) Literaltranslation or transliteration(直译或音译) 气功 qigong:功夫 gongfu;叩头 koutou 有时汉语的成语翻译也采取直译的方法,使译文读者得到同原文一样生动、准确的形象意义。如:画蛇添足 draw a snake and add feet to it 打草惊蛇 井底之蛙 to be frog at the bot tom of a well 声东击西 (2) Literal translation with notes(直译加注 A4HE Xi shi, a famousbeauty in ancient China of the Spring and Autumn Period (770 476B. C. fjiA Su Shi, the other name of the famouseleventh century poet Su Tung-po. (Tr. by Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang) Domestication refers to the targetlanguage culture oriented translation(归化是以目的语文化为归宿) in which unusualexpressions to the target culture are exploited(开发 用) and turned into some familiarones so as to make the translated text intelligible in,]( capable of being understood) and easy for the targetreaders归化是用带有某些译语文

参考文献 ①《新编英汉翻译教程》孙致礼,上海外语教育出版社,2011 ②陈昭卫,《简明翻译教程》国防工业出版社,2006 ③朱徽,《汉英翻译教程》重庆大学出版社,2004 Chapter 3 The Method of Translation Translating methods are undoubtedly the coreproblems we are confronted with in translation. There are many kinds of translating methods: literaltranslation, free translation, transliteration and the synthesis of literaltranslation and free translation and so on. Among these methods, literaltranslation and free translation are the two main translating methods which are commonly adopted by us. Inrecent years, the two strategies of translation, domestication and foreignizationare put forward. There exists much misunderstanding that foreignization anddomestication are literal and free translation. To clarify the misunderstanding, let’sdistinguish the two pairs of terms. Ⅰ. Literal translation and free translation (直译与意译) Practically there are two kinds of translation. One is literal translation and the other is free translation.In fact, the two methods are both necessary. Sometimes you may use the methodof literal translation, sometimes that of free translation, and sometimes bothof them be employed together. 1. Literal translation Literal translation refers to an adequaterepresentation of the original. When the original coincides or almost tallieswith the Chinese language in the sequence of vocabulary, in grammaticalstructure and rhetorical devices, literal translation must be used…Eg. the longsleep(长眠) ; see God(见上帝); see Mark(见马克思); see one’s ancestors(见祖先); go west(归 西);go to heaven(进天国); crocodile tears(鳄鱼的眼泪); be armed to teeth(武装到牙齿); chainreaction(连锁反应); gentle’s agreement(君子协定) 2. Free translation(also called liberal translation) Free translation does not adhere strictly to theform or word order of the original. When there exist dissimilarities or greatdifferences between English and Chinese in the sequence of vocabulary, ingrammatical structure and artistic devices, free translation should be employed. Eg. At sixes and sevens (乱七八糟) It rains cats and dogs.(大雨滂沱) Don’t cross the bridge till you get to it. 到了桥边才过桥。(字面直译,费解) 不必担心太早/不必自寻烦恼(意译) Do you see any green in my eye? 你以为我是幼稚可欺的吗? We can hardly say which is preferable: literaltranslation or free translation. Each has its merits and defects[di'fekt]. Some people prefer literal translation. Mr. Lu Xunrepresents this class of translators. He said, “Rather to be faithful (inthought) than smooth (in Language)”.And he did as he said. Others like freetranslation. Mr. Yan Fu had many classical works thus translated, such as TheOrigin of Species ['spi:ʃiz] (《物种起源》) and The Wealth of Nations(《原富》). These are good examples of free translation. 事实上,在目前翻译界,有关翻译的方法有更为准确的提法:异化法(foreigninzing method)和归化法(domesticating method)。正如1995年由美国翻译理论家劳伦斯.韦 努蒂(Lawrence Venuti)在《译者的隐形》(The Translator’sInvisibility)一书中提出的,从历史上来看异化和归化可以视为直译和意译的概念的延伸,但又不完全等同于直译与 意译。直译和意译所关注的核心问题是如何在语言层面处理形式和意义,异化和归化则突破了语言因素的局限,将视野扩展到语言、文化和美学等因素。翻译作为一种语际 间的交际,不仅是语言的转换过程,同时也是文化的移植过程。归化与异化是其中一对非常重要的策略和方法,涉及到文化内容的处理。 Ⅱ. Strategies of Translation (foreignization and domestication) (另见课本34-47内容) 谋事在人,成事在天 Yang’s version: Man proposes, Heaven disposes. (foreignization) Hawkes’ version: Man proposes, Goddisposes.(domestication) (1) In Yang’s version foreignization is used becauseof the use of “Heaven”. 在中国古代,道教、佛教和儒家思想对中国文化产生的影响十分巨大而深远。“天”被中国人顶 礼膜拜,皇帝被总称为“天子”,封建王朝被称为“天朝”。因此汉语中有许多与天有关的词语。 (2) In Hawkes’ version domestication is used because of the use of “God”.基督教是西方文化的一大背景。中世纪时期,基督教被英国人作为国教而信奉,而其他宗教信仰则 被当作邪教。《圣经》的出现和传教士用英语布道使得上帝和人们的生活更加紧密。英语中有许多与上帝god有关的词语,例如God bless you!(老天保佑)My god!(我的 天哪!)God knows.(天知道!)For god’s sake!(看在老天的份上!) 西方文化里的上帝是万能的,神圣的,是道德、力量和正义的化身,人民决不能藐视他,对他不忠诚。而在汉语里,虽然天也是神秘的,但人们可以诅咒它,老天爷有 时也不公正。例如“老天爷呀,你为什么不睁眼呀!”表示对上天的不满。 1. Definitions of foreignization and domestication Foreignization is a source language culture orientedtranslation(异化以原语文化为归宿)which strives to preserve the foreignflavor as much as possible in order to transfer [træns'fə:] the source language and culture into the target one. 异化,即在翻译中要保留原文语言和文化,让译文语言的读者感受到其他文化的存在与独特魅力。其表现方法在译语读者看来 不合常规的、新奇的,从而产生一种异国情调,即所谓的“洋味”。异化不仅能保留原文纯语言的形式特色,而且还能引进异域的文化因素。例如, “to kill two birds with one stone”(一石二鸟)是异化译法,(一箭双雕),(一举两得)是归化译法; “All roads leadto Rome”。(条条大路通罗马)是异化译法,(殊途同归)是归化 译法。异化提倡译文应当尽量去适应、照顾原语的文化及原作者的遣词用字习惯,从而丰富译入语语言及文化,较好地满足译入语读者对译文“异域性“的要求。 (1) Literaltranslation or transliteration(直译或音译) 气功   qigong; 功夫 gongfu;叩头koutou 有时汉语的成语翻译也采取直译的方法,使译文读者得到同原文一样生动、准确的形象意义。如: 画蛇添足   to draw a snake and add feet to it 打草惊蛇   to stirthe grass and alert the snake 井底之蛙   to be afrog at the bottom of a well 声东击西   to shoutin he east and strike in the west (2) Literal translation with notes(直译加注) 西施 Xi shi, a famousbeauty in ancient China of the Spring and Autumn Period(770~476B.C.) 苏轼 Su Shi, the other name of the famouseleventh century poet Su Tung-po.                       (Tr. by Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang) Domestication refers to the targetlanguage culture oriented translation (归化是以目的语文化为归宿)in which unusualexpressions to the target culture are exploited(开发,利 用) and turned into some familiarones so as to make the translated text intelligible [in'telidʒəbl](capable of being understood)and easy for the targetreaders. 归化是用带有某些译语文

化色彩的词语来翻译原有词语,其长处在于能使译文读起来比较地道和生动。归化不仅使译文符合译入语的表达习惯,还要使原文的文化特色符合译入语文化规约。 这次比赛他输得一塌糊涂 erloo in thiscompetition.( met his Waterloo如果按照字面直译为去见滑铁卢,会令汉语读者大惑不解,这个习语的来历与拿破仑有关,矮个 子拿破仑一生叱咤风云,可谓常胜将军,因而在滑铁卢一战遭到惨败,使他无力回天,因此,该习语译为遭到毁灭性打击,后果不堪设想。 请勿用物件预留座位 ats shall be reserved for warm bodies only. 他俩在饭店一向各付各的 Both of them always go Dutch at therestaurant.(荷兰人喜欢算账,无论和别人做什么事,都要同对方把账算得清清楚楚,因此逐渐形成了“let utch”让我们做荷兰人的俗语) 情人眼里出西施 Beauty is in the: eye of the beholder.观注者 洗心革面 山中无老虎,猴子称霸王 Among the blind the one-eyed man isking 现在合同已签了。真是木已成舟,生米煮成熟饭,只好如此了 As the contract has been signed what's done is done and can' t be undone. 难怪他数学那么好,他父母都是数学教授。“龙生龙,风生凤,老鼠生儿会打洞“嘛 No wonder he is so good at maths -his parentsare professors of maths. "Like father, like son",indeed. 绝大多数译者在将外语译成本族语时,几乎会毫不例外地要对译文作归化处理,而将本族语译成外语时,异化的成分占了相当大的比例。 归化和异化可以看作是直译和异译的概念的延伸,但并不等同于直译和意译。它们包含了深刻的文化、文学乃至政治的内涵,将语言层次的讨论延续升格至文化、诗学 和政治层面,是互为补充的翻译政策和方法。不论选择哪种政策,都着眼于读者和社会的需要。既然翻译是为读者或语言接受者服务,所以归化和异化,都应该尽力为不同 的读者架起文化鸿沟的桥梁 5. Comments and Conclusion Functionalist theory places emphasis on the expectedfunction of texts and translations, in this way, domestication andforeignization are not only not incompatible JE AJ, but shouldcomplement with each other. They are just two different strategies oftranslation, we should not bring them to extremes: What we should do is to drawa balance between the o sides, choosing one does not negate the applicationof another. That is to say, there is no point to say that one strategy isbetter than the other, so long as they can serve the intended function of thetext in the target language, each of them have their role in translation 参考资料:L. Text Book 2.陈昭卫,《简明翻译教程》国防工业出版社 3朱徽,《汉英翻译教程》重庆大学出版 IIL. Exercises slation? What is free translation? What principles should a or abide by when applying them to translation? 2. Put thefollowing sentences into Chinese, using either literal or free translation. (1) Every life has its roses and thorns (2) He was a dead shot. However, he met his Waterloo this time. (3)After the failure of his last novel, his reputation stands onslippery ground (5)She'd never again believe anything in trousers (6) Nixon was pleased by the distinction, but not overwhelmed. (7)"I'lI have Lisa where I want her. (8) Yet China was a land of constant surprise and shiftingimpression. 3. Translate the passage When the Moon Follows Me(on P.156) into Chines 4. Translate the passage utheringHeights(on P.210) into Chinese. 延安大学外国语学院教师教案(首页) 主讲教师 教授 课程性质翻译理论与实践课程是英语教育专业学生的一门专业技能必修课 教学目的使学生可以全面地懂得语言对比规律在翻译中的重要意义 授课内容 第四讲翻译的语言对比规律 教学重点语义的差异、词法的差异、句法的差异、思维的差异 教学难点 句法的差异、思维的差异 果时分配 六学时 教学方法 讲练结合,师生互动

化色彩的词语来翻译原有词语,其长处在于能使译文读起来比较地道和生动。归化不仅使译文符合译入语的表达习惯,还要使原文的文化特色符合译入语文化规约。 这次比赛他输得一塌糊涂。 He met his Waterloo in thiscompetition. (met his Waterloo如果按照字面直译为去见滑铁卢,会令汉语读者大惑不解,这个习语的来历与拿破仑有关,矮个 子拿破仑一生叱咤风云,可谓常胜将军,因而在滑铁卢一战遭到惨败,使他无力回天,因此,该习语译为遭到毁灭性打击,后果不堪设想。) 请勿用物件预留座位。 Seats shall be reserved for warm bodies only. 他俩在饭店一向各付各的。 Both of them always go Dutch at therestaurant.(荷兰人喜欢算账,无论和别人做什么事,都要同对方把账算得清清楚楚,因此逐渐形成了 “let’s go Dutch”让我们做荷兰人的俗语) 情人眼里出西施。 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.观注者 洗心革面 To turn over a new leaf 山中无老虎,猴子称霸王。    Among the blind the one-eyed man isking. 现在合同已签了。真是木已成舟,生米煮成熟饭,只好如此了。 As the contract has been signed, what’s doneis done and can’t be undone. 难怪他数学那么好,他父母都是数学教授。“龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠生儿会打洞“嘛。 No wonder he is so good at maths—his parentsare professors of maths. “Like father, like son”, indeed. 绝大多数译者在将外语译成本族语时,几乎会毫不例外地要对译文作归化处理,而将本族语译成外语时,异化的成分占了相当大的比例。 归化和异化可以看作是直译和 异译的概念的延伸,但并不等同于直译和意译。它们包含了深刻的文化、文学乃至政治的内涵,将语言层次的讨论延续升格至文化、诗学 和政治层面,是互为补充的翻译政策和方法。不论选择哪种政策,都着眼于读者和社会的需要。既然翻译是为读者或语言接受者服务,所以归化和异化,都应该尽力为不同 的读者架起文化鸿沟的桥梁。 5. Comments and Conclusion Functionalist theory places emphasis on the expectedfunction of texts and translations, in this way, domestication andforeignization are not only not incompatible矛盾的, but shouldcomplement with each other. They are just two different strategies oftranslation, we should not bring them to extremes: What we should do is to drawa balance between the two sides, choosing one does not negate the applicationof another. That is to say, there is no point to say that one strategy isbetter than the other, so long as they can serve the intended function of thetext in the target language, each of them have their role in translation. 参考资料:1. Text Book 2. 陈昭卫,《简明翻译教程》国防工业出版社,2006 3.朱徽,《汉英翻译教程》重庆大学出版社,2004 Ⅲ. Exercises 1. What isliteral translation? What is free translation? What principles should atranslator abide by when applying them to translation? 2. Put thefollowing sentences into Chinese, using either literal or free translation. (1) Every life has its roses and thorns. (2) He was a dead shot. However, he met his Waterloo this time. (3) After the failure of his last novel, his reputation stands onslippery ground. (4) He carried his age astonishing well. (5) She’d never again believe anything in trousers. (6) Nixon was pleased by the distinction, but not overwhelmed. (7) “I’ll have Lisa where I want her.” (8) Yet China was a land of constant surprise and shiftingimpression. 3. Translate the passage When the Moon Follows Me (on P.156)into Chinese. 4. Translate the passageWutheringHeights (on P.210) into Chinese. 延安大学外国语学院教师教案(首页) 主讲教师 李艳 职称 教授 课程性质 翻译理论与实践课程是英语教育专业学生的一门专业技能必修课。 教学目的 使学生可以全面地懂得语言对比规律在翻译中的重要意义 授课内容 第四讲翻译的语言对比规律 教学重点 语义的差异、词法的差异、句法的差异、思维的差异 教学难点 句法的差异、思维的差异 课时分配 六学时 教学方法 讲练结合,师生互动

教学手段 常规教学法 思考题目 英汉思维的差异主要体现在哪几方面,举例说明 作业与辅导(内 容、时间) 按时完成课后练习题,老师将批改完作业之后详细讲评 考文献 ②《简明翻译教程》陈昭卫,国防工业出版社,208201 ①《新编英汉翻译教程》孙致礼,上海外语教育出版社 Chapter 4 A Contrastive Study between English and Chinese English and Chinese belong to different language families. (Whatlanguage family do English and Chinese belong to respectively? English belongs tolndo-European language family and Chinese belongs to Sino-Tibetan language family. Consequently the two languages are quite different. We should study the similarities and differences of the tw In view of the translation, the contrastive study between Englishand Chinese will be discussed from the following four aspects: semanticdifferences; syntactic differences: differences on morphology: differences onthinking. (Dueto the limited time, today we just focus our attention on semantic differences I. Semantic differences We shall discuss semantic differences from the following threeaspects: semantic relations: causes of semantic differences: the significanceof the study A. Foursemantic relations As you know, English and Chinese semantic meanings are rich andcomplex, and manifested that there are at leastfoursemantic relations: l. Englishsemantic meaning identical to Chinese-full equivalence Both denotative meanings and associative meanings are identicaL. You should pay more attention to the following two concepts: Denotative meaning:(also known as conceptualmeaning) is the meaning given in the dictionary and forms the core of the wordmeaning. It forms the basis for communication as the same word has the samedenotative meaning to all the speakers of the same language.rg“cat”":① a kind of animal which has some specific features." It is a cat”(它是一只猫) Associative meaning: is the secondarymeaning supplemented to the denotative meaning. It is liable to the influenceof such factors as culture, experience, religion, geographical region, eg.“cat”:② one of the associativemeanings of cat is malicious woman.“ She is a cat.”(她是一个心地狠毒的女人) cement①水泥②洋灰( (imported goods)(洋货) match①火柴②洋火 imported goods(洋货) As some English and Chinese denotative meanings are identical, soure some associative meanings, because some things and phenomena in the worldand mans ability and the manner of cognition are identical. Now let uscontrast some of them. Take"head"vs"="for example Both denotative meanings and associative meanings of“head"w“头” are identical In English and Chinese, the denotative meaning of both"head"and">"is"the part of body which contains the eyes, ears, nose, mouth and the brain".Because of theimportance and position of head, both English and Chinese associate it withmind, talent, very important person and position in society. Hence theassociative meanings of"head"and "* "can be classified into the following twopoints (A)"Ruler or leader of a gowernment, school, company and other units".In Englishthere are some phrases such as "the head of state"," the head of govemment," "thehead of country. In Chinese there are also these phrases such as:“元首,首脑”,“头儿”,(B)“ The top or front”,"“ highest or furthest point” Thisassociative meaning can be shown in the examples“ from head to foot”," over theheads of others”. In Chinese there are also the same idioms such as“从头到脚”and“出人头 Similar examples are such as“Fox"vs“狐狸”;"Wor"vs“狼”;" Heart"vs“心”.( Due to the limited time, we donot discuss them in detail.) In all, what kinds of words belong to full equivalence? Words in the scope of scientific terminology, such as computational[. kmpju(:) tei(a)n linguistics计算机语言学, physics-物理; of proper noun suchas The Pacific Ocean- 太平洋, New York--组约, of common noun such as bike.自行车, airport-机场,hand-手,foo-脚cte. 2. English semantic meaning partlysimilar to Chinese-Partial equivalence Denotative meanings are identical but associative meanings arepartly similar In English and Chinese, there are quite a lot of words whoseassociative meanings are partly similar, though the denotative meanings ofthese words are the same. Here are some contrasts 瑰 The denotative meanings of"Rose"vs"FI"are identical. So let's justfocus our attention on the partly similar associative meaningsand the partly different associative meanings ① The partly similarassociative meanings of“rose”ws“玫瑰"are“swer”“lowe”“ romance”and" affection” which are based onbeauty and sweet- smelling of the flower. Example 1, " A Red, Red, Rose( Robert Burns)O my luve is like a red red rose. "This is avery moving love poem in which the author compares his idol to"A Red, Red, Rose"and sings the praises of his ideal lover. Example2,“在我心中的深处,开着一朵玫瑰,我用生命的清泉,把它灌溉栽培。" It is a song in the Chinese film“ Trace of Tears”.Here“玫瑰"is also compared to affection. The heroine wants to water the rose, her affection to her husband by using thespring of her life. Hence rose is also the symbol of love in Chinese. ② The partly different associativemeanings of“rose”vs“玫瑰” (A)In English"rose is used to symbolizesomething"secret""silent". Therefore the idiom"under the rose"means"keepsecret and never betray (B“ A thorny rose" is associated with“ imperfectness"in English, while“带刺的玫瑰” is associated with“ a girl who is difficult to please" in Chinese. For example,whe English people say," here is no rose without a thorn”, heyman,“ Nothing is perfect." In Chinese we often hear people say,“这个姑娘真漂亮,小心!这可是个带刺的玫 带刺的玫瑰” ection parent”: The Chinese counterparts of“ parent are“父亲或母亲,养父或养母” How to translatethe sentence"I have no experience as a parent"? Students should make sure thegender of“T".If"T" refers to a male, the translation is“我没有

教学手段 常规教学法 思考题目 英汉思维的差异主要体现在哪几方面,举例说明 作业与辅导(内 容、时间) 按时完成课后练习题,老师将批改完作业之后详细讲评。 参考文献 ①《新编英汉翻译教程》孙致礼,上海外语教育出版社,2011 ②《简明翻译教程》陈昭卫,国防工业出版社,2006 Chapter 4 A Contrastive Study between English and Chinese English and Chinese belong to different language families.(Whatlanguage family do English and Chinese belong to respectively? ) English belongs toIndo-European language family and Chinese belongs to Sino-Tibetan language family.Consequently the two languages are quite different.We should study the similarities and differences of the two languages toimprove the practical translation ability. In view of the translation, the contrastive study between Englishand Chinese will be discussed from the following four aspects: semanticdifferences; syntactic differences; differences on morphology; differences onthinking.(Dueto the limited time, today we just focus our attention on semantic differences) Ⅰ. Semantic differences Semantic:of the meaning of words We shall discuss semantic differences from the following threeaspects: semantic relations; causes of semantic differences; the significanceof the study. A. Foursemantic relations As you know, English and Chinese semantic meanings are rich andcomplex, and manifested that there are at leastfoursemantic relations: 1. Englishsemantic meaning identical to Chinese______ full equivalence Both denotative meanings and associative meanings are identical. You should pay more attention to the following two concepts: Denotative meaning: (also known as conceptualmeaning) is the meaning given in the dictionary and forms the core of the wordmeaning. It forms the basis for communication as the same word has the samedenotative meaning to all the speakers of the same language. Eg. “cat”:①a kind of animal which has some specific features. “It is a cat.” (它是一只猫) Associative meaning: is the secondarymeaning supplemented to the denotative meaning. It is liable to the influenceof such factors as culture, experience, religion, geographical region, classbackground, education, etc. e.g. “cat”:② one of the associativemeanings of cat is malicious woman. “She is a cat.”(她是一个心地狠毒的女人) cement ①水泥②洋灰(imported goods)(洋货) match①火柴 ②洋火imported goods(洋货) As some English and Chinese denotative meanings are identical, soare some associative meanings, because some things and phenomena in the worldand man’s ability and the manner of cognition are identical. Now let uscontrast some of them. Take “head” vs “头” for example. Take “head” vs “头” for example. Both denotative meanings and associative meanings of “head” vs “头” are identical. In English and Chinese, the denotative meaning of both “head” and“ 头 ” is”the part of body which contains the eyes, ears, nose, mouth and the brain”.Because of theimportance and position of head, both English and Chinese associate it withmind, talent, very important person and position in society. Hence theassociative meanings of “head” and “头” can be classified into the following twopoints. (A) “Ruler or leader of a government, school, company and other units”.In Englishthere are some phrases such as “the head of state”, “the head of government”, “thehead of country”. In Chinese there are also these phrases such as: “元首,首脑”,“头儿”. (B) “The top or front”, “highest or furthest point” Thisassociative meaning can be shown in the examples “from head to foot”, “over theheads of others”. In Chinese there are also the same idioms such as “从头到脚” and “出人头 地”. Similar examples are such as “Fox” VS“狐狸”; “Wolf” VS“狼”; “Heart” VS“心”. (Due to the limited time, we donot discuss them in detail.) In all, what kinds of words belong to full equivalence? Words in the scope of scientific terminology, such as computational[ .kɔmpju(:)'teiʃ(ə)n linguistics---计算机语言学, physics---物理; of proper noun suchas The Pacific Ocean--- 太平洋,New York-------纽约; of common noun such as bike---自行车, airport--- 机场,hand--------手,foot-------脚 etc. 2. English semantic meaning partlysimilar to Chinese______ Partial equivalence Denotative meanings are identical but associative meanings arepartly similar. In English and Chinese, there are quite a lot of words whoseassociative meanings are partly similar, though the denotative meanings ofthese words are the same. Here are some contrasts. (1) “Rose” vs “玫瑰” The denotative meanings of “Rose” vs “玫瑰”are identical. So let’s justfocus our attention on the partly similar associative meaningsand the partly different associative meanings ofthem. ① The partly similarassociative meanings of “rose” vs “ 玫 瑰 ”are “sweet” “love” “romance” and “affection” which are based onbeauty and sweet-smelling of the flower. Example 1,“A Red, Red, Rose (Robert Burns) O my luve is like a red red rose…” This is avery moving love poem in which the author compares his idol to “A Red, Red,Rose” and sings the praises of his ideal lover. Example 2, “在我心中的深处,开着一朵玫瑰,我用生命的清泉,把它灌溉栽培。”It is a song in the Chinese film “Trace of Tears”. Here “玫瑰”is also compared to affection.The heroine wants to water the rose, her affection to her husband by using thespring of her life. Hence rose is also the symbol of love in Chinese. ②The partly different associativemeanings of “rose” vs “玫瑰” (A)In English “rose is used to symbolizesomething “secret” or “silent”. Therefore the idiom “under the rose” means “keepsecret and never betray”. (B)“A thorny rose ” is associated with “imperfectness” in English, while “带刺的玫瑰” is associated with “a girl who is difficult to please” in Chinese.For example, when English people say, “There is no rose without a thorn”, theymean, “Nothing is perfect.” In Chinese we often hear people say, “这个姑娘真漂亮,小心!这可是个带刺的玫 瑰”. Here “带刺的玫瑰” means thatbeautiful young woman is not accessible and it is difficult to get heraffection. “parent”: The Chinese counterparts of “parent” are “父亲或母亲,养父或养母”.How to translatethe sentence “I have no experience as a parent”? Students should make sure thegender of “I”. If “I” refers to a male, the translation is “我没有做父亲的经历



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