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1. In shortening, the relationship between the Force and Velocity is (Hill's Curve - know this!!): (T+a)(v+b) = (T0+a)b Hyperbolic Form
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Musculoskeletal Dynamics Grant Schaffner
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Early Ideas about Muscular Contraction Hippocrates thought that the tendons caused the body to move (he confused tendons with nerves, and in fact used the same word, neuron, for both)
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Principal Aim To assess the strength changes, and associated change in fracture risk, due to structural alterations in the proximal femora of astronauts experiencing long￾term weightlessness
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The Fundamental problem The Fundamental problem Bones get less dense as we age Bones get less dense as we age Old people with low density bones Old people with low density bones fracture easily fracture easily Space -flight rapidly causes bones to flight rapidly causes bones to get less dense get less dense
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Thematic Analysis: Outside Communications Receive Replacement Personnel or Visitors Receive Information F rom Outside Receive Mail or Fax From Friends or Family I Write, Fax, or Telephone t o Friends or Family
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Physiological System Neurovestibular System Fluids and Electrolytes Cardiovascular System Clinical
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Prof. Dava Newman 16.423J/HST515J Space Biomedical Engineering and Life Support Mars Reference Mission
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一. 生平与创作概况 老舍(1899-1966),原名舒庆春,字舍予,满族人。 1924年夏,老舍到英国伦敦大学东方学院任讲师。 1966年8月24日,老舍含冤跳太平湖自杀
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【題解】 本文選自中央研究院歷史語言研究所校印本《明實 錄》卷七十四《太祖實錄》,標題是編者加的。 朱元璋是憑藉淮西農民武裝集團起家的,在統一全 國的過程中,這個集團中相當多的人物上升爲國公、 列侯,迅速轉化爲全國性的大地主。他們擁有部曲、 義子和大量的奴僕,與各地衛所的軍官也有密切的聯 繫。他們的子弟和家奴往往仗勢枉法,欺壓鄉里,魚 肉百姓。爲了防止階級矛盾的激化,防止貴族與中下 級軍官的勾結,維護地主階級的整體利益,加強皇朝 中央集權的統治,洪武五年(公元1372年)六月乙巳(三 十日),朱元璋發佈了誡飭公侯的布告,鑄成鐵榜,作 爲永久的法誡
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