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Definition PROM is defined as the rupture of the chorioamniotic membrane before the onset of labor
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A prolapse is a downward or forward displacement of one of the pelvic organs from its normal location. *A variety of terms are used to describe female genital prolapse. *A cystocele is a downward displacement of the bladder. *A cystourethrocele is a cystocele that imcludes the urethra as part of the prolapsing organ complex
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INFERTILITY Infertility affects1 15% of reproductive age couples. Infertility is defined as a couple's failure to conceive following 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse. reproductive age
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2.1 Weak Interactions in Aqueous Systems 47 and titration curves, and consider how aqueous solu 2.2 lonization of Water. Weak Acids, and tions of weak acids or bases and their salts act as buffers Weak Bases 60 against pH changes in biological systems. The water 2.3 Buffering against pH Changes in Biological
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Branch of discovery science focusing on proteins In 1994 defined as the complete set of proteins that is expressed and modified following expression by the entire genome in the lifetime of a cell. If we look at an organism it means that we are looking at the proteome of 3 trillion of cells and -1000
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present on the B-cell membrane and secreted by plasma cells. Membrane-bound antibody con- fers antigenic specificity on B cells; antigen-specific prolifer- ation of B-cell clones is elicted by the interaction of membrane antibody with antigen Secreted antibodies ci culate in the blood, where they serve as the effectors of hu- moral immunity by searching out and neutralizing antigens or marking them for elimination. All antibodies share struc
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the early vaccination trials of Edward Jenner and oneering efforts, vac nce of diseases such ng cougl Vaccination with DN A Active and Passive Immunization Designing Vaccines for Active Immunization mWhole-Organism Vaccines Purified Macromolecules as Vaccines Recombinant-Vector Vaccines DNA Vaccines Multivalent Subunit Vaccines mmon usage. Experience has shown that not every vaccine
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Schumpeter: Law of Nature as a Social Science 自然法”这个题目对于所有社 会科学的起源和早期历史都具 有极为重要的意义”,这首先 是因为”自然法哲学家试图建 立一门综合性的社会科学即试 图创立一种有关社会的综合性 理论涉及社会的所有方面和所 有问题 社会科学起源于自然法概念
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According to Say's Law, Supply Creates Its Own Demand as Prices move to balance Demand with Aggregate Supply
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Corporations, Shares, and shareholder Rights People who own stock have an equity interest in the organization e f a business has shares of stock it is organized as a corporation rather than a proprietorship or a partnership The shares of some corporations are closely held, while others are publicly held The two types of stock are common stock and preferred stock
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