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In going from the state space model i(t)=A.(t)+ Bu(t y(t)= Ca(t)+ Du(t) to the transfer function G(s)=C(sI -A)-B+D need to form the inverse of the matrix(sI- A)-a symbolic inverse- not easy at all For simple cases, we can use the following
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State-Space Systems What are the basic properties of a state-space model, and how do we analyze these? e Time Domain Interpretations System Modes Copyright 2001 by Jonathan How
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State-Space Systems e Ful-state feedback Control How do we change the poles of the state-space system? Or, even if we can change the pole locations Where do we change the pole locations to? How well does this approach work?
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Interpretations With noise in the system, the model is of the form =AC+ Bu+ Buw, y= Ca +U And the estimator is of the form =Ai+ Bu+L(y-9,y=Ci e Analysis: in this case: C-I=[AT+ Bu+Buw-[Ac+ Bu+L(y-gI A(-)-L(CI-Ca)+B
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State-Space Systems e Ful-state feedback Control How do we change the poles of the state-space system? Or, even if we can change the pole locations Where do we change the pole locations to? How well does this approach work?
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一、运输协议概述 二、TCP/IP体系中的运输层 三、用户数据报协议UDP 四、传输控制协议TCP
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噪声定义:人们不需要的声音。它包括杂乱无章的和影响人们工作、休息、睡眠的各种 不协调声音,甚至谈话声、脚步声、不需要的音乐声都是噪声。与人们接触时间最长、危害 最广泛、治理最因难的噪声是生活和社会活动所产生的噪声。生活噪声虽然不会对人产生生 理危害,但会使人烦噪、心神不定,干扰休息和工作
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一、现代学校目标管理的涵义 学校目标管理:指在一定时期内学校指挥决策系统提出 整体工作目标、制定方针,从上到下,再从下到上,上下 结合,反复协商,分解目标,层层落实、直到教职员工个人,落实措施,安排进度,具体实施,严格考评,取得效益,实现目标的学校内部自我控制教育、教学、科研、生 产和经营活动的全进程
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8.1连续时间系统状态方程的建立 8.2连续时间系统状态方程的求解 8.3离散时间系统状态方程的建立 8.4离散时间系统状态方程的求解 8.5状态量的线性变换 8.6系统的可控制性与可观测性
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一、解释Web控件 二、解释为什么控件是对象 三、使用控件进行文本输入 四、使用控件进行控制转移 五、使用控件进行选择 六、讨论复杂控件
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