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1.路政管理概述 2.路政管理机构和人员 3.公路路产、路权管理 4.公路超限运输管理 5.公路建筑控制区管理 6.公路“三乱”的治理 7.高速公路清障工作
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6.1飞机总体参数的多学科设计优化 6.1.1多学科设计优化的基本概念 飞机总体设计是一个复杂的系统工程,覆盖了多个学科的内容 ,例如空气动力学、结构学,推进理论,控制论等。 多学科设计优化是一种解决大型复杂工程系统设计过程中耦合 与权衡问题,同时对整个工程进行综合优化设计的有效方法
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一、定额产生与发展 二、定额在现代管理中的地位 三、我国工程建设定额在工程价格形成中的作用
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高效生物反应器的特点: (1) 传质和传热性能好; (2) 结构密封、防杂菌污染; (3) 设备简单、维修方便;(4) 生产能力高 (5) 能耗低; (6)检测控制系统完善; (7) 易放大; (8)生产安全
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Fall 2001 16.313-1 Introduction Root locus methods have Advantages k Good indicator if transient response k Explicity shows location of all closed-loop poles Trade-offs in the design are fairly clear Disadvantages k Requires a transfer function model(poles and zeros) k Difficult to infer all performance metrics k Hard to determine response to steady-state(sinusoids
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16.31 Feedback Control State-Space Systems What are state-space models? Why should we use them? and how do we develop a state-space mode( &ased in classical control design How are they related to the transfer functions What are the basic properties of a state-space model, and how do we analyze these?
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In going from the state space model i(t)=A.(t)+ Bu(t y(t)= Ca(t)+ Du(t) to the transfer function G(s)=C(sI -A)-B+D need to form the inverse of the matrix(sI- A)-a symbolic inverse- not easy at all For simple cases, we can use the following
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State-Space Systems What are the basic properties of a state-space model, and how do we analyze these? e Time Domain Interpretations System Modes Copyright 2001 by Jonathan How
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State-Space Systems e Ful-state feedback Control How do we change the poles of the state-space system? Or, even if we can change the pole locations Where do we change the pole locations to? How well does this approach work?
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Interpretations With noise in the system, the model is of the form =AC+ Bu+ Buw, y= Ca +U And the estimator is of the form =Ai+ Bu+L(y-9,y=Ci e Analysis: in this case: C-I=[AT+ Bu+Buw-[Ac+ Bu+L(y-gI A(-)-L(CI-Ca)+B
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