文档格式:DOC 文档大小:141KB 文档页数:16
Section A Time-Conscious Amercans Section B Culture Shock Section C Adjustment to a New Culture
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Section A Looking to the 21st Century Section B Trends for the 21st Century Section C Lifestyles of the 21st century
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Section A The Battle Against AIDS Section B The Last Dive at the Olympics Section C International Joint Efforts Against AIDS
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Section A A Good Heart to Lean On Section B The Right Son at the Right Time Section C Love of Life
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Section A Learning a Foreign Language Section B Keys toSuccessful Online Learning Section C Teacheing Children at Home
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:497.5KB 文档页数:32
Unit Seven 1 Text 2 Situational Conversation 3 Practical Writing 4 Supplementary Reading
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Unit Five 1 Text 2 Situational Conversation 3 Practical Writing 4 Supplementary Reading
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Unit Three 1 Text 2 Situational Conversation 3 Practical Writing 4 Supplementary Reading
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:190KB 文档页数:2
1 Unit One 2 Unit Two 3 Unit Three 4 Unit Four 5 Unit Five 6 Unit Six 7 Unit Seven 8 Unit Eight 9 Unit Nine 10 Unit Ten
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:91.5KB 文档页数:15
1. Names of people ( 1) ampere [5AmpeE(r) ]n.安培-----from French physicist Ampere. (2) farad [ 5fArEd ]n.[电]法拉(电容单位)-----from British physicist Faraday
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