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Tectonic Earthquakes Most earthquakes occur at plate margins due to tension, compression or shearing forces. Rocks at plate margins are in constant motion and are being pushed, pulled, bent, twisted and folded
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There will be a brief review of chapters 7 ñ 11 at the end of this lecture. There will be no lecture on Tuesday, November 13, 2001 (Reading Days)
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Brittle deformation = the permanent change that occurs in a solid material due to the growth of fractures and/or sliding on fractures. A fracture is a surface of discontinuity (includes cracks, joints and faults). Faults result from shear stresses, and joints result from tensile stresses:
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what you always wanted to know about folds, faults, and joints Stress = the force applied to a plane divided by the area of the plane
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一、变质作用的概念 二、变质作用的影响因素 三、变质作用的主要类型 四、变质作用的基本规律 五、内动力地质作用-变质作用
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第二章地质构造 geologic structure ·地壳运动 东地中海死淘 非 -400m)亚 升降运动(造陆)在形液 水平运动(造山 世界六大板示
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本讲要点: 双轴应力状态的概念; 双轴莫尔圆及其物理意义; 有关应变的一些基本概念; 应变椭球体及其地质意义;
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在漫长的地质历史中,地球每时每刻都处在不停的运动和变化 之中,例如,地下深处高温高压的岩浆在向上运移,将深处的物质 带到地球表层,使地球表层的物质成分发生变化。地表物质在流水、 重力的作用下,由高处带到低处堆积。 由自然动力引起的使地壳或岩石圈甚至整个地球的物质组成、 内部结构和地表形态发生变化和发展的作用称为地质作用
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桥梁工程地质 桥梁组成: 1.正桥:位于河两岸桥台之间桥墩位于河中 2.引桥连接正桥与原线的建筑物可以是高路堤 3.导流建筑:护岸、护坡、导流堤等
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