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Binary-search-tree sort 7∈ b Create an empty Bst for i=i to n do trEe-INSert(,AiD) Perform an inorder tree walk of t Example:
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My mother called last week to tell me that my ack
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a weakness of hashing Problem: For any hash function h, a set of keys exists that can cause the average access time of a hash table to skyrocket An adversary can pick all keys from tkeU: h(k)=i for some slot i IDEA Choose the hash function at random independently of the keys
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1、转动惯量为I,电矩为D的平面转子处在均匀电场E中,电场是在转子运动的平面上,用微扰法求转子能量的修正值 2、转子惯量为I,电矩为D的空间转子处在均匀弱电场E中,用微扰法求转子基态能量的二级修正
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Translation(English to Chinese) 1. I was greatly impressed by its natural beauty when I took a study tour there two years ago 两年前,我在那里做过野外考查,那里的自然风光给我印象极深
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4.4.2关于特征向量与特征子空间的一些性质 命题线性变换的属于不同特征值的特征向量线性无关。 证明设A为VK上的线性变换,,2,是两两不同的特征值,(1≤i≤t)是 属于特征子空间V的特征向量,设k,k2,k,∈K,使得k5+k252+…+k5=0,两 边用A作用(i=1,2,…,-1),于是得到方程组
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Ch. 23 Cointegration 1 Introduction An important property of (1) variables is that there can be linear combinations of theses variables that are I(O). If this is so then these variables are said to be cointegrated. Suppose that we consider two variables Yt and Xt that are I(1) (For example, Yt= Yt-1+ St and Xt= Xi-1+nt.)Then, Yt and Xt are said to be cointegrated if there exists a B such
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II. Listening Skills Listening to People talk about health 1. M: I haven't been to see my doctor for a very long time. I'm worried that he'll be angry with me for not having a physical examination for so long w: Which is more important, the doctors feelings or your health? Youd better go if you want to make sure everything is all right with you. It seems that the man worries more about the doctor's feelings than his own healtl
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1范围 本方法规定了测定军火工业废水中铁(I、)络合物三氯化铁分光光度法。 本方法适用于军火工业品生产厂工厂排出口废水中铁(Ⅱ、Ⅲ)氰络合物的含量的测定。 当取样体积为25mL时,铁ⅡI、Ⅲ)氰络合物的最低检出浓度为0.4mg/L;测定浓度范围 为2~10mg/L
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1范围 本方法规定了测定军火工业废水中铁(I、氰络合物的原子吸收分光光度法。 本方法适用于军火工业品生产厂工厂排出口废水中铁(Ⅱ、)氰络合物含量的测定。 当取样体积为25mL时,铁(ⅡI、Ⅲ)氰络合物的最低检出浓度为0.5mg/L;测定浓度范围 为2~10mg/L
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