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4.试题(1)模拟试卷8套 2014-06-0821:0 《翻译》模拟试卷一 III 总分 值 得分 I. Put the following sentences into Chinese.(20%) 1. Translation is the expression in one language (or target language) of what has been expressed in another, source language preserving semantic and stylistic equivalences -Dubois 2. The boat sailed along the main channel, which stretched 13 km, between beautiful hills a steep as if cut apart with a sword and covered with green trees and colorful flowers. ompetitiveness frightened his opponents, but his graciousness made him an Ameri can andce 3. Jordanis widely regarded as the sport s greatest player His athleticism and fier international icon 4. On one of those sober and rather melancholy days, in the latter part of Autumn, when the shadows of morning and evening almost mingle together, and throw a gloom over the decline of the year, I passed several hours in rambling about the Westminster abbey. II. Put the following sentences into English.(20%) 1.中美双方同意通过一项加快清洁能源项目建设及适当转让相关技术的倡议,来加强在能源和环境领域的合 2.中国政府动员大专院校、科研院所在贫困地区积极推广农业先进实用技术,组织科技人员到贫地区挂职任 教,宣传普及农业技术 3.龙船节是苗族人民最盛大的节日。节日期间,家家户户酿米酒,包粽粑,走亲访友,宴请宾朋。 4.黄山位于安徽省南部,是国家重点风景名胜区。自古以来,无数游客被她的美丽和奇观所吸引,人称“天下 名景集黄山”,“黄山归来不看岳”。 III. Put the following passageinto English. Translate only the under lined part. (30%) 70年代以来,美国华人社会发生了重大的变化。最显著的是许多来自大陆的中国人不断涌入美国,使美国华人 的人数猛增。随着华人人口的迅猛增加和华族素质的明显提高,华人经济日趋繁荣。据悉,自1986年起,美国华人 经济已跃居全美少数民族之首,遥遥领先于日裔、韩裔等其他后裔。美国华人家庭的年均收入已超过美国白人家 庭。目前,一批华人企业家在美国经济界享有一定声望。更可喜的是,近年来美国冒出一批知名华裔科技人才。他 们的科技成就引起了国际科技界的注意和钦佩。同时华人的政治地位明显提高,涉足美国政界的人越来越多。 (美国华人 the american citizens of chinesedescent) IV. Put the followingpassage into Chinese.(30%) But owing to the constantpresence of air currents, arranging both the dust and vapor in strata ofvarying extent and density, and of high or low clouds which both absorb andreflect the light ir varying degree, we see produced all those wondrouscombinations of tints and those gorgeous ever-

4.试题 (1)模拟试卷 8套 2014-06-08 21:07 《翻译》模拟试卷一 题型   I   II   III   IV   总分   分值   20   20   30   30   100   得分   I. Put the following sentences into Chinese. (20%)   1. Translation is the expression in one language (or target language) of what has been expressed in another, source language preserving semantic and stylistic equivalences.   ——Dubois   2. The boat sailed along the main channel, which stretched13 km, between beautiful hills as steep as if cut apart with a sword and covered with green trees and colorful flowers.   3.Jordanis widely regarded as the sport’s greatest player. His athleticism and fierce competitiveness frightened his opponents, but his graciousness made him an American and international icon.   4. On one of those sober and rather melancholy days, in the latter part of Autumn, when the shadows of morning and evening almost mingle together, and throw a gloom over the decline of the year, I passed several hours in rambling about the Westminster Abbey.   II. Put the following sentences into English. (20%)   1.中美双方同意通过一项加快清洁能源项目建设及适当转让相关技术的倡议,来加强在能源和环境领域的合 作。  2.中国政府动员大专院校、科研院所在贫困地区积极推广农业先进实用技术,组织科技人员到贫地区挂职任 教,宣传普及农业技术。  3.龙船节是苗族人民最盛大的节日。节日期间,家家户户酿米酒,包粽粑,走亲访友,宴请宾朋。  4.黄山位于安徽省南部,是国家重点风景名胜区。自古以来,无数游客被她的美丽和奇观所吸引,人称“天下 名景集黄山”,“黄山归来不看岳”。  III. Put the following passageinto English. Translate only the underlined part. (30%)  70年代以来,美国华人社会发生了重大的变化。最显著的是许多来自大陆的中国人不断涌入美国,使美国华人 的人数猛增。随着华人人口的迅猛增加和华族素质的明显提高,华人经济日趋繁荣。据悉,自1986年起,美国华人 经济已跃居全美少数民族之首,遥遥领先于日裔、韩裔等其他后裔。美国华人家庭的年均收入已超过美国白人家 庭。目前,一批华人企业家在美国经济界享有一定声望。更可喜的是,近年来美国冒出一批知名华裔科技人才。他 们的科技成就引起了国际科技界的注意和钦佩。同时华人的政治地位明显提高,涉足美国政界的人越来越多。  (美国华人 the American citizens of Chinesedescent)  IV. Put the followingpassage into Chinese. (30%)  But owing to the constantpresence of air currents, arranging both the dust and vapor in strata ofvarying extent and density, and of high or low clouds which both absorb andreflect the light in varying degree, we see produced all those wondrouscombinations of tints and those gorgeous ever-

changing colors which are aconstant source of admiration and delight to all who have the advantage of anuninterrupted view to the west and who are accustomed to watch for those notintrequenr e exhibitions of natures kaleidoscopic color painting. With everychange in the altitude of the sun the di splay changes its character, and mostof all when it has sunk below the horizon, and owing te the more favorableangle a larger quantity of the colored light is reflected toward us. These, aslong as the sun was above the horizon, intercepted much of the light and color; but when the great luminary has passed away from our direct vision, its lightshines more directly on the under sides of all the clouds and air strata ofdifferent densities ( stratum, strata层) 《翻译》模拟试卷二 题型 II 分 份值 得分 I. Put thefollowing sentences into Chinese. (20%) Translatingconsisting in producing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalentof the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in termsof style. Nida atTaber 2. Chicago and New York are famous for their tall buildings. California cannot be. Itsbuildings have to be famous for their beauty or their historical importance. California is earthquake country. 3. Jordan is reported to be the celebrity with whom most American children feel mos comfortable, and American adults once placed him fifth on a list of all-time"most respectednews-makers. swarms of short-stay tourists landing at Heathrow ordisembarking at Dove, B 4. For very manyyears London has been a business center with hotel acce visiting businessmen together with other well-to-do travelers and completelyinadequate for the II. Put thefollowing sentences into English. (20%) 1.中美两国经济互补性很强,长期以来,两国在许多领域开展了富有成效的合作,这符合中美国两国人民的利 益 2.徐霞客每到一处都注意考察山川形势、地质、水文、物产民俗等,用日记的形式中以记录……后人辑为《徐 霞客游记》 3.通过申办和举办奥运会,加快实施北京市的环保规划,进一步改善环境质量,完善城市基础设施建设,提高 人民生活水平,促进城市可持续发展 4.黄狮寨为张家界胜景的荟萃之地。在那里可尽览由奇峰怪石、溪流林海、珍禽异兽、云天日出等共同构成的 神话般的奇妙世界 III. Put thefollowing passage into English. Translate only the underlined part. (30%) 太湖明珠无锡,位于江苏省的南部,地处美丽富饶的长江三角洲的中心地带。这里物产丰富,气候温和,温差 不大,雨量偏少,大多数时候阳光灿烂,万里晴空,是全年适合的旅游胜地。适宜的气候,尤其是优美的自然风景 使她成为国家重点风景旅游城市而闻名世界。与万里长城齐名的古京杭大运河纵贯市区。泛舟河上,能领略水乡的

changing colors which are aconstant source of admiration and delight to all who have the advantage of anuninterrupted view to the west and who are accustomed to watch for those notinfrequent exhibitions of nature’s kaleidoscopic color painting. With everychange in the altitude of the sun the display changes its character; and mostof all when it has sunk below the horizon, and owing to the more favorableangle a larger quantity of the colored light is reflected toward us. These, aslong as the sun was above the horizon, intercepted much of the light and color;but when the great luminary has passed away from our direct vision, its lightshines more directly on the under sides of all the clouds and air strata ofdifferent densities.  (stratum, strata 层)  《翻译》模拟试卷二 题型  I  II  III  IV  总分  分值  20  20  30  30  100  得分  I. Put thefollowing sentences into Chinese. (20%)  1. Translatingconsisting in producing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalentof the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in termsof style.  ——Nida atTaber  2. Chicago and New York are famous for their tall buildings. California cannot be. Itsbuildings have to be famous for their beauty or their historical importance. California is earthquake country.  3. Jordan is reported to be the celebrity with whom most American children feel mostcomfortable, and American adults once placed him fifth on a list of all-time“most respectednews-makers.”  4. For very manyyears London has been a business center with hotel accommodation mainly forvisiting businessmen together with other well-to-do travelers and completelyinadequate for the swarms of short-stay tourists landing at Heathrow ordisembarking at Dover.  II. Put thefollowing sentences into English. (20%)  1.中美两国经济互补性很强,长期以来,两国在许多领域开展了富有成效的合作,这符合中美国两国人民的利 益。  2.徐霞客每到一处都注意考察山川形势、地质、水文、物产民俗等,用日记的形式中以记录……后人辑为《徐 霞客游记》。  3.通过申办和举办奥运会,加快实施北京市的环保规划,进一步改善环境质量,完善城市基础设施建设,提高 人民生活水平,促进城市可持续发展。  4.黄狮寨为张家界胜景的荟萃之地。在那里可尽览由奇峰怪石、溪流林海、珍禽异兽、云天日出等共同构成的 神话般的奇妙世界。  III. Put thefollowing passage into English. Translate only the underlined part. (30%)  太湖明珠无锡,位于江苏省的南部,地处美丽富饶的长江三角洲的中心地带。这里物产丰富,气候温和,温差 不大,雨量偏少,大多数时候阳光灿烂,万里晴空,是全年适合的旅游胜地。适宜的气候,尤其是优美的自然风景 使她成为国家重点风景旅游城市而闻名世界。与万里长城齐名的古京杭大运河纵贯市区。泛舟河上,能领略水乡的

民俗风情。距市区七公里的太湖梅梁景区是太湖风景之精华。碧波成顷,鱼帆点点,湖光山色令人陶醉。其中的鼋 头渚,巨石状如鼋头,远眺烟波浩瀚的太湖,被诗人郭沫若誉为“太湖佳绝处。 IV. Put thefollowing passage into Chinese. (30%) Of the intrinsicdifferences that separate American from English the chief have their roots inthe bvious disparity between the environment and traditions of the americanpeople since the seventeenth century and those of the english. The latter havelived under a relatively stable social order and it has impressed upon theirsouls their characteristic respect for what is cus tomary and of good report. Until the World War brought chaos to most of their institutions, their wholelives were regulated, perhaps more than those of any other people save the Spaniards, by a regard for precedent. The Americans, though partly of the sameblood, have felt no such restrain, and acquired no such habit of conformity. Onthe contrary, they have plunged to the other extreme for the conditions oflife in their country have put a high value upon the precisely oppositequalities of curiosity and daring, and so they acquired that character ofrestlessness, that impatience of forms, that disdain of the dead hand, whichnow broadly marks them 《翻译》模拟试卷三 总分 得分 I. Put the following sentencesinto Chinese.(20%) Earthquakes do not stop thebuilding industry in California, but they do make architects work a littleharder The buildings they design have to look good and stand up in anearthquake. 2. My mother, Jane LamptonClemens, died in her 88th year, a mighty age for one who at 40 was so delicateof body as to be accounted a confirmed invalid to pass soon away. But theinvalid- is formidable adversary for disease 3. The UN's International Pane lon Climate Change called on governments to step up efforts to curb globalwarming by reducing emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, whichare produced by burning fossil fuels 4. The Washington NationalCathedral is open to all people for many religious events throughout the year, and also holds many religious services, family activities, weddings, funerals, concerts and educational progr for children II. Put the following sentencesinto English.(20%) 1.黄山位于安徽省南部,是国家重点风景名胜区。自古以来,无数游客被她的美丽和奇观所吸引,人称“天下 名景集黄山”,“黄山归来不看岳” 2.为进一步增加贫困地区反贫困的能力,中国政府专项安排科技扶贫资金,用于优良品种和先进实用技术的引 进、试验、示范、推广,以及科技培训等 3.历史证明,只有恪守一个中国政策和中美三个联合公报的原则,排除干扰,妥善处理台湾问题,中美关系才 能健康、稳定地向前发展 4.中国将一如既往,与其他国家合作,为保护我们的生存环境,为人类的幸福和繁荣,为造福下一代而奋 斗

民俗风情。距市区七公里的太湖梅梁景区是太湖风景之精华。碧波成顷,鱼帆点点,湖光山色令人陶醉。其中的鼋 头渚,巨石状如鼋头,远眺烟波浩瀚的太湖,被诗人郭沫若誉为“太湖佳绝处。”  IV. Put thefollowing passage into Chinese. (30%)  Of the intrinsicdifferences that separate American from English the chief have their roots inthe obvious disparity between the environment and traditions of the Americanpeople since the seventeenth century and those of the English. The latter havelived under a relatively stable social order, and it has impressed upon theirsouls their characteristic respect for what is customary and of good report.Until the World War brought chaos to most of their institutions, their wholelives were regulated, perhaps more than those of any other people save theSpaniards, by a regard for precedent. The Americans, though partly of the sameblood, have felt no such restrain, and acquired no such habit of conformity. Onthe contrary, they have plunged to the other extreme, for the conditions oflife in their country have put a high value upon the precisely oppositequalities of curiosity and daring, and so they acquired that character ofrestlessness, that impatience of forms, that disdain of the dead hand, whichnow broadly marks them.  《翻译》模拟试卷三 题型  Ⅰ  Ⅱ  Ⅲ  Ⅳ  总分  分值  20  20  30  30  100  得分  I. Put the following sentencesinto Chinese. (20%)  1. Earthquakes do not stop thebuilding industry in California, but they do make architects work a littleharder. The buildings they design have to look good and stand up in anearthquake.  2. My mother, Jane LamptonClemens, died in her 88th year, a mighty age for one who at 40 was so delicateof body as to be accounted a confirmed invalid to pass soon away. But theinvalid… is a formidable adversary for disease.  3. The UN’s International Panelon Climate Change called on governments to step up efforts to curb globalwarming by reducing emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, whichare produced by burning fossil fuels.  4. The Washington NationalCathedral is open to all people for many religious events throughout the year,and also holds many religious services, family activities, weddings, funerals,concerts and educational programs for children.  II. Put the following sentencesinto English. (20%)  1.黄山位于安徽省南部,是国家重点风景名胜区。自古以来,无数游客被她的美丽和奇观所吸引,人称“天下 名景集黄山”,“黄山归来不看岳”。  2.为进一步增加贫困地区反贫困的能力,中国政府专项安排科技扶贫资金,用于优良品种和先进实用技术的引 进、试验、示范、推广,以及科技培训等。  3.历史证明,只有恪守一个中国政策和中美三个联合公报的原则,排除干扰,妥善处理台湾问题,中美关系才 能健康、稳定地向前发展。  4.中国将一如既往,与其他国家合作,为保护我们的生存环境,为人类的幸福和繁荣,为造福下一代而奋 斗

III. Put the following passageinto English. Translate only the underlined part.(30%) 徐霞客一生周游考察了十六个省,足迹几乎遍及全国。他在考察的过程中,从不盲目迷信书本上的结论,从不 把权威看作是真理的唯一基础。他发现前人研究的地理记载中有许多不很可靠的地方。为了进行真实细致的考察, 他很少乘车坐船,几乎全靠双脚翻山越岭,长途跋涉:为了弄淸大自然的真相,他总是挑选道路艰险的山区、人迹 稀少的森林进行考察,发现了许多奇山秀景;他常常选择不同的时间和季节,多次重游各地名山,反复观察变换的 奇景。他不仅善于观察,观察的精确、耐心、客观、而且对观察的结果锲而不舍地进行思考。 Put the following passageinto Chinese. (30%) Jack London Life itself led Jack London tore ject this approach in his writing. He knew what it meant to be one of thedisinherited, to be chained to the deadening routine of the machine and tosou l-des troying labor for an insufficient reward. Consequently he swept asidenot only the literature that pretended hat ours is a society of sweetness andlight, but also that which contended that the inculcation of the spirit ofChristian fellowship would put an end to class controversy. He did not opposelabor organization nor balk at the strike as a weapon of labor; rather he tookhis heroes and heroines from the labor movement and wove his plots within theirstruggles. He poured into his writings all the pain of his life, the fiercehatred of the bourgeoisie that it had produced in him, and the conviction ithad brought to him that world could be made a better place to live in if theexploited would rise up and take the management of society out of the hands ofthe exploiters. 《翻译》模拟试卷四 总分 分值 20 0 30 100 I. Put the following sentencesinto Chinese.(20%) 1. The slightest hint ofdisagreement, from anyone, on the most trivial point, was enough to set him offon a harangue that might last for hours 2. From between the arcades, the eye glanced up to a bit of blue sky or a passing cloud, and beheld thesun-gilt pinnacles of the abbey towering into the azure heaven 3. Greater Panamas population is 695, 000, accounting for more than one-third the countrys total. Situated ona lithologic peninsula at an average altitude of 36m, the city faces the sea with hills for a background. It has a humid and hot climate. 4. I have a special regard andpersonal friend ship for the people of China, in which I never experiencedanything other than the utmost courtesy and genuine friendship of your people. II. Put the following sentencesinto English. (20%) 1.我们友好合作关系的领域十分广泛,已涉及我们国家生活的方方面面,如工业、农业、商业、文化、卫生 教育,以及科技交流等领域。 2.徐霞客自幼“特好奇书,侈博古今史籍,及舆地志、山海图经,以及一切冲举高蹈之迹 3.国民经济总体运行良好,改革和发展的各项目标基本实现。市场价格总水平下降。劳动就业工作有所加强 国际收支平衡,人民币汇率稳定

III. Put the following passageinto English. Translate only the underlined part. (30%)  徐霞客一生周游考察了十六个省,足迹几乎遍及全国。他在考察的过程中,从不盲目迷信书本上的结论,从不 把权威看作是真理的唯一基础。他发现前人研究的地理记载中有许多不很可靠的地方。为了进行真实细致的考察, 他很少乘车坐船,几乎全靠双脚翻山越岭,长途跋涉;为了弄清大自然的真相,他总是挑选道路艰险的山区、人迹 稀少的森林进行考察,发现了许多奇山秀景;他常常选择不同的时间和季节,多次重游各地名山,反复观察变换的 奇景。他不仅善于观察,观察的精确、耐心、客观、而且对观察的结果锲而不舍地进行思考。  IV. Put the following passageinto Chinese. (30%)  Jack London  Life itself led Jack London toreject this approach in his writing. He knew what it meant to be one of thedisinherited, to be chained to the deadening routine of the machine and tosoul-destroying labor for an insufficient reward. Consequently he swept asidenot only the literature that pretended that ours is a society of sweetness andlight, but also that which contended that the inculcation of the spirit ofChristian fellowship would put an end to class controversy. He did not opposelabor organization nor balk at the strike as a weapon of labor; rather, he tookhis heroes and heroines from the labor movement and wove his plots within theirstruggles. He poured into his writings all the pain of his life, the fiercehatred of the bourgeoisie that it had produced in him, and the conviction ithad brought to him that world could be made a better place to live in if theexploited would rise up and take the management of society out of the hands ofthe exploiters.  《翻译》模拟试卷四 题型  Ⅰ  Ⅱ  Ⅲ  Ⅳ  总分  分值  20  20  30  30  100  得分  I. Put the following sentencesinto Chinese. (20%)  1. The slightest hint ofdisagreement, from anyone, on the most trivial point, was enough to set him offon a harangue that might last for hours.  2. From between the arcades,the eye glanced up to a bit of blue sky or a passing cloud, and beheld thesun-gilt pinnacles of the abbey towering into the azure heaven.  3. Greater Panama’s population is 695,000, accounting for more than one-third the country’s total. Situated ona lithologic peninsula at an average altitude of 36m, the city faces the sea with hills for a background. It has a humid and hot climate.  4. I have a special regard andpersonal friend ship for the people of China, in which I never experiencedanything other than the utmost courtesy and genuine friendship of your people.  II. Put the following sentencesinto English. (20%)  1.我们友好合作关系的领域十分广泛,已涉及我们国家生活的方方面面,如工业、农业、商业、文化、卫生、 教育,以及科技交流等领域。  2.徐霞客自幼“特好奇书,侈博古今史籍,及舆地志、山海图经,以及一切冲举高蹈之迹。  3.国民经济总体运行良好,改革和发展的各项目标基本实现。市场价格总水平下降。劳动就业工作有所加强。 国际收支平衡,人民币汇率稳定

4.黄山狮子峰好像是上苍的杰作,有“天然图画”、“面面受奇”的石刻,有“说也不信,到者方知”的名 联,有“不到狮子峰,不见黄山踪”的评语 III. Put the following passageinto English. Translate only the underlined 北京大学 北京大学的前身是燕京大学,它是一所贵族学校。按理说,学生在政治上应该是保守的,但是当时日军侵占华 北而内战依然不断。在全国危机日益加深的情况下,激进主义思潮开始在校园蔓延。到了1935年,燕京大学竟成为 学生抗议运动的策源地,由此爆发了全国抗日战争。就在这时,美国作家爱德加·斯诺来到燕京大学任教。在燕大 他呆了近两年,接触了中国近代青年,了解了中国大学生的思想。自那后,燕京大学这所外国教会学校发生了很大 的变化,它逐渐变成了完全由中国人自己掌握的学校。今天在北京大学的未名湖畔到处可以听到新一代大学生的欢 声笑语。 IV. Put the following passage intoChinese.(30%) Problem with Educational System There are 39 universities andcolleges offering degree courses in Geography, but I have never seen any goodjobs for Geography graduates advertised. Or am i alone in suspecting that theywill return to teach Geography to another set of students, who in turn willteach more Geograph undergraduates? Only ten universities currently offerdegree courses in Aeronautical engineering which perhaps is just as well, inview of the speed with which the aircraft industry has been dispensing withexcess personnel. On the other hand, hospital casualty departments throughout the ountry are having to close down because of the lack of doctors. Thereason? University medical schools can only find places for half of those whoapply It seems to me that time is ripe for the Department of Employment an theDepartment of education to get together with the universities and produce arevised educational system that will make a more economic use of the wealth oftalent application and industry currently being wasted on diplomas and degreesthat no one wants to know about 《翻译》模拟试卷五 题型 总分 分值 100 得分 I. Put thefollowing sentences into Chinese. (20%) 1. Most hote lsare expensive-beyond the means of the young teacher or secretary from aboard Thestudent on holiday fares worst and often finds his accommodation under theunreliable night sky 2. Jordan is widely regarded as the sports greatest player. His athleticism and fiercecompetitiveness frightened his opponents, but his graciousness made him anAmerican and international icon 3. Our publicinterest depends on private character, on civic duty and family bonds and asicfairness, on uncounted, unhonored acts of decency which give direction to ourfreedom. 4. We don' t have to await thearrival of human genetic engineering to foresee a time when will be able toenhance intelligence, memory, emotional sensitivity, as well as manipulatebehavior in a host of other ways II. Put thefollowing sentences into English.(20%)

4.黄山狮子峰好像是上苍的杰作,有“天然图画”、“面面受奇”的石刻,有“说也不信,到者方知”的名 联,有“不到狮子峰,不见黄山踪”的评语。  III. Put the following passageinto English. Translate only the underlined part. (30%)  北京大学 北京大学的前身是燕京大学,它是一所贵族学校。按理说,学生在政治上应该是保守的,但是当时日军侵占华 北而内战依然不断。在全国危机日益加深的情况下,激进主义思潮开始在校园蔓延。到了1935年,燕京大学竟成为 学生抗议运动的策源地,由此爆发了全国抗日战争。就在这时,美国作家爱德加·斯诺来到燕京大学任教。在燕大 他呆了近两年,接触了中国近代青年,了解了中国大学生的思想。自那后,燕京大学这所外国教会学校发生了很大 的变化,它逐渐变成了完全由中国人自己掌握的学校。今天在北京大学的未名湖畔到处可以听到新一代大学生的欢 声笑语。  IV. Put the following passage intoChinese. (30%)  Problem with Educational System  There are 39 universities andcolleges offering degree courses in Geography, but I have never seen any goodjobs for Geography graduates advertised. Or am I alone in suspecting that theywill return to teach Geography to another set of students, who in turn willteach more Geography undergraduates? Only ten universities currently offerdegree courses in Aeronautical Engineering, which perhaps is just as well, inview of the speed with which the aircraft industry has been dispensing withexcess personnel. On the other hand , hospital casualty departments throughoutthe country are having to close down because of the lack of doctors. Thereason? University medical schools can only find places for half of those whoapply. It seems to me that time is ripe for the Department of Employment an theDepartment of Education to get together with the universities and produce arevised educational system that will make a more economic use of the wealth oftalent, application and industry currently being wasted on diplomas and degreesthat no one wants to know about.  《翻译》模拟试卷五 题型  Ⅰ  Ⅱ  Ⅲ  Ⅳ  总分  分值  20  20  30  30  100  得分  I. Put thefollowing sentences into Chinese. (20%)  1. Most hotelsare expensive—beyond the means of the young teacher or secretary from aboard. Thestudent on holiday fares worst and often finds his accommodation under theunreliable night sky.  2. Jordan is widely regarded as the sport’s greatest player. His athleticism and fiercecompetitiveness frightened his opponents, but his graciousness made him anAmerican and international icon.  3. Our publicinterest depends on private character, on civic duty and family bonds and basicfairness, on uncounted, unhonored acts of decency which give direction to ourfreedom.  4. We don’t have to await thearrival of human genetic engineering to foresee a time when we will be able toenhance intelligence, memory, emotional sensitivity, as well as manipulatebehavior in a host of other ways.  II. Put thefollowing sentences into English. (20%)

1.在这个信息时代,世界已缩小为一个地球村,我们彼此之间无需冲突,我们之间的关系是一种友好合作、平 等互利 相处的关系 2.中美两国重申就广泛的环境问题进行合作的重要性。双方认为,开发并有效利用能源、保护全球环境、促进 有益于环境增长和发展是一个重大的挑战。 3.张家界位于湖南大庸、桑植、慈利三县交界的地方。在那里可尽览由奇峰怪石、溪流林海、珍禽异兽、云天 日出等共同构成的神话般的奇妙世界。 4.在巴拿马,有一座世界闻名的“水桥”,那就是巴拿马运河。去年暑假,我跟着爸爸妈妈去巴拿马运河游览 观光,至今还记忆犹新 III. Put thefollowing passage into English. Translate only the underlined part. (30% 香港 香港坐落在中国南端的一个弹丸小岛上。在日趋全球化的经济中,香港正起着一个非常重要的角色。由于香港 的战略位置,面向国际的商业氛围,和优越的通讯条件,使她成为世界贸易的活动中心和亚太地区的神经中枢。香 港已和世界上170个国家和地区的公司有商业往来,与亚洲其他国家和地区的贸易大幅度增长。香港的集装箱港口 是世界上最繁忙的,而且还在进一步扩建。虽然香港开始成为世界金融中心还是最近二十年的事,但现在海外贷款 已占到香港银行提供的总贷款的一半以上。当这颗东方明珠重新回到中国的掌上时,中国人民眼中的香港未来比过 去任何时候都更加光明灿烂。 Put thefollowing passage into Chinese. (30%) Extraterrestriallife Hand in handwith the recent spectacular advances in radio technology, there has been adramatic increase in the scientific and public respectability of the entiresubject of extraterrestrial life. A clear sign of the new attitude is theviking missions to mars, which are to a significant extent dedicated to thesearch for life on another planet. but along with the burgeoning dedication toa serious search, a slightly negative note has emerged which is neverthelessvery interesting. A few scientists have lately asked a curious question ifextraterrestrial intelligence is abundant, why have we not already seen itsmanifestations? Think of the advances by our own technological civilization inthe past ten thousand years and imagine such advances continued over millionsor years more advanced then ours, why have they notproduced artifacts, del: sare millions or billions of billions of years more If only a tiny fraction of advanced civilization pollution of such magnitude thatwe would have detected it? 《翻译》模拟试卷六 题型 总分 份值 100 得分 I. Put thefollowing sentences into Chinese.(20%) 1. The Britishmay have been a nation of shopkeepers but they are coming late to the businessof tourism .. Now, somewhat to their bewi lderment, they are having to act ashosts to a vast throng of guests. 2. The boatsailed along the main channel, which stretched 13 km between hills as steep as if cut apart with a sword and covered with green trees and colorful flowers

1.在这个信息时代,世界已缩小为一个地球村,我们彼此之间无需冲突,我们之间的关系是一种友好合作、平 等互利、和睦相处的关系。  2.中美两国重申就广泛的环境问题进行合作的重要性。双方认为,开发并有效利用能源、保护全球环境、促进 有益于环境增长和发展是一个重大的挑战。  3.张家界位于湖南大庸、桑植、慈利三县交界的地方。在那里可尽览由奇峰怪石、溪流林海、珍禽异兽、云天 日出等共同构成的神话般的奇妙世界。  4.在巴拿马,有一座世界闻名的“水桥”,那就是巴拿马运河。去年暑假,我跟着爸爸妈妈去巴拿马运河游览 观光,至今还记忆犹新。  III. Put thefollowing passage into English. Translate only the underlined part. (30%)  香港  香港坐落在中国南端的一个弹丸小岛上。在日趋全球化的经济中,香港正起着一个非常重要的角色。由于香港 的战略位置,面向国际的商业氛围,和优越的通讯条件,使她成为世界贸易的活动中心和亚太地区的神经中枢。香 港已和世界上170个国家和地区的公司有商业往来,与亚洲其他国家和地区的贸易大幅度增长。香港的集装箱港口 是世界上最繁忙的,而且还在进一步扩建。虽然香港开始成为世界金融中心还是最近二十年的事,但现在海外贷款 已占到香港银行提供的总贷款的一半以上。当这颗东方明珠重新回到中国的掌上时,中国人民眼中的香港未来比过 去任何时候都更加光明灿烂。  IV. Put thefollowing passage into Chinese. (30%)  ExtraterrestrialLife  Hand in handwith the recent spectacular advances in radio technology, there has been adramatic increase in the scientific and public respectability of the entiresubject of extraterrestrial life. A clear sign of the new attitude is theViking missions to Mars, which are to a significant extent dedicated to thesearch for life on another planet. But along with the burgeoning dedication toa serious search, a slightly negative note has emerged which is neverthelessvery interesting. A few scientists have lately asked a curious question: ifextraterrestrial intelligence is abundant, why have we not already seen itsmanifestations? Think of the advances by our own technological civilization inthe past ten thousand years and imagine such advances continued over millionsor billions of years more. If only a tiny fraction of advanced civilizationsare millions or billions of years more advanced then ours, why have they notproduced artifacts, devices or even industrial pollution of such magnitude thatwe would have detected it?  《翻译》模拟试卷六 题型  Ⅰ  Ⅱ  Ⅲ  Ⅳ  总分  分值  20  20  30  30  100  得分  I. Put thefollowing sentences into Chinese. (20%)  1. The Britishmay have been a nation of shopkeepers but they are coming late to the businessof tourism.…Now, somewhat to their bewilderment, they are having to act ashosts to a vast throng of guests.  2. The boatsailed along the main channel, which stretched 13 km between hills as steep as if cut apart with a sword and covered with green trees and colorful flowers

3. Jordan quickly became a multi-millionaire, thanks to lucrative product endorsement dealssuch as his nike promotion As his fortune grew he put money back into thecommunity, creating a foundation… 4. Let thePacific tide roll peacefully on, carrying a two-way flow of people and ideasthat can break down barriers of suspicion and mistrust, and build up bonds ofcooperation and shared optimism. II. Put thefollowing sentences into English.(20%) 1.黄山是国家重点风景名胜区,世界级地质公园。她以奇松、怪石、云海、温泉“四绝”闻名中外。 2.龙,在苗族人心目中是吉祥如意的象征。苗族人民制作的龙船,十分精巧、美观,龙身由一只母船和两只子 船捆扎而成,叫做“子母船”。 3.绿色奥运、人文奥运、科技奥运是北京申办2008年奥运会的三大主题。北京积极响应国际奥委会的号召,把 奥运会办成在环境保护方面发挥突出作用的奥林匹克盛会 4.我们的伟大祖国一一中华人民共和国—一昂首挺立于世界民族之林,愈来愈成为世界上任何人都不能忽视的 巨大力量。 III. Put thefollowing passage into English. Translate only the underlined part. (30%) 改革开放 改革开放胆子要大一些,要敢于试验。冒一定的风险是必要的。不冒点风险,办什么事情都有百分之百的把 握,万无一失,谁敢说这样的话?一开始就自以为是,认为百分之百正确,没那回事。我就从来没那么认为。每年 领导层都要总结经验,对的就要坚持,不对的就丢掉或赶快改,新问题出来抓紧解决,无论是打仗还是搞改革,都 经不起慢腾腾的决策。在很多情况下,都需要冒险试一试,然后一边前进一边改正自己的错误。恐怕再有三十年的 时间,我们才会在各方面形成一整套更加成熟、更加定型的制度。在这个制度下的方针、政策,也将更加定型 化 IV. Put thefollowing passage into Chinese.(30%) Books Since aparticular bookstore happens to resemble a supermarket anyway the inescapable, though perhaps unintended, message is that books are consumable items, meant tobe devoured and forgotten, ike potatoes or pizza. The implied inclusion ofbooks among the worlds perishable goods is hardly made more agreeable by the reflectionthat increasing numbers of books these days do seem to be written with justsuch consumption in mind, and that most bookstores have become little more thannews stands for hard cover publications of this sort, which aremerchandised for a few weeks--sometimes only as long asthey remain on the best-seller lists-and are thenretired to discount store (the jumbled graveyards of books, so saddening tothe hearts of authors) shortly before dropping out of print altogether. Booksthat are planned for rapid oblivion probably make some kind of economic senseto publishing houses, but as contribution to literature they amount to contradiction in terms 《翻译》模拟试卷七 题型 分 份值 得分

3. Jordan quickly became a multi-millionaire, thanks to lucrative product endorsement dealssuch as his Nike promotion. As his fortune grew he put money back into thecommunity, creating a foundation…  4. Let thePacific tide roll peacefully on, carrying a two-way flow of people and ideasthat can break down barriers of suspicion and mistrust, and build up bonds ofcooperation and shared optimism.  II. Put thefollowing sentences into English. (20%)  1.黄山是国家重点风景名胜区,世界级地质公园。她以奇松、怪石、云海、温泉“四绝”闻名中外。  2.龙,在苗族人心目中是吉祥如意的象征。苗族人民制作的龙船,十分精巧、美观,龙身由一只母船和两只子 船捆扎而成,叫做“子母船”。  3.绿色奥运、人文奥运、科技奥运是北京申办2008年奥运会的三大主题。北京积极响应国际奥委会的号召,把 奥运会办成在环境保护方面发挥突出作用的奥林匹克盛会。  4.我们的伟大祖国——中华人民共和国——昂首挺立于世界民族之林,愈来愈成为世界上任何人都不能忽视的 巨大力量。  III. Put thefollowing passage into English. Translate only the underlined part. (30%)  改革开放  改革开放胆子要大一些,要敢于试验。冒一定的风险是必要的。不冒点风险,办什么事情都有百分之百的把 握,万无一失,谁敢说这样的话?一开始就自以为是,认为百分之百正确,没那回事。我就从来没那么认为。每年 领导层都要总结经验,对的就要坚持,不对的就丢掉或赶快改,新问题出来抓紧解决,无论是打仗还是搞改革,都 经不起慢腾腾的决策。在很多情况下,都需要冒险试一试,然后一边前进一边改正自己的错误。恐怕再有三十年的 时间,我们才会在各方面形成一整套更加成熟、更加定型的制度。在这个制度下的方针、政策,也将更加定型 化。  IV. Put thefollowing passage into Chinese. (30%)  Books  Since aparticular bookstore happens to resemble a supermarket anyway, the inescapable,though perhaps unintended, message is that books are consumable items, meant tobe devoured and forgotten, like potatoes or pizza. The implied inclusion ofbooks among the world’s perishable goods is hardly made more agreeable by the reflectionthat increasing numbers of books these days do seem to be written with justsuch consumption in mind, and that most bookstores have become little more thannews stands for hard cover publications of this sort, which aremerchandised for a few weeks—sometimes only as long asthey remain on the best-seller lists—and are thenretired to discount store (those jumbled graveyards of books, so saddening tothe hearts of authors) shortly before dropping out of print altogether. Booksthat are planned for rapid oblivion probably make some kind of economic senseto publishing houses, but as contribution to literature they amount to acontradiction in terms.  《翻译》模拟试卷七 题型  Ⅰ  Ⅱ  Ⅲ  Ⅳ  总分  分值  15  35  15  35  100  得分

PART ONE Put the followingpassages into Chinese Passage one. (15%) New Zealandis made up of two mainislands, the North and South islands, whose landscape is notable for its varietyand particularly its mountainous nature. Both ma jor islands contain fertilelowland areas of pastoral land, large forests, many sandy beaches and short, swift-flowing rivers. Numerous lakes exist in both islands, with the ma jor South Island lakes set in beautiful mountain scenery. On the south-west coast of the South island high mountain ranges meet the ocean in a series of dramatic fiords II. Passage two (35%) Key to Successin Business Every successfulbusiness is built on superior senses--of timing, opportunity, responsibility and, not infrequently, humor. None, however, is more critical than the ability tosense the market. a senior executive s instinctivecapacity to empathize with and gain insights from customers is the single mostimportant skill he or she can use to direct technologies, product and serviceofferings ndeed, all elements of a company strategic posture. People like Bill Gates brought this ability to theenterprises they founded. Without it, their ventures might have been short-livedor at least ar less successful. But many top-level managers, particularly those at industrial companies, consider customer contact the bailiwick of salesand marketing staff. And even if they do believe that market focus is apriority, most retain only limited contact with consumers as theirorganizations grow, relying instead on subordinates'reports--second-or-third-hand information to define and sense the market for them PART TWO: Put the followingpassages into English III.(15%) 雨不停地下,泥土松软潮湿。我沿着通向小房子的路走着。沿途铺着大石板。当我踏上去时,石板摇晃,我生 怕滑倒了。两边路旁的绿草,挂满了小水珠 整个乡下沉浸在潮湿、阴郁中。我走进射出诱人灯光的房子,顿时感到一阵惬意 IV.(35%) 孙夫人 孙夫人是抗战期间中国保卫同盟主席。上海和南京失陷后,她旅居香港。同盟会成立和她在香港积极活动分不 开。作为救亡运动的领袖,她自始至终支持中国一切政党结成“统一战线”。在香港日子里她很少出头露面,但开 展了积极有效的救援游击队和八路军的活动。为缓和中国伤病员缺医少药的状况,她日日夜夜进行捐款和捐助医药 器材的工作,而自己很少有余暇时间。她那亲切和端庄的形象,那致力于中国革命的满腔热情,对中国抗日战争的 胜利产生了极大的影响,没和她一起工作过的人是很难想象的。她深受中国人民和一切为争取人类自由和进步斗争 的人们的尊敬和爱戴。 (孙夫人:Mme. Sun Yatsen) 《翻译》模拟试卷八

PART ONE:Put the followingpassages into Chinese.  I. Passage one.(15%)  New Zealandis made up of two mainislands, the North and South islands, whose landscape is notable for its varietyand particularly its mountainous nature. Both major islands contain fertileLowland areas of pastoral land, large forests, many sandy beaches and short,swift-flowing rivers. Numerous lakes exist in both islands, with the major South Island lakes set in beautiful mountain scenery. On the south-west coast of the South Island high mountain ranges meet the ocean in a series of dramatic fiords.  II. Passage two.(35%)  Key to Successin Business  Every successfulbusiness is built on superior senses—of timing, opportunity, responsibility, and,not infrequently, humor. None, however, is more critical than the ability tosense the market. A senior executive’s instinctivecapacity to empathize with and gain insights from customers is the single mostimportant skill he or she can use to direct technologies, product and serviceofferings, indeed, all elements of a company’sstrategic posture. People like Bill Gates brought this ability to theenterprises they founded. Without it, their ventures might have been short-livedor at least far less successful. But many top-level managers, particularlythose at industrial companies, consider customer contact the bailiwick of salesand marketing staff. And even if they do believe that market focus is apriority, most retain only limited contact with consumers as theirorganizations grow, relying instead on subordinates’reports—second-or-third-hand information —to define and sense the market for them.  PART TWO:Put the followingpassages into English.  III. (15%)  雨不停地下,泥土松软潮湿。我沿着通向小房子的路走着。沿途铺着大石板。当我踏上去时,石板摇晃,我生 怕滑倒了。两边路旁的绿草,挂满了小水珠。  ……  整个乡下沉浸在潮湿、阴郁中。我走进射出诱人灯光的房子,顿时感到一阵惬意。  IV. (35%)  孙夫人  孙夫人是抗战期间中国保卫同盟主席。上海和南京失陷后,她旅居香港。同盟会成立和她在香港积极活动分不 开。作为救亡运动的领袖,她自始至终支持中国一切政党结成“统一战线”。在香港日子里她很少出头露面,但开 展了积极有效的救援游击队和八路军的活动。为缓和中国伤病员缺医少药的状况,她日日夜夜进行捐款和捐助医药 器材的工作,而自己很少有余暇时间。她那亲切和端庄的形象,那致力于中国革命的满腔热情,对中国抗日战争的 胜利产生了极大的影响,没和她一起工作过的人是很难想象的。她深受中国人民和一切为争取人类自由和进步斗争 的人们的尊敬和爱戴。  (孙夫人:Mme. Sun Yatsen)  《翻译》模拟试卷八 题型  Ⅰ  Ⅱ  Ⅲ  Ⅳ  总分  分值  15  35  15  35  100

分 PART ONE: Put the following passages into Chinese. I. Passage one.(15%) Your attitude is your ownpersonal filter for everything that happens to you, around you, or within you. What takes place in this world is not as important as how you view it. Youcannot choose what will happen to you. You cannot guarantee success andhappiness for yourself. These things are out of your control. You can, however, choose how you feel about these things, about how you respond to thesesituations. With a positive attitude, you will have the ability to be happiereach and every day, make others around you happier, and live a good life. Beloware seven tips that can help you keep your positive attitude going. II. Passage two. (35%) The Principle of Evolution Since Darwin, biologists havebeen firmly convinced that nature works without plan or meaning pursuing noaim by the direct road of design. but today we see that this conviction is afatal error. Why should evolution, exactly as darwin knew it and described it, be planless and irrational? Do not aircraft design engineers work, at preciselythat point where specific calculations and plans give out, according to thesame principle of evolution, when they test the serviceability of a greatnumber of statistically determined forms in the wind tunnel, in order to choosethe one that functions best? Can we say that there is no process of naturalselection when nuclear physicists, through thousands of computer operations, try to find out which materials, in which combinations and with what structuralform, are best suited to the building of an atomic reactor? They also practiseno designed adaptation, but work by the principle of selection. But it wouldnever occur to anyone to call their method planless and irrational. PART TWO: Put the following passages into English III.(15%) 城市的繁荣 一条一条的高架在上海城市天空编织出精致的网络。一座接着一座的摩天大楼拔地而起,把天廓推向更高。在 这购物者的天堂里,商店和大商场都挤满了成群结队的游客。而西装笔挺的商人穿梭在人群里,手拿移动电话谈着 生意。 上海 上海的字面意思是“位于海之上”。它位于长江流入大海之前最后一条支流的黄埔江畔。城市的主要部分横跨 黄浦江两岸,市中心离东海岸仅15公里。1842年,一艘英国军舰潜入长江口,攻占了吴淞炮台,不发一弹就占领了 上海。从那以后上海作为国际性城市就出现在世界舞台上。英国人首先在黄埔江西岸的泥地上盖起简易的仓库,运 转货物。随后美国、德国、法国、俄国和日本的商人也来了。他们都贪图同中国人通商,以夺取中国的金银财富 于是工厂、商店、银行、夜总会、跑马场、赌场大量出现了。在不到一百年的时间里,上海就变成了外国人在中国 进行冒险,寻求浪漫生活的地方

得分  PART ONE:Put the following passages into Chinese.  I. Passage one. (15%)  Your attitude is your ownpersonal filter for everything that happens to you, around you, or within you.What takes place in this world is not as important as how you view it. Youcannot choose what will happen to you. You cannot guarantee success andhappiness for yourself. These things are out of your control. You can, however,choose how you feel about these things, about how you respond to thesesituations. With a positive attitude, you will have the ability to be happiereach and every day, make others around you happier, and live a good life. Beloware seven tips that can help you keep your positive attitude going.  II. Passage two. (35%)  The Principle of Evolution  Since Darwin, biologists havebeen firmly convinced that nature works without plan or meaning, pursuing noaim by the direct road of design. But today we see that this conviction is afatal error. Why should evolution, exactly as Darwin knew it and described it,be planless and irrational? Do not aircraft design engineers work, at preciselythat point where specific calculations and plans give out, according to thesame principle of evolution, when they test the serviceability of a greatnumber of statistically determined forms in the wind tunnel, in order to choosethe one that functions best? Can we say that there is no process of naturalselection when nuclear physicists, through thousands of computer operations,try to find out which materials, in which combinations and with what structuralform, are best suited to the building of an atomic reactor? They also practiseno designed adaptation, but work by the principle of selection. But it wouldnever occur to anyone to call their method planless and irrational.  PART TWO:Put the following passages into English.  III. (15%)  城市的繁荣  一条一条的高架在上海城市天空编织出精致的网络。一座接着一座的摩天大楼拔地而起,把天廓推向更高。在 这购物者的天堂里,商店和大商场都挤满了成群结队的游客。而西装笔挺的商人穿梭在人群里,手拿移动电话谈着 生意。  IV. (35%)  上海  上海的字面意思是“位于海之上”。它位于长江流入大海之前最后一条支流的黄埔江畔。城市的主要部分横跨 黄浦江两岸,市中心离东海岸仅15公里。1842年,一艘英国军舰潜入长江口,攻占了吴淞炮台,不发一弹就占领了 上海。从那以后上海作为国际性城市就出现在世界舞台上。英国人首先在黄埔江西岸的泥地上盖起简易的仓库,运 转货物。随后美国、德国、法国、俄国和日本的商人也来了。他们都贪图同中国人通商,以夺取中国的金银财富。 于是工厂、商店、银行、夜总会、跑马场、赌场大量出现了。在不到一百年的时间里,上海就变成了外国人在中国 进行冒险,寻求浪漫生活的地方



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