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上海交通大学:《计量经济学》教学资源_上机作业_第一次上机:初步认识 EViews
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第八章 单方程模型的几个问题 第九章 联立方程模型
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Classical Multiple linear regression model (CMLRM): 1. model 2. random sample
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Ch. 21 Univariate Unit Root process 1 Introduction Consider OLS estimation of a AR(1)process, Yt= pYt-1+ut where ut w ii d (0, 0), and Yo=0. The OLS estimator of p is given by and we also have
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2.1 1、Statistical or random experiment 2、Sample space or population Sample point, event 2.2 Stochastic or random variable (r. v.) 2.3 Probability 2.4 R.V. and probability density function
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第一节误设定 第二节多重共线性 第三节异方差性
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第一节时间序列分析的基本概念 第二节平稳性的检验 第三节协整
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