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一、微型机存储系统的概念和体系结构 二、存储器的分类及其特点 三、半导体存储芯片的外部特性及其与系统的连接 四、存储器管理技术 五、高速缓存的一般概念
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一、微处理器的一般结构; 二、8086微处理器的组成、引脚功能; 三、8086的内部寄存器和标志位; 四、8086的存储器组织; 五、实模式和保护模式的存储器寻址; 六、80X86系列微处理器的结构特点
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Chapter 9 The principle of ebXML 9.1 The introduction of ebXML 9.1.1 What is ebXML? ebXML is a global electronic business standard that is sponsored by UN/CEFACT(United Nations Center For Trade Facilitation And Electronic Business)and OASIS(Organization for the Advancement of Structural Information Standards). ebXML thus defines a framework for global
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Chapter 1 Introduction of Electronic commerce 1. 1 Development of Electronic Commerce(e-commerce 1.1.1 Histor Throughout history, attempts to promote new means of communication were simply means with which to increase opportunities for ease, efficiency and security. The foundations on which electronic commerce is based started 125 years ago with the use of telegraph
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信号与系统是一门重要的专业基础课。是许多专业(通信、信 息处理、自动化、计算机、系统工程)的必修课。重要性体现在两 个方面:一是我们将来从事专业技术工作的重要理论基础;二是上 述各类专业硕士研究生入学考试课程
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5.1存储系统概述 5.2内部存储器的作用及其分类 5.3半导体存储器的组成及工作原理 5.4内存的工作模式及主流技术 5.5内存的管理
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1网络技术概论 2网络的计算模式和服务类型 3开放式系统互联参考模型 4TCP/IP模型 5网络交换技术 6局域网的体系结构规范 7广域网的体系结构规范
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Chapter 4 Website design 4.1 General Design of e-Business website 4.1.1 Defining the task Once you have decided to hire [COMPANy], the first step is to define the project very carefully and very thoroughly. It is critical to put down on paper what is and isn't included for the agree-to price. We call this the\Statement of Work\and include it as part of our proposal. For us to prepare this document, we're going to have a lot of questions to ask. If you haven,'t done so
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常用控件 1.文本框 2.标签 3.命令按钮 4.列表框 5.下拉列表框 6.时钟控件 7.通用对话框控件
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