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3.综合练习(3)汉英小短文翻译及参考译文 2014-06-0820:45 Mini-essay Translation from Chinese into English 礼貌 礼貌在我们的社交生活中扮演重要的角色,因为它使得许多事情顺利进行。有礼貌的人懂得体谅别人并且尊重 别人的隐私。在人们眼中,他既谦虚又有教养,这就是他受到朋友欢迎、同事尊敬和上司称赞的原因。不论他到哪 儿,他优雅的风度都会留给人家好印象。由此可知,礼貌是一种值得培养的美德 我的故乡 我的故乡是个坐落于山间的小村落。四周有青绿的山峦和树木环绕,还有一条小溪穿流其间,那是孩子们经常 嬉戏的地方。村中的建筑物看来古老,却很祥和。村落中央有个广场,那儿有一棵大树,常有老人聚在树下喝茶 聊天,个个神色满足快乐,这也正是村民的写照。我爱我的故乡,愿它永远美丽。 我最喜欢看的书 在我看过的书中,我最喜欢旅游方面的书。不论是最新的旅游指南或像马可·波罗游记之类的经典名著,只要 写得好,一本游记比任何事物更能发挥我的想象力。当我想要逃离现实环境时,便会随手取来一本,神游于某个遥 远的国度 旅游类图书不象小说只提供消遣。从书中我能得知异国的民情、文化及景观。它们能帮助我了解新闻事件,让 我更明了周围的世界。因此,就娱乐和教育而言,旅游类图书胜过其他书籍。 旅游的好处 旅游可以拓展心智。在书本里固然可以求得知识,但这种知识是有限的,而且有时还不能适用于实际生活。要 弥补这项缺点就应该去旅游。如此就能看到书本中找不到或亲眼目睹才能证实的事物。令人惊讶的是,你游历的地 方愈多,就会愈了解这个世界,而且会更珍惜自己的生命。由上述看来,我们怎么可以忽视旅游所带来的裨益呢? 星期天 对我而言,星期天是宝贵的时间。说得更精确一点,星期天对我来说是种奢侈的享受,因为我现在是大学四年 级的学生,周一到周五都忙于繁重的课业,只有星期天才能改变一下生活步调,做自己喜欢做的事 我是个内向的人,不像其他人喜欢爬山,游泳等户外活动。我比较喜欢待在家里听听抒情音乐,消除令人心烦 的思绪。偶尔手边有本好的小说,我也会翻一翻。我喜欢翻译,如果下好看到一篇很好的文章,就把它译成英文 我很满意这样安排星期天,它使我精神为之一振,愉快地面对下一个星期的挑战 花 人们爱花。观其姿,嗅其香 人们高兴于花的开放,却不会为其开过谢了而遗憾,因为那是生命的进展,自然的法则,“花落自有花开日 蓄芳待来年。” 花有开有谢。此花开,彼花谢;彼花开,此花谢,地上才万紫千红,绚丽多彩。只想自己一花独放,而不让别 的花也开一开,行不通,而且也累。 有开有谢是真花,只开不谢是假花。假花固然可能也好看,但不生动,因为没有生命。 做叶比做花也不差,永远青翠

3.综合练习(3)汉英小短文翻译及参考译文 2014-06-08 20:45 Mini-essay Translation from Chinese into English 礼貌 礼貌在我们的社交生活中扮演重要的角色,因为它使得许多事情顺利进行。有礼貌的人懂得体谅别人并且尊重 别人的隐私。在人们眼中,他既谦虚又有教养,这就是他受到朋友欢迎、同事尊敬和上司称赞的原因。不论他到哪 儿,他优雅的风度都会留给人家好印象。由此可知,礼貌是一种值得培养的美德。   我的故乡 我的故乡是个坐落于山间的小村落。四周有青绿的山峦和树木环绕,还有一条小溪穿流其间,那是孩子们经常 嬉戏的地方。村中的建筑物看来古老,却很祥和。村落中央有个广场,那儿有一棵大树,常有老人聚在树下喝茶、 聊天,个个神色满足快乐,这也正是村民的写照。我爱我的故乡,愿它永远美丽。   我最喜欢看的书 在我看过的书中,我最喜欢旅游方面的书。不论是最新的旅游指南或像马可·波罗游记之类的经典名著,只要 写得好,一本游记比任何事物更能发挥我的想象力。当我想要逃离现实环境时,便会随手取来一本,神游于某个遥 远的国度。   旅游类图书不象小说只提供消遣。从书中我能得知异国的民情、文化及景观。它们能帮助我了解新闻事件,让 我更明了周围的世界。因此,就娱乐和教育而言,旅游类图书胜过其他书籍。   旅游的好处 旅游可以拓展心智。在书本里固然可以求得知识,但这种知识是有限的,而且有时还不能适用于实际生活。要 弥补这项缺点就应该去旅游。如此就能看到书本中找不到或亲眼目睹才能证实的事物。令人惊讶的是,你游历的地 方愈多,就会愈了解这个世界,而且会更珍惜自己的生命。由上述看来,我们怎么可以忽视旅游所带来的裨益呢? 星期天 对我而言,星期天是宝贵的时间。说得更精确一点,星期天对我来说是种奢侈的享受,因为我现在是大学四年 级的学生,周一到周五都忙于繁重的课业,只有星期天才能改变一下生活步调,做自己喜欢做的事。   我是个内向的人,不像其他人喜欢爬山,游泳等户外活动。我比较喜欢待在家里听听抒情音乐,消除令人心烦 的思绪。偶尔手边有本好的小说,我也会翻一翻。我喜欢翻译,如果下好看到一篇很好的文章,就把它译成英文. 我很满意这样安排星期天,它使我精神为之一振,愉快地面对下一个星期的挑战。   花 人们爱花。观其姿,嗅其香。   人们高兴于花的开放,却不会为其开过谢了而遗憾,因为那是生命的进展,自然的法则,“花落自有花开日, 蓄芳待来年。”   花有开有谢。此花开,彼花谢;彼花开,此花谢,地上才万紫千红,绚丽多彩。只想自己一花独放,而不让别 的花也开一开,行不通,而且也累。   有开有谢是真花,只开不谢是假花。假花固然可能也好看,但不生动,因为没有生命。   做叶比做花也不差,永远青翠

做土比做叶也许更好,不争不抢,无声无臭,滋润着花。 猫见到陌生的东西,李起了毛,弓起了背,那是在尽量扩大自己的体积,以显示自己的强大与威严。用现代语 言也可以叫“包装”。 同属猫科的虎从不爹起自己的毛,因为它本身就强大,就威严,即便是小老虎 虎有自信,猫没有自信:虎在山林,猫依附于人 虎越来越少,猫越来越多;虎濒于灭绝,猫却成了宠物。 啊,可爱的猫! 书 书籍有两种特效:一是汲取营养,二是医治愚症。 我读书,让新思想注入体内,以增添活力。于是,美丽的智慧渗透细胞,高尚的人格融进骨髓,纯真的情趣充 实肌体。 我读书,既读别人,更读自己。由此,模糊变成了清晰,浅薄化为深刻,软弱被造就刚强· 得之刹那,受益永生,实乃“一本万利”。 滑溜和攀登 人的一生,基本上可能有两种行为,一是滑溜,一是攀登。一眼看去,会觉得滑溜容易,攀登困难。但实际上 正相反。打滑溜的人很快就活得累了,所以一般都过早地退出了人生舞台。难以设想,一个人会滑溜到80岁。 可是一个人可以攀登到90岁,而且看上去,他依旧精神饱满,神采奕奕。 乞丐和富人 我把钱放在一个乞丐的钵子里的时候,有个好心人走过来对我说:“台北有百分之九十九的乞丐都是假的,你 当心他拿你的钱去花天酒地。” 我说:“只要做了乞丐就没有假的,因为他伸手要钱的时候,心情就是乞丐了。心情是乞丐的人,即使他四肢 完好,孔武有力,家财万贯,也仍然是个乞丐,更值得同情值得施舍。”同样的,一个穷人只要有富有的心情,他 就是一个富人了。 Mini- essay Translation from Chinese into English(参考译文 Manners Manners play an important role in our social life for which makes many things go on successfully. People who have manners know how to allow for and respect others In peoples eyes, he is modest and with literacy which makes he popular, respective from colleague, and praised by boss. No matter where he goes, his elegant style would leave a good impression on others. From this we know that manner is a good virtue. My hometown My home town lies in a small town among hills. It is around by dark green hills and trees. There is also a small river through my hometown which is a popular place for children to play. The buildings in my hometown look old but sedate. In the center of it, there is a square, which has a

做土比做叶也许更好,不争不抢,无声无臭,滋润着花。   猫 猫见到陌生的东西,奓起了毛,弓起了背,那是在尽量扩大自己的体积,以显示自己的强大与威严。用现代语 言也可以叫“包装”。   同属猫科的虎从不奓起自己的毛,因为它本身就强大,就威严,即便是小老虎。   虎有自信,猫没有自信;虎在山林,猫依附于人。   虎越来越少,猫越来越多;虎濒于灭绝,猫却成了宠物。   啊,可爱的猫!   书 书籍有两种特效:一是汲取营养,二是医治愚症。   我读书,让新思想注入体内,以增添活力。于是,美丽的智慧渗透细胞,高尚的人格融进骨髓,纯真的情趣充 实肌体。   我读书,既读别人,更读自己。由此,模糊变成了清晰,浅薄化为深刻,软弱被造就刚强……   得之刹那,受益永生,实乃“一本万利”。   滑溜和攀登 人的一生,基本上可能有两种行为,一是滑溜,一是攀登。一眼看去,会觉得滑溜容易,攀登困难。但实际上 正相反。打滑溜的人很快就活得累了,所以一般都过早地退出了人生舞台。难以设想,一个人会滑溜到80岁。   可是一个人可以攀登到90岁,而且看上去,他依旧精神饱满,神采奕奕。   乞丐和富人 我把钱放在一个乞丐的钵子里的时候,有个好心人走过来对我说:“台北有百分之九十九的乞丐都是假的,你 当心他拿你的钱去花天酒地。”   我说:“只要做了乞丐就没有假的,因为他伸手要钱的时候,心情就是乞丐了。心情是乞丐的人,即使他四肢 完好,孔武有力,家财万贯,也仍然是个乞丐,更值得同情值得施舍。”同样的,一个穷人只要有富有的心情,他 就是一个富人了。   Mini-essay Translation from Chinese into English(参考译文) Manners Manners play an important role in our social life for which makes many things go on successfully. People who have manners know how to allow for and respect others. In people’s eyes, he is modest and with literacy which makes he popular, respective from colleague, and praised by boss. No matter where he goes, his elegant style would leave a good impression on others. From this, we know that manner is a good virtue.  My hometown My hometown lies in a small town among hills. It is around by dark green hills and trees. There is also a small river through my hometown which is a popular place for children to play. The buildings in my hometown look old but sedate. In the center of it, there is a square, which has a

big tree there. old people usually drink tea and chat with satisfied happiness on their faces in the tree. This is the portraiture of them. I love my home town I hope it would keep beautiful for ever My favorite books Among all the books I have read, my favorite is about travel. No matter the latest travel guides or the classic works such as The Travels of Marco Polo, they can inspire my imagination than any other things. When I want to escape reality i will readily pick up a book to travel in a distant ountry. Travel books are not like novels, they not only provide entertainment, but also exotic people culture and landscape. Besides, they can help me know about the news and have a better understanding about the world. Therefore, as far as education and entertainment, travel books are beyond others The benefits of tourism Tourism can expand the mind. Of course, we can seek knowledge from the book, but it is limited and sometimes can not be applied to life. In order to make up the shortcoming we can go on trips through which we can see things that can not be found in books or only confirmed by seeing in person. Surprisingly, the more you travel, the more you will know about the world. What s more, you will more cherish your life. From the above, how can we overlook the benefits that travel brings in? As for me, Sunday is meant a kind of treat. It is a precious time for me to be more exactly, it is a luxurious enjoyment. As a senior student in university, I' m busy in my heavy study on weekday. Only on Sunday can I alter the tempo of my life, doing something I interested As an introverted person, I, unlike others en joy ing climbing, swimming and other outdoor sports prefer to stay home listening lyric music so as to eradicate distracted feeling. Sometimes, I'll scan a novel if it is happened within my reach. Also, I m fond of translation Therefore, I ll put a good article into English if i hit on I' m satisfied with my arrangement for it makes me refreshed. Thus, I can get a pleasing mood to face the challenge of the next week. Pondering on Flowers People are fond of flowers by en joy ing their elegant postures and smelling their fragrance. They tend to be delightful at the sight of the full bloom but not to be regret for the fading because this is the development of life and the rule of nature. Just as the saying goes " fading is meant to the re-bloom of the next year. With their blooming and fading alternatively, Flowers make the earth colorful. Only one kind of flower blooms and forbids the others bloom is impossible and unpractical. Real flowers, with their blooming and fading in turns, are full of vigor. False flowers, though also beautiful, are not vivid, for they lack of life. In reality, to be leaves are not less good than to be flowers, for

big tree there. Old people usually drink tea and chat with satisfied happiness on their faces in the tree. This is the portraiture of them. I love my hometown! I hope it would keep beautiful for ever.  My favorite books Among all the books I have read, my favorite is about travel. No matter the latest travel guides or the classic works such as The Travels of Marco Polo, they can inspire my imagination than any other things. When I want to escape reality, I will readily pick up a book to travel in a distant country.  Travel books are not like novels, they not only provide entertainment, but also exotic people, culture and landscape. Besides, they can help me know about the news and have a better understanding about the world. Therefore, as far as education and entertainment, travel books are beyond others. The benefits of tourism Tourism can expand the mind. Of course, we can seek knowledge from the book, but it is limited and sometimes can not be applied to life. In order to make up the shortcoming, we can go on trips, through which we can see things that can not be found in books or only confirmed by seeing in person. Surprisingly, the more you travel, the more you will know about the world. What’s more, you will more cherish your life. From the above, how can we overlook the benefits that travel brings in? Sunday As for me, Sunday is meant a kind of treat. It is a precious time for me. To be more exactly, it is a luxurious enjoyment. As a senior student in university, I’m busy in my heavy study on weekday. Only on Sunday can I alter the tempo of my life, doing something I interested.   As an introverted person, I, unlike others enjoying climbing, swimming and other outdoor sports, prefer to stay home, listening lyric music so as to eradicate distracted feeling. Sometimes, I’ll scan a novel if it is happened within my reach. Also, I’m fond of translation. Therefore, I’ll put a good article into English if I hit on.   I’m satisfied with my arrangement for it makes me refreshed .Thus, I can get a pleasing mood to face the challenge of the next week.   Pondering on Flowers People are fond of flowers by enjoying their elegant postures and smelling their fragrance.   They tend to be delightful at the sight of the full bloom but not to be regret for the fading because this is the development of life and the rule of nature. Just as the saying goes: “Fading is meant to the re-bloom of the next year.”   With their blooming and fading alternatively, Flowers make the earth colorful. Only one kind of flower blooms and forbids the others’ bloom is impossible and unpractical.   Real flowers, with their blooming and fading in turns, are full of vigor. False flowers, though also beautiful, are not vivid, for they lack of life.   In reality, to be leaves are not less good than to be flowers, for evergreen

Y, In the same manner, to be soil might better than to be leaves, for it silently fostering The Cat When a cat sees some strange thing, it can erect its hairs and bow its back which is to expand the size of its own as far as possible to show its power and dignity. That can be called packaging in modern language a tiger, the same animal of the cat family, never erects its hairs because it is itself powerful, dignified, even a small tiger. a tiger has self-confidence, while a cat has no self-confidence; the former is in the mountains while the latter is attached to people. a tiger is getting fewer and fewer while a cat is getting more and more: a tiger is facing extinction while a tiger is frequently in exterminating while a cat has actually become the pet of people. The book There are two kinds of especially good effect on books: one is to absorb nutrition, the other is to treat simplemindedly sickness I read books in order to let new thought be instilled into the body and to increase vitality. Therefore, the beautiful wisdom penetrates cells, noble personality melt into the bone marrow and pure good taste strengthens organism. That I red book not only read other people but also read myself. As a result, blur became crystal-clear, superficiality is changed into profundity and weakness is trained to be staunchness Profited from that, it is really "big profit with a small capital Sliding and climbing Basically, there are two possible behaviors in ones life: sliding and climbing. At the first sight, one may feel sliding is easy, whereas, climbing difficult. In fact, the opposite is true. People sliding will feel tired very soon. Therefore, they will withdraw from the stage of life very early. It's hard to imagine one can slide till the age of 80 However, one can climb till the age of 90. Moreover, he will still appear energetic and vigorous. The Beggar and the rich When I put some money in a beggars bowl, a good-intentioned man came up and said to me:99percent of beggars in Tai Bei are sham. Be careful he will indulge in dissipation with the I replied :"There is no sham beggar so long as he acted to be. He became a beggar mentally the moment he reached out to beg. a beggar mentally is still a beggar even if he is healthy and wealth He deserves more sympathy and charity. In the same way, a poor man will become rich if he is menta

In the same manner, to be soil might better than to be leaves, for it silently fostering flowers.   The Cat When a cat sees some strange thing, it can erect its hairs and bow its back which is to expand the size of its own as far as possible to show its power and dignity. That can be called “packaging” in modern language.  A tiger, the same animal of the cat family, never erects its hairs because it is itself powerful, dignified, even a small tiger.  A tiger has self-confidence, while a cat has no self-confidence; the former is in the mountains while the latter is attached to people.  A tiger is getting fewer and fewer while a cat is getting more and more; a tiger is facing extinction while a tiger is frequently in exterminating while a cat has actually become the pet of people.  The Book There are two kinds of especially good effect on books: one is to absorb nutrition, the other is to treat simplemindedly sickness.  I read books in order to let new thought be instilled into the body and to increase vitality. Therefore, the beautiful wisdom penetrates cells, noble personality melt into the bone marrow and pure good taste strengthens organism.  That I red book not only read other people but also read myself. As a result, blur became crystal-clear, superficiality is changed into profundity and weakness is trained to be staunchness.  Profited from that, it is really “big profit with a small capital”.  Sliding and Climbing Basically, there are two possible behaviors in one’s life: sliding and climbing. At the first sight, one may feel sliding is easy, whereas, climbing difficult. In fact, the opposite is true. People sliding will feel tired very soon. Therefore, they will withdraw from the stage of life very early. It’s hard to imagine one can slide till the age of 80.  However, one can climb till the age of 90. Moreover, he will still appear energetic and vigorous.  The Beggar and the Rich When I put some money in a beggar’s bowl, a good-intentioned man came up and said to me:“99percent of beggars in Tai Bei are sham. Be careful he will indulge in dissipation with the money.”  I replied: “There is no sham beggar so long as he acted to be. He became a beggar mentally the moment he reached out to beg. A beggar mentally is still a beggar even if he is healthy and wealthy. He deserves more sympathy and charity.” In the same way, a poor man will become rich if he is mentally rich



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