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延安大学:《翻译理论与实践》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿,汉译英)Chinese-English Translation 第五章 Chinglish(or False Friend)in Chinese?English Translation

Two tendencies often occur in the process of translation. One is going after smooth reading and beautiful language at the expense of the true meaning of the original, the other is rigidly sticking to the original words, and the translation turns out to be obscure [ əb'skjuə ] 难解的,含糊的and hard to understand.

Chapter 5 Chinglish(or False Friend) in Chinese English Translation a Two tendencies often occur in the process of translation. One is going after smooth reading and beautiful language at the expense of the true meaning of the original, the other is rigidly sticking to the original words, and the translation turns out to be obscure[ab' skjue]难解的,含糊的 and hard to understand

Chapter 5 Chinglish(or False Friend) in Chinese￾English Translation  Two tendencies often occur in the process of translation. One is going after smooth reading and beautiful language at the expense of the true meaning of the original, the other is rigidly sticking to the original words, and the translation turns out to be obscure [ əb'skjuə ] 难解的,含糊的and hard to understand

Chingish refers to the misshapen残缺的, hybrid " haibin]混合语的 language that is neither English nor Chinese but that might be described as English with Chinese characteristics Derogatory!y[ di'rogeterili]减损地,毁损地 called in Chinese pidgin"(洋泾浜) in the early and mid-20th century, Chinglish is one of the major problems affecting the qualit ity of Chinese -English translation

 Chingish refers to the misshapen残缺的, hybrid [ 'haibrid ] 混合语的 language that is neither English nor Chinese but that might be described as “English with Chinese characteristics.” Derogatorily [ di'rɔgətərili ] 减损地, 毁损地called in Chinese “pidgin”(洋泾浜) in the early and mid-20th century, Chinglish is one of the major problems affecting the quality of Chinese –English translation

I Main Causes of Chinglish 1. Mother-tongue interference One cause of Chinglish, apparently, is the linguistic interference of one's mother tongue, which always poses an obstacle to his or her successful learning of foreign languages When adult native speakers of chinese learn English, they tend to lose sight of the striking 引人注目的 differences between the two languages and write in English what they would in Chinese. The following examples, though simple, serve to illustrate the negative effect of the mother tongue well

 Ι. Main Causes of Chinglish  1. Mother-tongue interference  One cause of Chinglish, apparently, is the linguistic interference of one’s mother tongue, which always poses an obstacle to his or her successful learning of foreign languages. When adult native speakers of Chinese learn English, they tend to lose sight of the striking 引 人 注 目 的 differences between the two languages and write in English what they would in Chinese. The following examples, though simple, serve to illustrate the negative effect of the mother tongue well

(1) Chinglish Phrases (student's book p 102 密码 secret code (cf password) 口水 *mouth water (cf saliva)[ se laive] 手机 *hand phone (cf. mobile phone)['maubail] 救火 a *to save a fire (cf. to fight a fire)

 (1) Chinglish Phrases (student’s book p.102  密码  *secret code  (cf. password)  口水  *mouth water  (cf. saliva) [ sə'laivə ]  手机  *hand phone  (cf. mobile phone) [ 'məubail ]  救火  *to save a fire  (cf. to fight a fire)

洗牌* o wash the playing cards (cf to shuffle the playing cards) 大片* big movie (cf. blockbuster)轰动 早恋* early love (cf. puppy小狗love) 青春痘 youth spot (cf, acne)[aekni] ■蝴蝶结* butterfly knot (cf bow)

 洗牌*to wash the playing cards  (cf. to shuffle the playing cards)  大片*big movie  (cf. blockbuster) 轰动  早恋*early love  (cf. puppy小狗love)  青春痘*youth spot  (cf. acne) [ 'ækni ]  蝴蝶结*butterfly knot  (cf. bow)

长镜头 ong lens n(cf.zoom急速上升lns) 方便面* convenient noodles (cf instant noodles) 牛仔裤* cowboy trousers (cf jeans) 不冻港* non-freezing port (cf ice-free port) 隐形眼镜* nvisible glasses (cf contact lenses)

 长镜头*long lens  (cf. zoom急速上升lens)  方便面*convenient noodles  (cf. instant noodles)  牛仔裤*cowboy trousers  (cf. jeans)  不冻港*non-freezing port  (cf. ice-free port)  隐形眼镜*invisible glasses  (cf. contact lenses)

课堂测验* classroom exam (cf pop-quiz 流动资金* circulating fund (cf. working capital) 拳头产品* fist product (cf knockout product(outstandingly impressive product) 新闻自由* freedom of news (cf. freedom of press) 买一赠一* Buy one, present one (cf. Buy one, get one free

 课堂测验*classroom exam  (cf.pop-quiz)  流动资金*circulating fund  (cf. working capital)  拳头产品*fist product  (cf. knockout product)(outstandingly impressive product)  新闻自由*freedom of news  (cf. freedom of press)  买一赠一* Buy one, present one.  (cf. Buy one, get one free.)

(2) Chinglish Sentences a.那位科学家已经年迈,但身体健康。 The scientist is growing old, but his body is health The scientist is growing old, but he is healthy

 (2) Chinglish Sentences  a. 那位科学家已经年迈,但身体健康。  *The scientist is growing old, but his body is healthy.  The scientist is growing old, but he is healthy

(Instead of"his body is healthy", the natural English expression for身体健康 “ he is healthy", “ He is in good health"or “ His health is good. It is noteworthy that the word"body" has several meanings in English and one of them is“ dead body".)

 (Instead of “his body is healthy” , the natural English expression for 身体健康 is  “ he is healthy”,  “He is in good health” or  “His health is good.”  It is noteworthy that the word “body” has several meanings in English and one of them is “dead body”.)

nb.今天早晨我发生一件怪事。 I happened a strange thing in this morning A strange thing happened to me this morning. ( As far as the expression发生某事is concerned, while something serves as the English subject, the Chinese sentence finds its subject in somebody

 b.今天早晨我发生一件怪事。  * I happened a strange thing in this morning.  A strange thing happened to me this morning.  (As far as the expression 发生某事 is concerned, while something serves as the English subject, the Chinese sentence finds its subject in somebody.)



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