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3.综合练习(1)汉英翻译对照阅读 2014-06-0820:39 汉英翻译对照阅读 桂林山水 从桂林坐船沿漓江到阳朔,有83里水程,景色非常秀丽,碧水青峰,江山如画。冠岩,是进入阳朔县的第一胜 景。船过草坪,便可见它直立在江边,外貌很象一顶古老的紫金冠,因此称为“冠岩”。再往前行,便是画山,山 壁平削,上面青绿黄白颜色,纵横交错,呈现出一幅马图。这些马姿态各异,或坐或卧,或奔跑,或昂首长嘶,是 漓江名胜之一。碧莲峰,立于阳朔县城江岸。形如一朵含苞欲放的莲花,长年苍翠,故称碧莲峰。 TheLandscape in Guil The boat trip along the lijiang River from Guilin to Yangshuo covers waterway of 83 kilometres Sailing along the river is just like moving througha picture of limpid water and green peaks. The first scenic spot withinYangshuo is the Crown Peak. Passing by a place known as Caoping(Green Lawn you ll see it standing on the riverside. It looks like an ancient crown ofpurple gold, thus its name. Further ahead is the painted cliff. The surface ofthe cliff is so flat that it looks as if it had been cut out by an axe. On thecliff are patches of different colours green, blue, yellow and white, whichform different attitudes of horses, some of which are squatting or lying on theground some galloping or stretching their necks and neighing. This isone of the most attractive scenic spots along the lijiang river Then, standingon the river bank of Yangshuo is a peak shaped like a lotus flower just at thepoint of opening As it is green all the year round, it is called Evergreen Lotus peak 奉化千丈岩 位于雪窦寺正南的千丈岩瀑布素以壮观奇姿名闻天下,瀑布自崖顶至深潭,高达一百六十米,半壁有巨石突 出,水源来自东西两涧,即所谓“双流效奇”者。北宋王安石的《观瀑诗》,早有绘述。此绝句云:“拔地万重青 嶂立,悬空千丈素流分,共看玉女机丝挂,映日还成五色文。”若在秋冬,雨水稀薄,瀑布尤如珠簾流垂,下落数 丈,又化为水雾,飘飘洒洒如烟如纱,十分娇媚,观者无不赞叹叫绝。 The Qianzhang Cliff Waterfall at fenghua TheQianzhang Cliff Waterfall to the due south of the ancient Xuedou monastery isknown far and ide for its magnificent and marvellous shape The 160-metre-highwaterfall is derived from the east and West Gullies (which is called"twostream working wonder"), splashes on a huge protruding stone halfway and joins a deep pool below. Long, long ago Wang Anshi(1021-86) wrote a poemdescribing the fall as follows Peak upon blue peak rises from the ground, Whitesprays fall from the sky a thousand yard down Let s watch the fairy weaver spread her thread To form a multicoloured essay on the sunlight. In autumn and winter when rainfall is scarce, the waterfrall looks like apearl-embroidered screen hanging a few metres down, where it turns into a drifting mist, as soft and gauzy as clouds- what a show-stopper 杭州

3.综合练习(1)汉英翻译对照阅读 2014-06-08 20:39 汉英翻译对照阅读 桂林山水 从桂林坐船沿漓江到阳朔,有83里水程,景色非常秀丽,碧水青峰,江山如画。冠岩,是进入阳朔县的第一胜 景。船过草坪,便可见它直立在江边,外貌很象一顶古老的紫金冠,因此称为“冠岩”。再往前行,便是画山,山 壁平削,上面青绿黄白颜色,纵横交错,呈现出一幅马图。这些马姿态各异,或坐或卧,或奔跑,或昂首长嘶,是 漓江名胜之一。碧莲峰,立于阳朔县城江岸。形如一朵含苞欲放的莲花,长年苍翠,故称碧莲峰。    TheLandscape in Guilin The boat trip along the Lijiang River from Guilin to Yangshuo covers awaterway of 83 kilometres. Sailing along the river is just like moving througha picture of limpid water and green peaks. The first scenic spot withinYangshuo is the Crown Peak. Passing by a place known as Caoping(Green Lawn) ,you'll see it standing on the riverside. It looks like an ancient crown ofpurple gold, thus its name. Further ahead is the Painted Cliff. The surface ofthe cliff is so flat that it looks as if it had been cut out by an axe. On thecliff are patches of different colours: green, blue, yellow and white, whichform different attitudes of horses, some of which are squatting or lying on theground; some galloping or stretching their necks and neighing. This isone of the most attractive scenic spots along the Lijiang River. Then, standingon the river bank of Yangshuo is a peak shaped like a lotus flower just at thepoint of opening. As it is green all the year round, it is called Evergreen Lotus Peak.   奉化千丈岩 位于雪窦寺正南的千丈岩瀑布素以壮观奇姿名闻天下,瀑布自崖顶至深潭,高达一百六十米,半壁有巨石突 出,水源来自东西两涧,即所谓“双流效奇”者。北宋王安石的《观瀑诗》,早有绘述。此绝句云:“拔地万重青 嶂立,悬空千丈素流分,共看玉女机丝挂,映日还成五色文。”若在秋冬,雨水稀薄,瀑布尤如珠簾流垂,下落数 丈,又化为水雾,飘飘洒洒如烟如纱,十分娇媚,观者无不赞叹叫绝。    The Qianzhang Cliff Waterfall at Fenghua TheQianzhang Cliff Waterfall to the due south of the ancient Xuedou Monastery isknown far and wide for its magnificent and marvellous shape. The 160-metre-highwaterfall is derived from the East and West Gullies (which is called "twostreams working wonder"), splashes on a huge protruding stone halfway andjoins a deep pool below. Long, long ago Wang Anshi(1021-86) wrote a poemdescribing the fall as follows:   Peak upon blue peak rises from the ground,   Whitesprays fall from the sky a thousand yard down;   Let's watch the fairy weaver spread her thread,   To form a multicoloured essay on the sunlight.   In autumn and winter when rainfall is scarce, the waterfrall looks like apearl-embroidered screen hanging a few metres down, where it turns into a drifting mist, as soft and gauzy as clouds— what a show-stopper!   杭州

(1)四季变幻难画难诗 杭州的春天,淡妆艳抹,无不相宜:夏日荷香阵阵,沁人心脾:秋天,桂枝飘香,菊花斗艳:冬日,琼装玉 琢,俏丽媚人。西湖以变幻多姿的风韵,令人心旷神怡。 (2)两江一湖别具风光 郁郁葱葱的峰岭之间,一条碧澄的玉带逶迤而过,这是美丽的富春江,溯源而西,便是有中国“第二漓江”之 称的新安江。尽头处,有浩瀚“千岛湖”,人们来到这里,无异于回到了大自然的怀抱,能充分享受纯朴的自然灵 (3)美的山水美的艺术 美的山水孕育着美的心灵,美的心灵创造出美的艺术。历来大诗人、大文学家、大艺术家,多在杭州留下了不 朽的篇章。杭州的民间艺术更是异彩纷呈,引人瞩目。 (1) Ever-Changing Aspects of a Beauty Beyond Description Sunny or rainy, Hangzhou looks its best in spring. In summer the fragrance oflotus flowers gladdens the heart and refreshes the mind. autumn brings with itthe sweet scent of laurel flowers and chrysanthemums are in full bloom. Inwinter the snow scenery looks just like jade- carvings, harming and beautiful. The ever-changing aspects of the beauty of West Lake makes one carefree andjoyous. (2) Two Rivers and One Lake, Each with Its Unique Beauty The beautiful Fuchun River stretches itself through the green and luxurianthills like a clear reen jade ribbon travelling up the Fuchun River, one may trace its source to the Xinan River renowned as the second Li River It completes its journey in the vast expanse for the Thousand Islet Lake. In scenic spots like these, one returns to the arms of Nature, en joyingfresh air and natural beauty. (3)BeautifulScenery and Exquisite Art Beautiful scenery cultivates in one a beautiful heart, and a beautiful heart inturn creates beautiful art. Throughout the centuries, great poets, celebratedmen of letters and famous artists have left behind them immortal poems, essaysand paintings about Hangzhou. Hangzhous folk arts and handicrafts are variedand rich. With a style of their own, they hold great attraction for tourist 新加坡掀起旅游中国热潮 自从新加坡放宽到中国旅游探亲的限制后,新加坡掀起了旅游中国的热潮。新加坡不少旅行社刊登大幅广告 组织前往中国的旅游团。新加坡报纸还为此出版中国旅游特辑,介绍中国各地的旅游区和名胜古迹。据初步统计 举行中国之游的旅行社,大小多达三十家 新加坡《联合早报》不久前刊登中国旅游特辑,图文并茂地详细介绍了北京的万里长城,南京的石头城,明孝 陵,紫金山,西安的半坡村,四川的峨嵋山,安徽的黄山等旅游胜地。 新加坡报纸说,中国是世界四大文明古国之一,地大物博,拥有茂密的森林,壮丽的山河,如利剑直插云霄的 高峰,雄伟壮丽的瀑布,秀丽的湖泊及富有中华文化光辉的名胜古迹,令世界各国人民神往

(1)四季变幻难画难诗   杭州的春天,淡妆艳抹,无不相宜;夏日荷香阵阵,沁人心脾;秋天,桂枝飘香,菊花斗艳;冬日,琼装玉 琢,俏丽媚人。西湖以变幻多姿的风韵,令人心旷神怡。    (2)两江一湖别具风光    郁郁葱葱的峰岭之间,一条碧澄的玉带逶迤而过,这是美丽的富春江,溯源而西,便是有中国“第二漓江”之 称的新安江。尽头处,有浩瀚“千岛湖”,人们来到这里,无异于回到了大自然的怀抱,能充分享受纯朴的自然灵 气。    (3)美的山水美的艺术    美的山水孕育着美的心灵,美的心灵创造出美的艺术。历来大诗人、大文学家、大艺术家,多在杭州留下了不 朽的篇章。杭州的民间艺术更是异彩纷呈,引人瞩目。    Hangzhou (1)Ever-Changing Aspects of a Beauty Beyond Description   Sunny or rainy, Hangzhou looks its best in spring. In summer the fragrance oflotus flowers gladdens the heart and refreshes the mind. Autumn brings with itthe sweet scent of laurel flowers, and chrysanthemums are in full bloom. Inwinter the snow scenery looks just like jade- carvings, harming and beautiful.The ever-changing aspects of the beauty of West Lake makes one carefree andjoyous.   (2) Two Rivers and One Lake, Each with Its Unique Beauty   The beautiful Fuchun River stretches itself through the green and luxurianthills like a clear green jade ribbon. Travelling up the Fuchun River, one may trace its source to the Xinan River, renowned as "the second Li River." It completes its journey in the vast expanse for the Thousand￾Islet Lake. In scenic spots like these, one returns to the arms of Nature, enjoyingfresh air and natural beauty.   (3) BeautifulScenery and Exquisite Art   Beautiful scenery cultivates in one a beautiful heart, and a beautiful heart inturn creates beautiful art. Throughout the centuries, great poets, celebratedmen of letters and famous artists have left behind them immortal poems, essaysand paintings about Hangzhou. Hangzhou's folk arts and handicrafts are variedand rich. With a style of their own, they hold great attraction for tourists. 新加坡掀起旅游中国热潮 自从新加坡放宽到中国旅游探亲的限制后,新加坡掀起了旅游中国的热潮。新加坡不少旅行社刊登大幅广告, 组织前往中国的旅游团。新加坡报纸还为此出版中国旅游特辑,介绍中国各地的旅游区和名胜古迹。据初步统计, 举行中国之游的旅行社,大小多达三十家。    新加坡《联合早报》不久前刊登中国旅游特辑,图文并茂地详细介绍了北京的万里长城,南京的石头城,明孝 陵,紫金山,西安的半坡村,四川的峨嵋山,安徽的黄山等旅游胜地。    新加坡报纸说,中国是世界四大文明古国之一,地大物博,拥有茂密的森林,壮丽的山河,如利剑直插云霄的 高峰,雄伟壮丽的瀑布,秀丽的湖泊及富有中华文化光辉的名胜古迹,令世界各国人民神往

但是,更重要的是,中国具有五千多年的历史,遗留下无数的历史文物、珍贵宝藏、古迹、名胜、宫殿及数不 尽的雄伟建筑,令人惊叹不已。这种种原因都促使中国成为许多人梦寐以求的旅游胜地。 Chinatourismupsurging in Singapore Singapore has now relaxed restrictions on citizens going to China to tour or/and visit relatives andfriends. There follows a high tide of China tourism. Plenty of travel agenciesput up bigsize ads organizing tourist parties for China. Newspapers bring outspecials recommending touring areas in China and scenic spots and places ofhistoric interest. a rough estimate puts the number of such agencies, big andsmall, at as many as thirty. a short time ago the United Morning Post came out with a special edition ontours in China-with plenty of pictures and captionsdescribing and explaining such ma jor touring areas, scenic spots and places ofhistorical associations as the great Wall not far from Bei jing: the Rocks City, the Ming Mausoleum, the Purple golden Mountain in Nanjing: the HalfslopingVillage in Xian: Mt. Omei in Sichuan: Mt. Huangshan in Anhui: and other sight Some newspapers say: China-one of the four countriesin the world with the oldest civilization, with a vast territory and abundantresources, with dense forests and majestic rivers and mountains whose peakspierce the clouds like so many gargantuan swords, with magnificent waterfallsand beautiful lakes, with historical remains underlining her glorious past-this China does attract tourists from all parts of theworld. But, most importantly, China is possessed of a history of over five thousandyears, of innumerable historical relics left over from the long past: ofpriceless pearls and jewels, of historic sites and scenic spots, of palacesand edifices of superb architecture-all of whichare te take your breath away. So, for a variety of reasons, China is indeed a dreamland for all tourists 旅美杂记 我在美国领事馆的大厅静静地坐等近三小时,才听见叫我到五号窗口去。在那里一位年轻美国人掀开我的护 照,问:“你是一位 PROFESSOR?” “是的。”我连忙解释自己是教中国文学的,传递给他一个信息,免得他用英语与我交谈。他用流利的中国话 向我提出第一个问题,令我惊诧不已。他用探讨性的谦逊语气说:“你觉得鲁迅笔下阿Q这个人物应怎么评 价?”我愣怔之余,简短地谈了自己的看法。大意是作者创造的这个人物形象,是个不朽的典型,是具有世界意义 的典型。他微笑着点点头,总结性地说了一句。“这是人类的悲剧。”接着他向我表示,他很喜爱读一位台湾女作 家的作品,因为她的文笔很美。我表示赞同 “巴金的《家》你一定很熟悉吧?” “是的,不仅熟悉而且非常爱读这部杰出的名著。” “《红楼梦》是部伟大的作品,对吧!” “是一部了不起的巨作,我认为它是中国历史上一部最优秀的长篇小说。 他友好地望着我,幽默地说 “你很像是《家》和《红楼梦》里的人物。”我又愣怔了一会,忍不住笑了,真想问问他,我是像享尽荣华富 贵的贾母呢,还是像乡巴佬进大观园的刘姥姥呢?心想,他怎么冒出这样的一个念头。也许因为那天我穿的服装, 内着一件旗袍,外套一件白色上衣。这是上了年纪中国妇女的旧式打扮,可能太缺乏现代派的时代气息了。这类谈

但是,更重要的是,中国具有五千多年的历史,遗留下无数的历史文物、珍贵宝藏、古迹、名胜、宫殿及数不 尽的雄伟建筑,令人惊叹不已。这种种原因都促使中国成为许多人梦寐以求的旅游胜地。    ChinaTourismUpsurging in Singapore Singapore has now relaxed restrictions on citizens going to China to tour or/and visit relatives andfriends. There follows a high tide of China tourism. Plenty of travel agenciesput up bigsize ads organizing tourist parties for China. Newspapers bring outspecials recommending touring areas in China and scenic spots and places ofhistoric interest. A rough estimate puts the number of such agencies, big andsmall, at as many as thirty.   A short time ago the United Morning Post came out with a special edition ontours in China─with plenty of pictures and captionsdescribing and explaining such major touring areas, scenic spots and places ofhistorical associations as the Great Wall not far from Beijing; the Rocks City,the Ming Mausoleum, the Purple Golden Mountain in Nanjing; the HalfslopingVillage in Xian; Mt. Omei in Sichuan; Mt. Huangshan in Anhui; and other sights.   Some newspapers say: China─one of the four countriesin the world with the oldest civilization, with a vast territory and abundantresources, with dense forests and majestic rivers and mountains whose peakspierce the clouds like so many gargantuan swords, with magnificent waterfallsand beautiful lakes, with historical remains underlining her glorious past─this China does attract tourists from all parts of theworld.   But, most importantly, China is possessed of a history of over five thousandyears, of innumerable historical relics left over from the long past; ofpriceless pearls and jewels, of historic sites and scenic spots, of palacesand edifices of superb architecture─all of whichare to take your breath away. So, for a variety of reasons, China is indeed a dreamland for all tourists. 旅美杂记 我在美国领事馆的大厅静静地坐等近三小时,才听见叫我到五号窗口去。在那里一位年轻美国人掀开我的护 照,问:“你是一位PROFESSOR?”    “是的。”我连忙解释自己是教中国文学的,传递给他一个信息,免得他用英语与我交谈。他用流利的中国话 向我提出第一个问题,令我惊诧不已。他用探讨性的谦逊语气说:“你觉得鲁迅笔下阿Q这个人物应怎么评 价?”我愣怔之余,简短地谈了自己的看法。大意是作者创造的这个人物形象,是个不朽的典型,是具有世界意义 的典型。他微笑着点点头,总结性地说了一句。“这是人类的悲剧。”接着他向我表示,他很喜爱读一位台湾女作 家的作品,因为她的文笔很美。我表示赞同。   “巴金的《家》你一定很熟悉吧?”   “是的,不仅熟悉而且非常爱读这部杰出的名著。”   “《红楼梦》是部伟大的作品,对吧!”   “是一部了不起的巨作,我认为它是中国历史上一部最优秀的长篇小说。”   他友好地望着我,幽默地说:    “你很像是《家》和《红楼梦》里的人物。”我又愣怔了一会,忍不住笑了,真想问问他,我是像享尽荣华富 贵的贾母呢,还是像乡巴佬进大观园的刘姥姥呢?心想,他怎么冒出这样的一个念头。也许因为那天我穿的服装, 内着一件旗袍,外套一件白色上衣。这是上了年纪中国妇女的旧式打扮,可能太缺乏现代派的时代气息了。这类谈

话还在继续,时钟已指向中午十二时了,他这才转了话题,轻描淡写地问了问我儿子在美国的工作情况之后 说:“欢迎你到我们国家去,有机会再向你请教中国文学。 签证结束了。 我走出领事馆的大门已是最后一个,儿子在外焦急地等待着,我把谈话的内容大致向儿子转述了一下,他不禁 哈哈大笑起来。 这位老外不简单,如果他碰上一位教理工科的 PROFESSOR,他也有那么多说词吗?这位年轻人不过廿来岁,当 然还不是位学者,但他积累精神财富的欲望以及探求知识的迫切,不禁使我浮想联。 这使我沉浸于几十年的教学生涯的回忆中。我沉痛地感叹教学质量和师生的素质每况愈下的情况,特别是文科 学生,只求六十分过关,毕业后就准备“下海”,念大学仅为一纸文凭,因为它还有些利用价值 Miscellanies on My U. S. Travels I sat quietly in the hall of the U.S late for nearly 3 hours when Theard my name called at No 5 window, the voice said. A young American insidethe window opened my passport and asked Are you a professor? Ye m,"I hastened to add that i taught Chinese literature, ahint to him that I would consider him very kind not to converse with me inEnglish. He spoke in fluent Chinese and the first question he put to me quiteastonished me. In an exploratory tone he modestly asked,How do youevaluate that figure of a Q in Lu Xun's writings? I felt stupefied for amoment but soon recovered my composure and briefly talked about my viewpoint, my general idea being that the writer intended the image which he createdto be an immortal model as well as a model of world significance He smiled, nodding his head; summarily, he said This is a human tragedy. Next he indicated to me that he wasespecially fond of the works of a Taiwan woman writer, her style ofwriting was exquiste, he said. I assented to what hesaid You are no doubt very familiar with Ba Jins Family? Yes, not only familiar, but very fond of that remarkable literarywork. The Dreams of the Red Mansion is a great work, isnt it! It is a monumental work, i believe that it is one of the mostoutstanding novels in Chir na s history. He looked at me amicably and with a sense of humour, said: You look very much like a character in Family or inTheDreams of the Red Mansion .One again i was struck dumb and laughed inspite of myself. Honest! I wanted to ask him,Do I look like Grannie Jiawho lives in splendour, in high rank and in wealth, or like Grandma Liu, thebumpkin who entered the Garden of Magnificence? How could hehave thought of such an idea. It was perhaps because of the dress I put on thatday. I was dressed in a close-fitting dress with high neck and slit skirt undera white jacket, an old style dress of a Chinese woman getting on in years, lacking too much the flavour of the modern times. talks of this kind were stillcontinuing whereas the clock had already pointed to 12 o clock, mid-noon Itwas then that he changed his sub ject, and after casually asking me the workingcondition of my son in the U. S, he said Welcome you to ourcountry It would be wonderful, he continued,if I could consul tyou more on Chinese literature. The visa procedure was over!

话还在继续,时钟已指向中午十二时了,他这才转了话题,轻描淡写地问了问我儿子在美国的工作情况之后 说:“欢迎你到我们国家去,有机会再向你请教中国文学。”   签证结束了。    我走出领事馆的大门已是最后一个,儿子在外焦急地等待着,我把谈话的内容大致向儿子转述了一下,他不禁 哈哈大笑起来。    这位老外不简单,如果他碰上一位教理工科的PROFESSOR,他也有那么多说词吗?这位年轻人不过廿来岁,当 然还不是位学者,但他积累精神财富的欲望以及探求知识的迫切,不禁使我浮想联。    这使我沉浸于几十年的教学生涯的回忆中。我沉痛地感叹教学质量和师生的素质每况愈下的情况,特别是文科 学生,只求六十分过关,毕业后就准备“下海”,念大学仅为一纸文凭,因为它还有些利用价值......    Miscellanies on My U.S. Travels I sat quietly in the hall of the U.S. Consulate for nearly 3 hours when Iheard my name called; at No.5 window, the voice said. A young American insidethe window opened my passport and asked:"Are you a professor?"   "Yes, I am," I hastened to add that I taught Chinese literature, ahint to him that I would consider him very kind not to converse with me inEnglish. He spoke in fluent Chinese and the first question he put to me quiteastonished me. In an exploratory tone, he modestly asked, "How do youevaluate that figure of A Q in Lu Xun's writings?" I felt stupefied for amoment but soon recovered my composure and briefly talked about my viewpoint,my general idea being that the writer intended the image which he createdto be an immortal model as well as a model of world significance. He smiled,nodding his head; summarily, he said:   "This is a human tragedy." Next he indicated to me that he wasespecially fond of the works of a Taiwan woman writer, her style ofwriting was exquiste, he said. I assented to what hesaid.   "You are no doubt very familiar with Ba Jin's `Family'?"   "Yes, not only familiar, but very fond of that remarkable literarywork."   "The Dreams of the Red Mansion" is a great work, isn't it!"   "It is a monumental work, I believe that it is one of the mostoutstanding novels in China's history."   He looked at me amicably and with a sense of humour, said:   "You look very much like a character in `Family' or in "TheDreams of the Red Mansion." Once again I was struck dumb and laughed inspite of myself. Honest! I wanted to ask him, "Do I look like Grannie Jiawho lives in splendour, in high rank and in wealth, or like Grandma Liu, thebumpkin who entered the "Garden of Magnificence?" How could hehave thought of such an idea. It was perhaps because of the dress I put on thatday. I was dressed in a close-fitting dress with high neck and slit skirt undera white jacket, an old style dress of a Chinese woman getting on in years,lacking too much the flavour of the modern times. Talks of this kind were stillcontinuing whereas the clock had already pointed to 12 o'clock, mid-noon. Itwas then that he changed his subject, and after casually asking me the workingcondition of my son in the U.S., he said: "Welcome you to ourcountry! It would be wonderful," he continued, "if I could consultyou more on Chinese literature."   The visa procedure was over!

I wasthe last one who walked out the consulate s gate, my son waiting outside wasalready on pins and needles. i told my son briefly about our talks in theconsulate which made him burst into aughter This foreigner was certainly not as simple as he looked, were he to meeta professor of science and engineering, would he have as much to talk? The young man looked at best a little over 20 couldn t possibly be ascholar, but his thirst for knowledge and for the accumulation ofspirit wealth has caused thoughts to flash across my mind Ibecame immersed in the recollections of my teaching career in the past scoresof years. Bitterly do i lament the situation of the steadily deterioratingteaching quality and the quality of the teachers and the students. the studentsof the liberal arts articular. What they are after is no more thanthe passing mark of 60. After graduation, they are ready to go tosea, their aim in college enrolment is merely for a college certificate, because, say what you like, a college certificate still has someutilization value after all 九寨归来不看水 九寨沟景区位于四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州南坪县境内,面积η20平方公里,集湖泊、瀑布、滩流、溪涧、雪 峰、森林为一体,外加藏族风情,组合成神奇的自然风光。 景区在山沟里绵延60公里,包括108个湖泊(当地人称“海子”)。长海座落在山顶,长7公里,宽数百公尺 众多树木倒入湖中,其枯枝中的碳酸钙在阳光照射下发出不同的色彩,因而也就有了“五色湖”之美称。从长海涌 出的水流沿沟而下在各个“海子”之间形成数十个瀑布,其中要数诺日朗瀑布为九寨沟的精华部分,该景区内动植 物种群丰富,有植物2576类,有脊动物170种,飞禽140类。大熊猫、隼鹰、金丝猴等属国家一级保护动物,区内另 有4种国家二级保护动物和9种三级保护动物。 树正群海景区是美丽、迷人的九寨沟的入口处,在长达13.8公里的沟中分布着40个大小不一的“海”,占九寨 沟湖泊总数的40%。树正群海在树正沟绵延5—6公里,阳光映照着清澄湖水,碧水蓝天,群鸟鸣,芦苇舞,好 个“童话世界”。树正群海细分开来包括芦苇海、盆景滩、树正瀑、老虎海等。其中树正瀑布颇为与众不同,由一 连串大小瀑布组成,沿途溪流和彩池就在旁边,阶梯般的栈道引导着你趟山涧、越岩崖、穿丛林,别有一番滋味。 湖水,从高处倾泻而下,落到下一层的湖面上,飞花溅玉,声传十里,气势磅礴。湖岸,髙原林木深深扎根水中, 形成特殊的植物种群,堪称自然界的奇观。 Jiuzhaigou, a fairly land In Nanping County, Aba Tibetan and Qiang. Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province Jiuzhai gou Scenic Area covers an area of 720 square kilometers andcombines lakes, waterfulls shoals, streams, snow covered peaks, and forestswith Tibetan customs to present a natural wonder. It is situated in a 60-kilometer valley that includes 108 lakes. at thecrest of the mountain is Changhai lake, which is several hundred meters wideand seven kilometers long Many trees have fallen into the lake and the calciumcarbonate in their dead branches glitters in different colors under thesunlight This phenomenon has given rise to the name Five-Color Lake. The waters rushing out of Changhai Lake produce scores of waterfalls between the lakes ofthe valley. A wonderful sight is the ruorina class -one animals under state protection, another fouranimals in the area are class-two protected animals and nine are class-threeprotected animals

I wasthe last one who walked out the consulate's gate, my son waiting outside wasalready on pins and needles. I told my son briefly about our talks in theconsulate which made him burst into laughter.   This foreigner was certainly not as simple as he looked, were he to meeta professor of science and engineering, would he have as much to talk?The young man looked at best a little over 20 and couldn't possibly be ascholar, but his thirst for knowledge and for the accumulation ofspiritual wealth has caused thoughts to flash across my mind.   Ibecame immersed in the recollections of my teaching career in the past scoresof years. Bitterly do I lament the situation of the steadily deterioratingteaching quality and the quality of the teachers and the students, the studentsof the liberal arts in particular. What they are after is no more thanthe passing mark of 60. After graduation, they are ready to "go tosea," their aim in college enrolment is merely for a college certificate,because, say what you like, a college certificate still has someutilization value after all.   九寨归来不看水 九寨沟景区位于四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州南坪县境内,面积720平方公里,集湖泊、瀑布、滩流、溪涧、雪 峰、森林为一体,外加藏族风情,组合成神奇的自然风光。    景区在山沟里绵延60公里,包括108个湖泊(当地人称“海子”)。长海座落在山顶,长7公里,宽数百公尺。 众多树木倒入湖中,其枯枝中的碳酸钙在阳光照射下发出不同的色彩,因而也就有了“五色湖”之美称。从长海涌 出的水流沿沟而下在各个“海子”之间形成数十个瀑布,其中要数诺日朗瀑布为九寨沟的精华部分,该景区内动植 物种群丰富,有植物2576类,有脊动物170种,飞禽140类。大熊猫、隼鹰、金丝猴等属国家一级保护动物,区内另 有4种国家二级保护动物和9种三级保护动物。    树正群海景区是美丽、迷人的九寨沟的入口处,在长达13.8公里的沟中分布着40个大小不一的“海”,占九寨 沟湖泊总数的40%。树正群海在树正沟绵延5—6公里,阳光映照着清澄湖水,碧水蓝天,群鸟鸣,芦苇舞,好一 个“童话世界”。树正群海细分开来包括芦苇海、盆景滩、树正瀑、老虎海等。其中树正瀑布颇为与众不同,由一 连串大小瀑布组成,沿途溪流和彩池就在旁边,阶梯般的栈道引导着你趟山涧、越岩崖、穿丛林,别有一番滋味。 湖水,从高处倾泻而下,落到下一层的湖面上,飞花溅玉,声传十里,气势磅礴。湖岸,高原林木深深扎根水中, 形成特殊的植物种群,堪称自然界的奇观。    Jiuzhaigou, a fairlyland InNanping County, Aba Tibetan and Qiang. Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province, the Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area covers an area of 720 square kilometers andcombines lakes, waterfulls, shoals, streams, snow covered peaks, and forestswith Tibetan customs to present a natural wonder.   It is situated in a 60-kilometer valley that includes 108 lakes. At thecrest of the mountain is Changhai lake, which is several hundred meters wideand seven kilometers long. Many trees have fallen into the lake and the calciumcarbonate in their dead branches glitters in different colors under thesunlight.   This phenomenon has given rise to the name Five-Color Lake. The waters rushing out of Changhai Lake produce scores of waterfalls between the lakes ofthe valley. A wonderful sight is the Ruorina Waterfall. This scenic area isrich in flora and fauna and has 2,576 kinds of plants. It is also home to 170species of vertebrates and 140 kinds of birds. The giant panda, talon andgolden monkey are class-one animals under state protection, another fouranimals in the area are class-two protected animals and nine are class-threeprotected animals

The scenic spot of Shuzheng Qun Hai ( Shu Zheng Lakes) is the entrance tothe beautiful and splendid jiuzhai gou. With a total length of 13.8 kilomters, Shuzheng contains over 40 various lakes occupied 40% of the total inJiuzhaigou. Stretching along Shuzheng gully for 5 to 6 kilometers, the lakesreflect the shining sunshine, named respectively as: Luwei Hai(Reed Lake), Penjing Hai, Huohua Hai(Sparking Lake), Wolong Hai (Sleeping Dragon Lake), Shuzheng Waterfall, and Laohu Hai (Tiger Lake) etc. Blue water and clear sky, the singing birds and swaying reeds present you a wonderful vIew Amongall, Shuzheng Waterfall is totally different from the lakes mentioned above. Itis actually composed of many follow-on falls, formed by lakes flowing down fromthe stair-like valley. Waterfalls with great momentum and deafening plummet deep into the lake below. On the dykes of these lakes, kinds of plateaubushes put down their roots deeply, forming many special plant groups and marvelous natural spectacle 师说 古之学者(1)必有师。师者,所以传道(2)、受业、解惑也。人非生而知之者,孰能无惑?惑而不从师,其 为惑也,终不解矣 生乎事前,其闻道(3)也,固先乎吾,吾从而师之;生乎吾后,其闻道也,亦先乎吾,吾从而师之。吾师道 也,夫庸知(4)其年之先后生于吾乎?是故无(5)贵无贱,无长无少,道之所存,师之所存也。 嗟乎!师道(6)之不传也久矣!欲人之无惑也难矣!古之圣人,其出人(7)也远矣,犹且从师而问焉。今之 众人,其下圣人(8)也亦远矣,而耻学于师。是故(9)圣益圣,愚益愚;圣人之所以为圣,愚人之所以为愚,其 (10)皆出于此乎? 爱其字,择师而教之。于其身(11)也,则耻师焉,惑矣!彼童子之师,授之书而习其句读者也,非吾所谓传 其道解其惑者也。句读(12)之不知,惑之不解,或师焉,或不(13)焉,小学(14)而大遗,吾未见其明也。 巫(15)医乐师百工之人,不耻相师。士大夫之族(16),曰师曰弟子云者,则群聚而笑之,问这,则 曰:“彼与彼年相若(17)也,道相似也。”位插则足羞(18),官盛则近谀。鸣呼!师道之不复,可知矣!巫医 乐师百工之人,君子不齿(19)。今其智(20)乃反不能及,其可怪也欤! 圣人无常师,孔子师郯子、苌弘、师襄、老聃。郯子之徒,其贤不及孔子。孔子曰:“古代行,则必有我师 (21)。”是故弟子不必不如师,师不必贤于弟子。闻道有先后,术业有专攻(22),如是而已 李氏子蟠(23),年十七,好古文,六艺经传(24)皆通习之,不拘于时(25),学于余。余嘉其能行古道 作《师说》以贻(26)之 【注释】 (1)学者:求学的人。 (2)道:指儒家的道,即孔子、孟子所讲的以礼义治国之道。业:指儒家经典。惑:兼指道和业两方面的疑 难问题 (3)闻道:懂得道理。师之:以之为师。师道:学习道。师:学习。 (4)庸知:岂知。庸:岂,难道 (5)无:无论,不管。 (6)师道:从师学道的风

The scenic spot of Shuzheng Qun Hai (Shu Zheng Lakes) is the entrance tothe beautiful and splendid Jiuzhaigou. With a total length of 13.8 kilomters,Shuzheng contains over 40 various lakes, occupied 40% of the total inJiuzhaigou. Stretching along Shuzheng Gully for 5 to 6 kilometers, the lakesreflect the shining sunshine, named respectively as: Luwei Hai (Reed Lake),Penjing Hai, Huohua Hai (Sparking Lake), Wolong Hai (Sleeping Dragon Lake),Shuzheng Waterfall, and Laohu Hai (Tiger Lake) etc. Blue water and clear sky,the singing birds and swaying reeds present you a wonderful view.   Amongall, Shuzheng Waterfall is totally different from the lakes mentioned above. Itis actually composed of many follow-on falls, formed by lakes flowing down fromthe stair-like valley. Waterfalls with great momentum and deafening noiseplummet deep into the lake below. On the dykes of these lakes, kinds of plateaubushes put down their roots deeply, forming many special plant groups and amarvelous natural spectacle.   师说 古之学者(1)必有师。师者,所以传道(2)、受业、解惑也。人非生而知之者,孰能无惑?惑而不从师,其 为惑也,终不解矣。    生乎事前,其闻道(3)也,固先乎吾,吾从而师之;生乎吾后,其闻道也,亦先乎吾,吾从而师之。吾师道 也,夫庸知(4)其年之先后生于吾乎?是故无(5)贵无贱,无长无少,道之所存,师之所存也。    嗟乎!师道(6)之不传也久矣!欲人之无惑也难矣!古之圣人,其出人(7)也远矣,犹且从师而问焉。今之 众人,其下圣人(8)也亦远矣,而耻学于师。是故(9)圣益圣,愚益愚;圣人之所以为圣,愚人之所以为愚,其 (10)皆出于此乎?    爱其字,择师而教之。于其身(11)也,则耻师焉,惑矣!彼童子之师,授之书而习其句读者也,非吾所谓传 其道解其惑者也。句读(12)之不知,惑之不解,或师焉,或不(13)焉,小学(14)而大遗,吾未见其明也。    巫(15)医乐师百工之人,不耻相师。士大夫之族(16),曰师曰弟子云者,则群聚而笑之,问这,则 曰:“彼与彼年相若(17)也,道相似也。”位插则足羞(18),官盛则近谀。鸣呼!师道之不复,可知矣!巫医 乐师百工之人,君子不齿(19)。今其智(20)乃反不能及,其可怪也欤!    圣人无常师,孔子师郯子、苌弘、师襄、老聃。郯子之徒,其贤不及孔子。孔子曰:“古代行,则必有我师 (21)。”是故弟子不必不如师,师不必贤于弟子。闻道有先后,术业有专攻(22),如是而已。    李氏子蟠(23),年十七,好古文,六艺经传(24)皆通习之,不拘于时(25),学于余。余嘉其能行古道, 作《师说》以贻(26)之。    【注释】    (1)学者:求学的人。   (2)道:指儒家的道,即孔子、孟子所讲的以礼义治国之道。业:指儒家经典。惑:兼指道和业两方面的疑 难问题。   (3)闻道:懂得道理。师之:以之为师。师道:学习道。师:学习。   (4)庸知:岂知。庸:岂,难道。   (5)无:无论,不管。   (6)师道:从师学道的风尚

(7)出人:超出于一般人。出:超过 (8)下圣人:低于圣人。 (9)是故:因此。益:更加。 (10)其:表揣测语气的副词,“大概”的意思 (11)身:自己 (12)句读:指文字诵读。一句话完了,古人叫做“句”;句中停顿的地方,古人叫做“读”,通作“逗” (13)不:同“否” (14)小学:指习句读。大遗:指传道、解惑等大事被遗弃。遗:丢失。 (15)巫:古代从事降神招鬼等迷信职业的人。乐师:古代以歌唱、奏乐为职业的人。百工:各种工匠 (16)族:类。……云者 什么的 (17)相若:相近、相似。 (18)位插则足羞:称地位低的人(为老师),就觉得十分可耻。足:十分,官盛则近谀:称官为高的人(为 老师)就觉得近于谄媚。官盛:指官职高的人 (19)不齿:看不起,不能并列。齿:并刑。 (20)智:见识 (21)原文是“三人行,必有我师焉”(见《论语·述而》),韩愈引用时稍有改动。 (22)专政:指专门特长。攻:研究 (23)李蟠:韩愈的辫子 (24)六艺经传:六经的经文和传文。六艺六经,指《诗》、《书》、《礼》、《乐》、《易》、《春秋》。 传:解经的著作。通:全部 (25)不拘于时:不受时俗限制。时俗是当时耻于从师的不良风气 (26)贻:赠送 On the Teacher Since ancient times to learn all men must have teachers, who pass on the truthand dispel i gnorance. As men are not born wise, who can be free from ignorance ?But if ignorant men do not find teachers, they remain ignorant for ever. Someteachers may be born before me and have learned the truth before me: I shouldtherefore learn from them. Some may have been born after me, but learned thetruth before me; I should also learn from them. As I seek the truth, i need notworry whether my teacher is my senior or junior. Whether he is noble or common, elder or younger, whoever knows the truth can be a teacher Alas, since men have ceased learning from teachers it is hard not to beignorant. The old sages were far superior to common men, yet they sought thetruth from teachers. Most men of today are far below those sages, yet theythink it shameful to learn. That is why sages become more sage, while foolsbecome more foolish. No doubt this is what makes some sages and others fools

(7)出人:超出于一般人。出:超过。   (8)下圣人:低于圣人。   (9)是故:因此。益:更加。   (10)其:表揣测语气的副词,“大概”的意思。   (11)身:自己。   (12)句读:指文字诵读。一句话完了,古人叫做“句”;句中停顿的地方,古人叫做“读”,通作“逗”。 (13)不:同“否”。   (14)小学:指习句读。大遗:指传道、解惑等大事被遗弃。遗:丢失。   (15)巫:古代从事降神招鬼等迷信职业的人。乐师:古代以歌唱、奏乐为职业的人。百工:各种工匠。   (16)族:类。……云者:……什么的。   (17)相若:相近、相似。   (18)位插则足羞:称地位低的人(为老师),就觉得十分可耻。足:十分,官盛则近谀:称官为高的人(为 老师)就觉得近于谄媚。官盛:指官职高的人。   (19)不齿:看不起,不能并列。齿:并刑。   (20)智:见识。   (21)原文是“三人行,必有我师焉”(见《论语·述而》),韩愈引用时稍有改动。   (22)专政:指专门特长。攻:研究。   (23)李蟠:韩愈的辫子。   (24)六艺经传:六经的经文和传文。六艺六经,指《诗》、《书》、《礼》、《乐》、《易》、《春秋》。 传:解经的著作。通:全部。   (25)不拘于时:不受时俗限制。时俗是当时耻于从师的不良风气。   (26)贻:赠送。   On the Teacher Since ancient times to learn all men must have teachers, who pass on the truthand dispel ignorance. As men are not born wise, who can be free from ignorance?But if ignorant men do not find teachers, they remain ignorant for ever. Someteachers may be born before me and have learned the truth before me; I shouldtherefore learn from them. Some may have been born after me, but learned thetruth before me; I should also learn from them. As I seek the truth, I need notworry whether my teacher is my senior or junior. Whether he is noble or common,elder or younger, whoever knows the truth can be a teacher.   Alas, since men have ceased learning from teachers it is hard not to beignorant. The old sages were far superior to common men, yet they sought thetruth from teachers. Most men of today are far below those sages, yet theythink it shameful to learn. That is why sages become more sage, while foolsbecome more foolish. No doubt this is what makes some sages and others fools

entirely wrong. All a child's teacher can do is to givehim a book and tell him how to read ii s is a man who loves his son chooses a teacher for him but is ashamed to find onefor himself. Thi sentence by sentence. This is not theteacher I have in mind who can pass on the truth and disi ignorance. If wewant to learn to read not to dispel ignorance, we are learning the lesser andgiving up the greater, which is hardly intelligent Physicians, musicians and artisans are not ashamed to learn from eachother. But if one of the literati calls another man his teacher and himself thepupil, people will flock to laugh at him. If you ask why they will reply thatthe men are roughly equal in age and understanding If one has a ow socialstatus, it is humiliating: if one is a high official, it looks like flattery. Clearly, to learn from a teacher is old-fashioned Physicians, musicians andartisans are despised by gentlemen, yet they seem to be more intelligent. Isthis not strange? A sage hasmore than one teacher. Thus Confucius learned from Tan Zi, Chang Hong, ShiXiang and Lao Dan. Men like Tan Zi were inferior to Confucius, yet Confuciussaid: Out of three men, there must be one who can teach me. So pupils are notnecessarily inferior to their reaches, nor teachers better than their pupils. Some learn the truth earlier than others, and some have special skills- that isall Li pan is seventeen He is fond of ancient literature, and has studied the sixarts, the classi and the commentaries, not confining himself to what is invogue today He has studied with me, and as I admire his respect for the oldtraditions i am writing this essay on teachers for him

A man who loves his son chooses a teacher for him but is ashamed to find onefor himself. This is entirely wrong. All a child’s teacher can do is to givehim a book and tell him how to read it sentence by sentence. This is not theteacher I have in mind who can pass on the truth and dispel ignorance. If wewant to learn to read not to dispel ignorance, we are learning the lesser andgiving up the greater, which is hardly intelligent.   Physicians, musicians and artisans are not ashamed to learn from eachother. But if one of the literati calls another man his teacher and himself thepupil, people will flock to laugh at him. If you ask why, they will reply thatthe men are roughly equal in age and understanding. If one has a low socialstatus, it is humiliating; if one is a high official, it looks like flattery.Clearly, to learn from a teacher is old-fashioned. Physicians, musicians andartisans are despised by gentlemen, yet they seem to be more intelligent. Isthis not strange?   A sage hasmore than one teacher. Thus Confucius learned from Tan Zi, Chang Hong, ShiXiang and Lao Dan. Men like Tan Zi were inferior to Confucius, yet Confuciussaid:“ Out of three men, there must be one who can teach me.” So pupils are notnecessarily inferior to their reaches, nor teachers better than their pubpils.Some learn the truth earlier than others, and some have special skills— that isall.   Li Pan is seventeen. He is fond of ancient literature, and has studied the sixarts, the classics and the commentaries, not confining himself to what is invogue today. He has studied with me, and as I admire his respect for the oldtraditions I am writing this essay on teachers for him



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