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Pre-reading Questions 1. Name several pollutants 2. Who causes pollution? 3. Why is pollution one of the most serious problems that man faces these days? 4. Why is the pollution problem complicated? 7. 5. How can pollution be gradually reduced? 6. When did man begin to pollute his
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Pre-reading Questions 1. What does the \Green Revolution\ refer to? 2. Why did various writers predict that there would be widespread famine? 3. Name some countries with serious food shortages. 4. What is \miracle rice\?
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abUs公共汽车站旁的候车棚 a bomb~防空洞 A·seek- for the night找个过夜的地方 In the storm we took (found)- under a tree The basic necessities of life are food Clothing and
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1. What causes today's reduced use of traditional fans? 2. Why does the author consider having no time to sit and fan oneself a big loss? 3. Where can one find elegant fans in New York City?
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Text i Christmas What do you know about ChristmaS? .3 Christmas Christmas tree Christmas card Christmas books · NicholaS saint
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Pre-reading Questions 1. What does the\Green revolution refer to? 2. Why did various writers predict that there would be widespread famine? 3. Name some countries with serious food shortages 4. What is \miracle rice?
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Questions: on the text 1:Whydoestheauthor.comparea language with a living, organism? 2.Which: language family does English belong to? 3. What: is., it\:: causes: :. the languages. within a: single language family. to become different from one another? Does this, happen to one particular. language:: in.different periods of time. too
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绪 论 1.本课程的研究对象 3.本课程的主要内容 4.本课程的目的 5.本课程的学习方法 2.本课程与其他课程的关系 第一章 制图的基本规定 一、图纸幅面和格式(GB/T 14689–1993) 二、比例(GB/T 14690–1993) 三、字体( GB/T 17450 –1998 ) 四、图线(GB/T 14691–1993) 五、尺寸标注(GB/T 4458.4–1984) 第二章 几何作图 1.绘图工具及其使用 3.圆弧连接 4.椭圆的画法 2.线段等分法、圆的等分法 5.斜度和锥度 6.平面图形的画法 第三章 正投影法与三视图 1.投影法的概念 2.三视图的形成及投影规律 3.点的投影 4.直线的投影 5.平面的投影 6.基本几何体 第四章 轴测图 1.轴测图的基本知识 2.正等轴测图及其画法 3.斜二轴测图及其画法 4.轴测草图的画法 第五章 组合体视图 §5-1 组合体的的概念及分析方法 §5-2 组合体的组合形式 §5-3 截交线 §5-4 相贯线 §5-5 组合体视图的画法 §5-6 组合体的尺寸标注 §5-7 补视图和补缺线
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人兽共患病 第一节炭疽 炭疽是由炭疽杆菌所引起的各种家畜、野生动物和人类共患的传染病。临 床上主要表现为急性、热性、败血性传染病症状。病理变化上的特点是天然 孔出血、血液凝固不良、脾脏显著肿大、皮下及浆膜下组织呈出血性胶样浸 润等败血症的变化 病原炭疽杆菌是长而直的大杆菌,长达3-10微米,宽1~1.5微米,无鞭 毛,不能运动。在动物体内的炭疽杆菌单个存在或3-5个菌体相连形成短链 ,菌体连接处如刀切状平截或微凹,很像竹节,游离端则钝圆,菌体周围有 明显的荚膜
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重点: 理论塔板、恒摩尔流、操作线方程、进料方程、回流比 难点: 操作线方程、进料方程、精馏设备 第一节 双组分溶液的气液平衡 第二节 平衡蒸馏和简单蒸馏 第三节 精馏原理和流程 第四节 两组分连续精馏的计算
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