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延安大学:《翻译理论与实践》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿,英译汉)Translation:Theory and Practice 第四章 A Contrastive Study between English and Chinese


Chapter four A Contrastive Stud between English and Chinese ·参考教授风采教课比赛课件

Chapter four A Contrastive Study between English and Chinese • 参考教授风采教课比赛课件

I I Differences on Morphology 1. Morphology is the field within linguistics that studies the internal structure of words Morphology also refers to studies of the rules for forming words 2. Synthetic language vs Analytic language Language can be divided into two categories: synthetic language and analytic language

Ⅱ. Differences on Morphology • 1. Morphology • is the field within linguistics that studies the internal structure of words. • Morphology also refers to studies of the rules for forming words. • 2. Synthetic language vs. Analytic language • Language can be divided into two categories: synthetic language and analytic language

Synthetic language In Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary Synthetic language is "characterized by frequent and systematic use of inflected forms to express grammatical relationships Latin German and old English belong to typical Synthetic language Inflected form / inflection: the change in the form of a word that indicates distinctions of tense, person, gender, number, mood, voice and case 仼何一种用雇折变化(用词形的变化来分别时态、人称、 性别、数目、语气、语态或格的方法)

• Synthetic language: • In Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, Synthetic language is “characterized by frequent and systematic use of inflected forms to express grammatical relationships”. • Latin, German and Old English belong to typical Synthetic language • Inflected form /inflection: • the change in the form of a word that indicates distinctions of tense, person, gender, number, mood, voice, and case • 任何一种用屈折变化(用词形的变化来分别时态、人称、 性别、数目、语气、语态或格的方法)

Analytic language: In The Random House college Dictionary alytic language is "characterized by a relatively frequent use of function words (虚词), auxiliary verbs, and changes in word order to express syntactic relations rather than of inflected forms Chinese is typical analytic language

• Analytic language: • In The Random House College Dictionary, analytic language is “characterized by a relatively frequent use of function words (虚词), auxiliary verbs, and changes in word order to express syntactic relations, rather than of inflected forms”. • Chinese is typical analytic language

What about modern English? Modern English comes from the old English. It preserves the characteristics of the synthetic language, but possesses the characteristics of the analytic language. Modern English is characterized by a relatively frequent use of hereditary inflections(遗留下来的形态变化形式),form words and a relatively fixed word order to express syntactic relations. So Modern English belongs to synthetic-analytic language

• What about modern English? • Modern English comes from the Old English. It preserves the characteristics of the synthetic language, but possesses the characteristics of the analytic language. Modern English is “characterized by a relatively frequent use of hereditary inflections(遗留下来的形态变化形式), form words, and a relatively fixed word order to express syntactic relations. So Modern English belongs to : • synthetic-analytic language

3. Translation from synthetic analytic language into analytic language It is well known that, in the field of language studies, we find that there exist English expressions only or chinese expressions only. When translating from English into Chinese. it is not difficult for a translator to translate from English expressions only into Chinese(Why and how?) One may translate this kind of expressions according to the definition or explanation of them. However, it is quite difficult for a translator to use those Chinese expressions only when translating from English language into Chinese. Generally speaking, the following aspects, namely

• 3. Translation from synthetic_ analytic language into analytic language • It is well known that, in the field of language studies, we find that there exist English expressions only or Chinese expressions only. When translating from English into Chinese, it is not difficult for a translator to translate from English expressions only into Chinese (Why and how?) • One may translate this kind of expressions according to the definition or explanation of them. However, it is quite difficult for a translator to use those Chinese expressions only when translating from English language into Chinese. Generally speaking, the following aspects, namely

Chinese auxiliary word (助词), classifier measure word 量词) modal particle (语气词) Pronoun (代词(英汉都有,注意其不同的用法)), must be taken into consideration in the process of english-Chinese translation (see student's book p71-73)

• Chinese auxiliary word • (助词), • classifier measure word • (量词), • modal particle • (语气词) • Pronoun • (代词(英汉都有,注意其不同的用法) ), • must be taken into consideration in the process of English-Chinese translation: • (see student’s book P.71-73)

lll. Syntactic Differences 1. The definition of hypotaxis and parataxis In the American heritage Dictionary, hypotaxis is defined as The dependent or subordinate construction or relationship of clauses with connectives(语言形式连接手段,如,连词、关连词)”, for example, I shall despair if you don't come

Ⅲ. Syntactic Differences • 1. The definition of hypotaxis and parataxis • In the American heritage Dictionary, hypotaxis • is defined as “The dependent or subordinate construction or relationship of clauses with connectives(语言形式连接手段,如,连词、关连词)” , for example, • I shall despair if you don’t come

Parataxis, as opposed to hypotaxis is defined by Webster 's Third New Internationa/ Dictionary as a. the coordinate ranging of clauses, phrases or words one after another without coordinating connectives as in 小王笑了;小李哭了 b. the placing a subordinate clause beside a main clause without a subordinating connectives as in 我相信这是真的

• Parataxis, as opposed to hypotaxis is defined by Webster’s Third New International Dictionary as “a. the coordinate ranging of clauses, phrases or words one after another without coordinating connectives as in • 小王笑了;小李哭了; • b. the placing a subordinate clause beside a main clause without a subordinating connectives as in • 我相信这是真的。

The two definitions only defined hypotaxis and parataxis on the syntactic level. From these definitions we can see that the differences between hypotaxis and parataxis are whether connectives are used to show the relation between clauses in a sentence (see student's book P73)

• The two definitions only defined hypotaxis and parataxis on the syntactic level. From these definitions we can see that the differences between hypotaxis and parataxis are whether connectives are used to show the relation between clauses in a sentence. (see student’s book P.73)



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