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延安大学:《翻译理论与实践》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿,汉译英)Chinese-English Translation 第七章 句子的翻译

一、主语的确定  在汉译英的实践中,对主语的确定可采取以 下三种处理方法:  1.汉语无主句的英译  -----增补主语  2.以原句主语作译文主语  3.重新确定主语

第七章句子的翻译 主语的确定 在汉译英的实践中,对主语的确定可采取以 下三种处理方法: 1汉语无主句的英译 增补主语 2以原句主语作译文主语 ■3.重新确定主语

第七章 句子的翻译  一、主语的确定  在汉译英的实践中,对主语的确定可采取以 下三种处理方法:  1.汉语无主句的英译  -----增补主语  2.以原句主语作译文主语  3.重新确定主语

1汉语无主句的英译增补主语( see students book) (先讲课本内容) ■无主句是汉语表达习惯,是汉语的一种特有的句型。 它的主语到底是什么,往往很难断定。要准确地理 解和翻译这类汉语无主句是汉译英实践中的一个难 题。因为英语注重主语,而汉语注重主题。英语句 子中主语的句法功能很强,主语是整个句子中的关 键部分;汉语句子往往有谓语无主语,或主语模糊, 即主语的句法功能相对较弱。因此,汉语的无主句 在英译过程中,通常需要增补主语或改变句型

 1.汉语无主句的英译-增补主语(see student’s book)  (先讲课本内容)  无主句是汉语表达习惯,是汉语的一种特有的句型。 它的主语到底是什么,往往很难断定。要准确地理 解和翻译这类汉语无主句是汉译英实践中的一个难 题。因为英语注重主语,而汉语注重主题。英语句 子中主语的句法功能很强,主语是整个句子中的关 键部分;汉语句子往往有谓语无主语,或主语模糊, 即主语的句法功能相对较弱。因此,汉语的无主句 在英译过程中,通常需要增补主语或改变句型

Eg不要干涉我国的内部事务 Don't interfere with the internal affairs of our count (1)译成英语祈使句 ■忘掉这一切,朝前看,你不能使时光倒流 Forget all about it and look forward you cant turn the clock back 请一定不要忘记离家前父母对你说过的话。 Be sure not to forget what your parents said to you before your leaving home

 Eg.不要干涉我国的内部事务。  Don’t interfere with the internal affairs of our country.  (1)译成英语祈使句  忘掉这一切,朝前看,你不能使时光倒流。  Forget all about it and look forward; you can’t turn the clock back.  请一定不要忘记离家前父母对你说过的话。  Be sure not to forget what your parents said to you before your leaving home

Eg希望全班同学参加这些讨论。 Everyone in the class is expected to participate in these discussions (2)动宾结构的无主句译成英语的被动气 ■应该帮助学生对人生采取积极的态度。 Pupils should be helped to adopt a positive attitude to life

 Eg.希望全班同学参加这些讨论。  Everyone in the class is expected to participate in these discussions.  (2)动宾结构的无主句译成英语的被动句  应该帮助学生对人生采取积极的态度。  Pupils should be helped to adopt a positive attitude to life

Eg到处都找不到一个躲雨的地方。 There was no shelter anywhere from the rain (3)译成英语的存在句 有几种方法可以把阳光直接转换成电 There are several ways of turning sunshine directly into electricity

 Eg.到处都找不到一个躲雨的地方。  There was no shelter anywhere from the rain.  (3)译成英语的存在句  有几种方法可以把阳光直接转换成电。  There are several ways of turning sunshine directly into electricity

Eg村口的大树下坐着一群孩子。 Under the great tree near the village sat many children (4)译成英语的倒装句 大门两边站着一对威严的石狮 On either side of the gate stands a stone lion in its might

 Eg.村口的大树下坐着一群孩子。  Under the great tree near the village sat many children.  (4)译成英语的倒装句  大门两边站着一对威严的石狮。  On either side of the gate stands a stone lion in its might

Eg要成功就要付出劳动。 It will cost you much labor to succeed in anything (5)采用英语的形式主语 不要接受他们的帮助是愚蠢的。 It would be foolish not to accept their offer 要是去参观那个展览会会很有意思 It would have been amusing to have gone to the exhibition

Eg.要成功就要付出劳动。  It will cost you much labor to succeed in anything. (5)采用英语的形式主语  不要接受他们的帮助是愚蠢的。  It would be foolish not to accept their offer.  要是去参观那个展览会会很有意思。  It would have been amusing to have gone to the exhibition

Eg.上次见到你到现在已绎快两年了。 It's two years since I saw you (6)增补主语 到我们大学开车只需要二十分钟。 It's only twenty minutes drive to our college 只要做那种坏事,都一定会受到嘲笑。 Anybody who should do that bad matter would be laughed at

 Eg.上次见到你到现在已经快两年了。  It’s two years since I saw you.  (6)增补主语  到我们大学开车只需要二十分钟。  It’s only twenty minutes’ drive to our college.  只要做那种坏事,都一定会受到嘲笑。  Anybody who should do that bad matter would be laughed at

■(7)综合考虑,灵活处理 认识落后,才能去改变落后;学习先进才 能赶超先进 Backwardness must be perceived before it can be changed. A person must learn from the advanced before he can catch up and surpass them

 (7)综合考虑,灵活处理  认识落后,才能去改变落后;学习先进才 能赶超先进。  Backwardness must be perceived before it can be changed .A person must learn from the advanced before he can catch up and surpass them

■2以原句主语作译文主语( see student's book F.124-126) ■3.重新确定主语( see students book P126- 128)

 2.以原句主语作译文主语(see student’s book P.124-126)  3.重新确定主语(see student’s book P.126- 128)



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