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1.檐沟外排水(水落管外排水)(小型屋面) 雨水→屋面→檐沟→水落管一散水坡→地面檐沟→铅皮、预制砼 水落管→白铁皮、铸铁管。d=75~100mm,间距8~16m 2天沟外排水:利用屋面构造上所形成的天沟本身容量和坡度排泄雨水(大型屋面) 雨水→屋面一天沟→立管一地面或管道 天沟长度:40~50m,i=0.003
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Part I Vocabulary and Structure (points) Directions: This part is to test your ability to use words and phrases correctly to construct meaningful and grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections Section A(20X 1)
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Part I vocabulary and structure: 30% A: make the best choice 1. she was able to cope the difficulties she met with A in B with C. of d. to 2. Would you mind the radio? A not turn on B. not to turn on C. not turning on D. not turned on The lion is a of courage bol B sign C. mark D anima
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Part I Structure(30%) Directions: In this section, there are 20 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C and D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all
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Introduction Frequency-selective fading is a dominant impairment in mobile communications Fading reduces receive signal-to-noise ratio and degrades the bit-error-rate(BER) Frequency selectivity of the channel, i. e, delay spread, induces inter-symbol interference(ISI) To combat frequency-selective fading
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一、矢量的环量 在场矢量A(空间中,取一有向闭合 △S=i△S 路径1,则称A(沿1积分的结果称为 矢量(r)沿1的环量。即:
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Service times Poisson arrivals at rate n Service time has arbitrary distribution with given E[X] and E[X2I Service times are independent and identically distributed (ID) Independent of arrival times E[service time]=1/u Single Server queue
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一,判断切换的准则是什么? (1)按接收信号载波电平的测量值进行判断; (2)按MS的载干比(即载波功率与干扰噪声的功率比,记为C/I进行判断; (3)按MS到BS的距离进行判断
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1.找出语法错误 如果一个VI程序存在语法错误,则在面板工具条上的运行按钮会变成一 个折断的箭头,表示程序不能被执行。这时该按钮被称作错误列表。点击 它,则 LabVIEW弹出错误清单窗口,选中相应错误双击。 2.设置执行程序高亮 灯泡按钮-“高亮执行”。点击这个按钮使它变成高亮形式,再 点击运行按钮,ⅥI程序就以较慢的速度运行,没有被执行的代码灰色显示, 执行后的代码高亮显示,并显示数据流线上的数据值。这样,你就可以根据 数据的流动状态跟踪程序的执行
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字符串是ASCI字符的集合。如同其他语言一样, LabVIEW 也提供了各种处理字符串的功能,如果想获得字符串的例 子,可查看 Examples General strings.llb下面扼要介绍 些内容。 创建字符串控制对象和显示对象可以在 ControlsString & Table中看到右边所显示字符串控制对象和显示对象
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