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上海交通大学:《生物与机器人学》课程教学资源_Exoskeleton for Human Performance Augmentation
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上海交通大学:《生物与机器人学》课程教学资源_Biologically Inspired Robot
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一、卡介苗的研制和使用 二、卡介苗的临床试验 三、造成卡介苗保护效力差异的主要因素 四、卡介苗对控制结核病的作用 五、分枝杆菌的DNA转移 六、分枝杆菌的载体系统 七、外源基因在BCG中的表达
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《植物生物学》阅读资料:Is eating behavior manipulated by the gastrointestinal microbiota? Evolutionary pressures and potential mechanisms
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《植物生物学》阅读材料:One hundred important questions facing plant science research
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一、免疫系统在机体发挥军队和警察的作用: 二、对外: 抵御病源微生物和异己成分; 三、对内: 清除病变、衰老细胞。 四、以上功能通过 完成
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第一节细胞质遗传的概念和特点 核基因组或染色体基因组染色体基因(核DNA
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There are many ways of cloning a disease gene, depending on what is known about the disease. We will show several typical examples in this part of the lecture
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Restriction enzymes are used for cutting DNA at precise locations Vectors are used for the propagation of cloned DNA fragments Libraries of cloned DNA fragments allow searching for a specific DNA fragment
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