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一、概述 《环境影响评价技术导则—地面水》规定了建设项目环境影响评价的一般性 原则、方法、内容及要求。适用于厂矿企业、事业单位建设项目的环境影响评价 工作, 其它建设项目的环境影响评价工作也可参照本导则所规定的原则和方法 进行
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现代废水处理技术,按作用原理可分为物理法、化学法、物理化学法和生物 法四大类。 物理法是利用物理作用来分离废水中的悬浮物或乳浊物。常见的有格栅、筛 滤、离心、澄清、过滤、隔油等方法
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水中污染物在水中生物(主要是水中微生物)的 作用下,其性质或存在位置(状态)发生变化。其主 要过程就是水生物对水中污染物的利用过程。主要原 因是水中生物将某种(些)污染物作为自己的食物及 营养(能量)的来源,它们消耗利用了水中的这种 (些)污染物,起到了净化水质的作用
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只对水中污染物的存在位置变化产生作用,而不对其 性质变化产生作用。其主要过程(作用)包括:移流(推 流、对流)、扩散(包括紊动扩散和离散等)、沉降或再 悬浮,以上过程(及作用)常称稀释混合
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1、《固体废物污染环境防治法》的污染防治对象包括( ) A、 危险废物 B、 液态废物 C、 工业固体废物 D、 城市生活垃圾 E、 置于容器内的气态废物
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Economist.comOPINION Economics focus Stop worrying and love the deficit Nov 27th 2003 From The Economist print edition America's current-account deficit poses few dangers, says Alan Greenspan. Except to Europeans IN THE past year the United States has run up a current-account deficit of more than $500 billion. Some think that the line of credit extended by the res
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Nagging doubts about the benefits of globalisation, and a look at the evidence WHEN David Ricardo, a 19th-century economist, criticised England's protectionist corn laws, he based his argument on the notion of \comparative costs\,these days called comparative advantage The idea, in brief, is that all countries can raise their living standards through specialisation and trade. Even if one country
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From The Economist print edition Why the dollar still rules the world-and why the world should be grateful THE dollar is looking vulnerable. It is propped up not by the strength of America's exports, but by vast imports of capital. America, a country already rich in capital, has to borrow from abroad almost
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The economic emergence of a fixed exchange rate periphery in Asia has reestablished the United States as the center country in the Bretton Woods international monetary system. We argue that the normal evolution of the international monetary system involves the emergence of a periphery for which the development strategy is export-led growth supported by undervalued exchange rates
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Chapter 15: Temperature and the Ideal Gas Law了解) 1.平衡态(thermal equilibrium) 2. The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics If two systems are in thermal equilibriu with a third system, then they are in thermal equilibrium with each other. 3.系统平衡态的宏观状态参量 Equation of state, equilibrium states 4. Absolute Temperature (Kelvin scale) T=273.15+t
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