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2004~2005学年第二学期 科目:离散数学考试试题A卷答案 一、1.A2.C3.C4.D5.a6.b7.b8.a9.c10.c 二、11.(PUQ)UO12.(\x)(x1ax1B)13.{a,b,c},{b,c,d
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8-2同余式 8.2.1有理整数环中的同余的定义 定义8.5设m是一个正整数,若a,b∈Z,且ba∈(m),亦即m(b-a),则 称b与a模m同余,记作b=a(modm)。不难得到,b与a模m同余就是它们用m做带 余除法所得的余数相同。整数模m同余为一等价关系,验证如下:
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一、选择题 (1)D) (2)A) (3)D) (4)B) (5)A) (6)D) (7)C) (8)D) (9)A) (10)C) (11)D) (12)C) (13)B) (14)A)(15)B) (16)D) (17)B) (18)A) (19)A) (20)A) (21)B) (22)C) (23)D) (24)A)
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C++的语句分类 表达式语句:有返回值的语句,如a= =b; 声明语句: 对变量、类、函数等声明,如:int a; 空语句:仅由分号组成,如: ; 函数调用语句:用于调用函数,如:sin(x); 块语句:多个语句的组合,如: {int a,b=1;a=b*2;coutb) max=a;else max=b; 说明语句:对结构、变量进行定义、描述的语句
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C++的语句分类 表达式语句:有返回值的语句,如:a==b; 声明语句:对变量、类、函数等声明,如:int a; 空语句:仅由分号组成,如: ; 函数调用语句:用于调用函数,如:sin(x); 块语句:多个语句的组合,如: {int a,b=1;a=b*2;coutb) max=a;else max=b; 说明语句:对结构、变量进行定义、描述的语句
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定义1如果两个矩阵A=[ai]和B=[b]的行数和列数分别相等,且各对应元素也相等,即a=b (i=1,2m;j=1,n),就称A和B相等,记作 A=B
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Inertial reference frames In the previous lecture, we derived an expression that related the accelerations observed using two reference frames, A and B, which are in relative motion with respect to each other. aA =aB+(aA/ B)'y'' 22 x (DA/ B) 'y'2'+ TA/B+ X TA/B). (1) Here, aA is the acceleration of particle A observed by one observer, and
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Player i is rational\;R=nieN Ri. Also, Bi(E) is the event \Player i is certain that E is true\ and B(E)=neN Bi(E). This is as in Lecture 7. Let me introduce the following notation for iterated mutual certainty: B()(E)=E B()(E)=B(B-I)(E)). Then the definition of Bk in Lecture 7 can be rewritten as Bk
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3.1-(A⊕B)⊕(C⊕D)奇偶校验器 (b)y-A+B+A+B=a+ab…或功能 3.2(a)y=ab+(+)+D= (b)y=A+AC+BC全加器 Y2=A⊕BC全加器
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1. 根据算符∇ 的微分性与矢量性 推导下列公式 A B B A B A A B A B r r r r r r r r r r ∇( ⋅ ) = × (∇ × ) + ( ⋅∇) + × (∇ × ) + ( ⋅∇) A A A A A r r r r r ( ) 2
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