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The general approach Earlier Parts have given a broad picture of the economic environment within which marine transport operates, and the mechanics of making economic calculations. Ship design links the two, i.e., the marine transport requirements must be developed into a series of feasible ship designs
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The design of a ship involves a selection of the features of form, size, proportions, and other factors which are open to choice, in combination with those features which are imposed by circumstances beyond the control of the design naval architect. Each new ship should do some
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The outside surface of a ship is the surface of a solid with curvature in two directions. The curves which express this surface are not in general given by mathematical expressions, although attempts have been made from time to time to express the surface mathematically. It is necessary
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9.1.7用形式微商判断多项式是否有重因式 定义9.10设f(x)=axn+a1x-+…+anx+an∈K[x],定义 f(x)=naxn-+(n-1)a1xn-2+…+an-∈[x] 称f(x)为f(x)的一阶形式微商
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The power required to propel a new ship is subject to a formidable number of variable items. The family tree of power for propulsion (Fig. 1) shows these divided into two main groups. One is concerned with the resistance to motion caused by the interaction of the hull of the ship with the surrounding water
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6.1字符型常量 6.1.1字符常量 √C语言中,一个字符常量代表一个 ASCII字符的字符。在程序中用一对单引号括起来的字符就是字符常量。如:a',a,',@,2,0,,都是合法的字符常量√一个字符占用一个字节
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定理如果函数(x)和g(x)满足如下条件: (1)(x)和gx)都是当x-a时的无穷小(或无穷大); (2)x)和g(x)在点a的某去心邻域内都可导且g(x)≠0; (3m/(x)存在或为无穷大
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定理1(积分上限函数的导数) 如果函数f(x)在区间[a,b]上连续,则函数(x)=f(x)dx在[a,b]上可导,并且
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Chapter 25 Magnetism 1. Magnet and Magnetic Field 2. Definition of Magnetic Field 3. Force on an Electric Charge Moving in a Magnetic Field 4. Torque on a Current Loop
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一、单项选择:(将正确的选项填入括号内,总分18分,每小题三分) 1.在图一电路中,已知u=15V,R=10Q2,R1两端能承受的最大电压为5V,求 A.B两点间至少串联一个多大的电阻才能正常工作。()
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