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Afterburner.AppletAce Attain Attain Enterprise Learning System. Attain Essentials Attain Objects for Dreamweaver. Authorware, Authorware Attain Authorware Interactive Studio. Authorware Star, Authorware Synergy. Backstage Backstage Designer, Backstage Desktop Studio. Backstage Enterprise Studio. Backstage Internet Studio. Design in Motion. Director Director Multimedia Studio, Doc Around the Clock. Dreamweaver, Dreamweaver Attain
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农业生态系统(agroecosystem) 是人类为满足社会需求,在一定边界内通过干预,利用生物与生物、生物与环境之间的能量和物质联系建立起来的功能整体。农业生态系统是一种被驯化了的生态系统,而生态系统又是生物与非生物组分构成的一类特殊 的系统。在这一章,先介绍系统( system)的概念,然后引出生态系统 ecosystem)和农业生态系统的概念
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WHATIS DESIGN??? A DESIGN IS PLAN FOR Manufacturing an artifact E A refrigerator or a rug Building the mean of manufacture E Afactory or a chemical plant Building a structure E A bridge or a baseball stadium Implementing an organization A hospital emergency room E A air transportation system
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Why one needs statistics for describing physical phenomena? Any measurable macroscopic property is an average over a very huge number of microscopic configurations. Time scale of thermal fluctuations and basic relaxations~fs(femto second, 10-15 second). During the time interval necessary for realizing a measurement, a macroscopic system undergoes the change of its microscopic configuration for many many times!
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1. Single equation estimation procedures Indirect least squares(ILS)(恰好识别) Two- -stage least squares(2SLS)(过度识别) 2. System estimation procedures Three-stage- least squares(sLS)(跨方程相 关) In1962 Theil and Zellner first proposed this method. 2SLS+GLS= 3SLS (gls=generalized least squares)
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1.1 Introduction Any problems about signal analyses and processing may be thought of letting signals trough systems. f(t) y(t) h(t) From f(t) and h(t), find y(t), Signal processing From f(t) and y(t), find h(t), System design From(t)andh(t), find(t), Signal reconstruction
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相律 Phase Rules Phase diagrams are extremely useful for systems with multiple components, and serve to describe physical and chemical equilibria over range of different compositions, as well as points where substances are mutually miscible, or even when a system has to be brought to a specific set of conditions for equilbrium to exist(e.g., pressure
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一名词解释(4分/题) 1氧化磷酸化系统(oridative phosphorylation system) 2.蛋白酶体(proteasome) 3.基体(basol body) 4粘着斑(adhesion plague) 5.钙粘蛋白(cadherin) 6.核孔复合体(nuclear pore complex
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中国科学院 二000年研究生入学试卷 《细胞生物学》B卷 一、名词解释(每题2分,共20分) 1.胞质溶胶(cytosol) 2.缩时显微电影技术(time lapse microcinematography) 3.内膜系统(internal membrane system) 4.核纤层(nuclear lamina) 5.微粒体(microsome) 6.管家基因(house keeping gene)
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附录FADO25常量 下列常量是由ADO预先定义的。对于脚本语言,这些常量包含在 adovbs.inc或 adojava inc 中,这些文件存放在 \\program Files\\ Common Files\\system \\ado目录中。对于ASP,既可以包含 这些文件,也可以使用一个 METADATA标记引用类型库
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